No Plagiarism!C5hMj9PpCZEWFZ8Cnc9Cposted on PENANA The scientist swiped his fingers across the transparent tablet while the director stood by, looking bored. "Dr. Harris, why am I here?" the director asked. "Just give me a minute," the scientist said, rushing around the room, adjusting settings on the different holo-screens. "It's the robot," he explained, looking down at his tablet. "The one I told you about." The director nodded. "Yes, I remember. You finally completed it?" Dr. Harris nodded excitedly and prressed a button on his tablet. Across the lab, a door slid open, revealing his robot. "It does look very lifelike," the director commented, "but what makes it different than any other droid?" "Thats just the thing," the scientist said. "I wanted it to be more lifelike than any other robot. Not only did I give it synthetic skin and hair to make it look like a real girl, but I also engineered these." He walked across the room and picked up a container holding small labelled jars. "Emotion cartridges," he explained as he approached the robot. "They don't necessarily give her that emotion, but rather the ability to feel that emotion. There is no way to make them quite as complex as real human emotions, but with some work, they might come close." The director took a jar from the case and studied the colored cartridge inside. "I have to say," he started, "this is more impressive than I expected." Dr. Harris nodded and opened a compartment in the robots forearm. "The cartridges can be inserted here. There is also a port where a memory stick could be plugged in to download a file directly into her head. She can easily access any file in our database." the scientist said excitedly. The director nodded slowly, studying the robot. "How are its senses, movements, fighting skills?" "She can hear and see about two times as well as any human," the scientist replied, "but no sense of smell. She needs no sort of food for sustenance and rarely needs to charge. Her movements flow just as smoothly as a humans. She is programmed with basic fighting techniques, but will be able to learn more." "I notice that you have started calling it 'she.'" Dr. Harris nodded. "Yes, well, she is just so close to human, it seems wrong to say 'it.'" "Well, she's perfect," the director replied. "The perfect weapon."