Scene 1 opens with Carrie walking up to the camp entrance with her luggage
Carrie: *pulls out her phone to check the time as she took quick strides into the camp and sighs with frustration* Great. They’re gonna be starting the orientation any minute now! *starts to run with her luggage to the sign in desk and quickly uses a pen to sign her name and date* Come on, come on, come on! *runs into the stadium to see a large group of students conversing while the camp director is seen preparing notes on the stage behind the podium*
Mr. Sylus: *stacks his notes neatly on the podium before clearing his throat*
Carrie: *quickly finds a chair in the audience and takes a seat, looking up at Mr. Sylus on the stage*
Mr. Sylus: Alrighty, settle down, students! We have a very big week ahead of us! But before y’all scurry off for your free time, I have a couple of announcements! Now as you all know, we have a show to put on this upcoming Friday night. Do not fret, because the show is going to be brief, but spectacular. We will have a few hours each day to practice for it, but tonight, auditions will be held. But before auditions, we get to have some fun!
Students: *cheer loudly*
Mr. Sylus: Alrighty, how does a giant water slide sound to you guys, huh?!
Students: *cheer louder*
My. Sylus: That’s the spirit! Go get your swimming suits on, grab your towels and sunscreen, and get in one of the camp buses! We’ve got a fun day ahead of us!
Carrie: *lays out a towel, then sits on it to sunbathe*
Tristan: *whistles at Carrie from a distance*
Carrie: Fuck off, Mr. Complicated.
Tristan: *laughs sarcastically* You’re so funny. As a matter of fact… *walks over to Carrie and stands before her* I am currently single.
Carrie: Tell that to your left hand.
Tristan: *scoffs* You’re the person I see when I think of the devil.
Carrie: Is that what you tell yourself in the mirror every morning? That you’re the devil? That would explain why you’re so horny.
Tristan: *shakes his head* I’ll get you back one day.
Carrie: Not unless I let the authorities know.
Tristan: *walks away*
Carrie: *gives a look* What a dick… *goes back to sunbathing*
Students: *laughing and talking from a distance*
Carrie: *in her head* Why did Tristan of all people have to be here? All he ever does is try to get in girls’ pants. He doesn’t try to get to know them or anything. I almost feel sorry for him.
Students: *continue to talk and have fun in distance*
Carrie: *voiceover* He hasn’t changed much since middle school. As a matter of fact, none of my friends have really changed. But I haven’t exactly changed either…
Mr. Sylus: *approaches Carrie and sits next to her* Hello… Eleanor?
Carrie: *looks at Mr. Sylus and smiles* Oh, Carrie, actually.
Mr. Sylus: Gosh darn! *scoffs and chuckles* I’m terrible with names. Forgive me. Now, I’ve been running this camp for 16 years and yet, your face doesn’t look familiar to me like most other students.
Carrie: I’ve been homeschooled most of my life and this is my first year at camp.
Mr. Sylus: Oh, okay. Homeschooled huh? What’s that like for ya?
Carrie: Oh, you know. To me, it’s pretty much the same as public school, just at home. That and you can get a bit more work done. Fewer distractions too sometimes.
Mr. Sylus: Oh, neat. When I was about your age, I didn’t have no homeschooling or anything “fancy” like that.
Carrie: *chuckles briefly* I wouldn’t call it fancy.
Mr. Sylus: Well, I’m an old man. All this new stuff is fancy to me. But anyways, every day for me it was either go to school, come home, eat dinner and sleep, or it was going to work, come home, eat dinner and sleep. The ladies did all the housework and stuff while the men went out and did the “hard” work. Though I’m sure your parents can relate.
Carrie: Probably.
Mr. Sylus: But enough about me. I’m probably boring you to death.
Carrie: Oh, no. You’re fine.
Mr. Sylus: I was wanting to ask you, what brought you to this camp?
Carrie: Well, I haven’t been much of a fan of music or singing or anything until recently when my parents told me how much of a great singer I am and that they were given a flyer for this camp and told me it’d be perfect for me.
Mr. Sylus: That’s great! I’m glad to hear that! And I’m glad that you’re here with us for the week! I’ll make sure everyone, including you, will have a great time!
Carrie: Yeah, but this guy, Tristan, was bothering me a little bit ago.
Mr. Sylus: Oh, Tristan. Tall guy? Stereotypical jock?
Carrie: That’s the one. He was trying to flirt with me and stuff.
Mr. Sylus: Oh, boy. Well, thank you for informing me of this because sexual harassment is absolutely unacceptable and it will not be tolerated. I’ll make to give Tristan a word and if he does anything like this again, please let me know.
Carrie: Thanks. I will.
Mr. Sylus: *smiles before standing up and walking away*
Carrie: *sighs briefly before she begins to overhear two people talking nearby, almost secretively*
Hank: Elle, listen to me. Everything will be okay. Your dad will be out sooner than you think.
Eleanor: That’s not what I’m worried about!
Hank: What is it then?
Eleanor: *sighs sadly* I wish I had known sooner that my dad was in this fucking business… selling people crack and stuff…
Hank: Yeah… I’m really sorry this happened. I really am.
Eleanor: Thanks. *hugs Hank tightly, but briefly* I’m glad I have someone like you to talk to.
Hank: Me too. *smiles*
Carrie: *to herself* Seems like everyone is in a relationship here. *shakes her head and scoffs* Whatever. I’m fine being lonely. *lies down, but slowly grows sadder by the minute*
Carrie: *finds a seat at one of the tables in the cafeteria by herself with her lunch, chicken, and waffles* Today just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?
Fernando: *walks up to Carrie* Hello. Mind if I sit here?
Carrie: Go ahead. *pokes her chicken with a fork*
Fernando: Feeling down because you’re lonely?
Carrie: What gave it away?
Fernando: Your… everything.
Carrie: *looks at Fernando and raises an eyebrow*
Fernando: The feeling’s mutual. Everything my dad has told me since I turned 14 has been coming true. I’ve got no masculinity, no manliness, no nothing. At least not in his eyes… or anyone else’s for that matter.
Carrie: What makes you say that?
Fernando: That d-bag over there. Big buff dude.
Carrie: *groans with frustration* That would be Tristan.
Fernando: Huh, you know him?
Carrie: I wish I didn’t. He’s a total horndog. He’s the only person here I can guarantee I know sadly.
Fernando: Oh goodness. I almost feel sorry for you.
Carrie: Gee, thanks.
Fernando: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.
Carrie: It’s okay. I’m used to it.
Fernando: *sighs sharply* Well… can I ask you something?
Carrie: Sure.
Fernando: Why exactly do you feel lonely?
Carrie: I’m still single… after like 4 fucking years of trying to find someone who actually cares.
Fernando: I’m sorry to hear that, but I mean, look at me, I’ve got no lover or anything but I ain’t lonely!
Carrie: Then you’re insane.
Fernando: Actually, I’m just a believer.
Carrie: A believer?
Fernando: In the Big Man above.
Carrie: Are you kidding me?
Fernando: He’s real. Trust me. I’ve seen what He can do.
Carrie: *inhales sharply and grins nervously* Okay then.
Fernando: *sighs sadly* I thought that’d be your reaction.
Vince: *approaches Carrie and Fernando* H-h-hey, guys.
Fernando: Sup, Vince.
Vince: *winces and holds his head as he slowly takes a seat next to Fernando* W-who are you?
Carrie: Carrie.
Vince: *reaches his hand out to Carrie mannerly but is trembling badly*
Carrie: *hesitantly takes his hand and shakes it before letting go*
Vince: I-I’m sorry. *holds his hand* Fucking tremors and stuff.
Fernando: Did you say it was hereditary or no?
Vince: Y-yeah, on my mom’s s-side.
Carrie: What is it?
Vince: Genetics at their w-worst.
Fernando: He has brain damage that affected him pretty badly.
Carrie: How did you get it?
Vince: Like I s-said… genetics. My mom had it, my g-grandma had it. That’s all I kn-know.
Carrie: Oh.
Fernando: Let’s talk about something happier. Like auditions for today.
Carrie: I don’t know if I should audition.
Fernando: I’m going to! And so is Vince!
Carrie: Really? Even with your brain damage?
Vince: W-why not? Just cause I have b-brain damage doesn’t mean I c-can’t do anything.
Fernando: He’s got a point.
Carrie: Yeah…
Mr. Sylus: Well, Ms. Kristoff, how do you think auditions went tonight?
Ms. Nancy: I thought they were wonderful! You’ve got some really talented kids here, Sylus.
Mr. Sylus: Thank you, Nancy. I couldn’t have done it for the 17th time without everyone’s support.
Ms. Nancy: You more than deserved it! You’ve put so much work into these camps for the past 17 years! This is what you’re passionate about! Of course, I’ll be supportive of it!
Mr. Sylus: Thank you, dear. I just wish my wife was as supportive as you were.
Ms. Nancy: Yeah, her and her advertising company. She could use that to help you!
Mr. Sylus: I know, she says it’s a waste of time. But, I gingerly disagree! I’ll make sure these kids put on the greatest show this town has ever seen!
Person: *walks slowly in the sanctuary with a terrifying mask on with spiked hair that’s slicked back and sharp* Fucking auditions… fucking kids and teens… fucking people chasing their hopeless dreams… *growls angrily* I’m tired of it! My parents were right about me! I’ll never live up to their expectations of becoming a performer! *sighs angrily* Now I, The Understudy, am gonna make sure everyone’s hopes and dreams are destroyed like mine were! The show must be canceled!
(The Understudy’s Undertaking starts playing)
The Understudy: Why do all of these kids show up here at these fucking camps?! Just to live up their hopeless dreams and feel like champs?! Why can’t they all just pack their bags and go back home?! Act like modern day kids, lying around and messing with their phones?! This is just fucking stupid and I don’t understand why parents waste their money on events like these! Just sign them up in school like the band or just something like that! I want them outta here, please! Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah!!!! X4
This is just fucking stupid and I don’t understand why parents waste their money on events like these! Just sign them up in school like the band or just something like that! I want them outta here, please! This is just fucking stupid and I don’t understand why parents waste their money on events like these! Just sign them up in school like the band or just something like that! I want them outta here, please!
Why do all of these kids show up here at these fucking camps?! Just to live up their hopeless dreams and feel like champs?! Why can’t they all just pack their bags and go back home?! Act like modern day kids, lying around and messing with their phones?! This is just fucking stupid and I don’t understand why parents waste their money on events like these! Just sign them up in school like the band or just something like that! I want them outta here, please! Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah!!!! X4
This is just fucking stupid and I don’t understand why parents waste their money on events like these! Just sign them up in school like the band or just something like that! I want them outta here, please! This is just fucking stupid and I don’t understand why parents waste their money on events like these! Just sign them up in school like the band or just something like that! I want them outta here, please!
(The Understudy’s Undertaking stops playing)
The Understudy: You really think I’m worthless?! Huh, mom?! Dad?! Guess what?! Time to show you what I’m truly capable of!
Scene 1 ends