Nacki’s POV:
April 3rd, 2303
They are everywhere. I saw them in and out of each house carrying bound and gagged children out, and dragging them into the newest unmarked transport. Then, they came for me. My parents didn’t fight for me, they didn’t argue against them, they just sat back and watched, as I was dragged away from home, and stuffed into a nearby transport, before being blindfolded and gagged.
Such was my state for the rest of the ride. Suddenly, I found myself being dragged off my seat, and dragged outside into the cold air, and my blindfold was torn off. Armed guards surrounded me, and I was pushed towards a massive mechanical door in the nearby cliff face with the logo of our military emblazoned on it. Surrounding me were dozens of children some around my age, and some much older. The soldiers around us pushed roughly at us, as the door opened, and we were moved inside, most of us would never see the sky again.
We were then loaded into what seemed to be a presentation room. We were all sat in a circle around a massive glowing platform. The logo appeared here again, and a deep, highly altered voice spoke out. “Welcome to your new home.” It said. “Here, you will do your duty for the greatness of our civilization. If you believe your parents will save you, do not waste your time. They have consented to everything you’re about to do.”
For the next few hours, we were called off one by one to be processed. Pictures were taken of us at every angle., a tattoo on my palm, and two ear pieces covering my ears.. Finally, they stripped my name away, and gave me a code name. “Spitfire.”, and was sent off to my long quarters. It was bare, with only two beds, and cupboards featuring two sets of plain clothes. A voice finally came over the earphones saying "Stay where you are."
The At least an hour later, a boy, around year older than me entered. In his palm was a label containing his own code name: “Nightshift.” He sat on the bed next to mine for a few minutes, before reaching his hand out to me. "My name is Rachor." He said. "I'm Nacki." The two remained in silence for a few minutes, until a voice came over the ear pieces, that said, "Come to the cafeteria please" A holographic map appeared in the door pointing us towards the cafeteria.