A loud cry echoed around the church as a boy with ruffled curls hurled himself down the aisle towards his lover. He ran up the dais steps, thick books clacking on the stone floor. He began to lament, pulling Juliet to him and crying over her.
“Forgive me, cousin! Ah, dear Juliet, Why art thou yet so fair? Shall I believe That unsubstantial death is amorous, And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour?” He said, tears streaking down his dusty face.
“Wow, they really wore tights,” Misty whispered, pushing back the ferns so she could watch him.
“Careful,” Ben murmured, “if you tip that over, he’ll turn and then I don’t know what to do. Dad said that there aren't reruns for classics.”
“It’ll be fine – he’s busy.”
“Why do you like this scene anyway?” Ben whispered, coming over to watch with her, “it’s depressing.”
“It’s romantic,” she breathed, “I mean, he’s so into her, you know?”
“Well… you know. They have history.”
Misty turned to glare at her brother, “what would happen if I told him she’s not dead?”
“It would rewrite the play. Change history. Upset the Literature… just, don’t.”
“He seems too young to die like this.”
“You promised you wouldn’t Misty! Remember what happened last time?”
“Oh, hardly world changing.”
“You almost completely changed Snow White! Dopey used to be so talkative… if he hadn't of saved you and gotten that brain injury he would still be Gusty.”
“Oh shush. He doesn't know any different does he?”
They turned to watch Romeo utter out a single love shaken cry, pulling out the stopper of the vile he held. He held it in trembling fingers, spilling some of it on the crushed flowers around them.
“It’s a shame, is all I’m saying.” Misty whispered, leaning closer, “people need to chill out.”
Romeo held up the vile, letting the light from the stain glass windows catch it and shine rainbow light on it.
“The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! Here’s to my love,” He crowed.
Just as he tipped the glass towards his mouth, Misty felt the ferns move a little too forward. It wobbled for a moment, before falling forward and crashing onto the wooden pews in front of it. She looked up, finding one of Shakespeare’s most famous hero’s staring right at her.
Ben stood from his crouched position and elbowed his sister. “Great! Just… AH!” He waved at Romeo, “all good m’Lord. Drink it, kiss her and enjoy heaven’s gardens.”
“Bid me, who is't thou art?” Romeo demanded, frowning with confusion when the girl dressed as a man giggled.
“Ah, just some clumsy fools.” Ben offered, “We’ll be off now. Aren’t we Misty.”
“Um, Yup. Yes… indeed?” She covered her mouth as a grin split across her face.
“Waiteth! Thee scoundrels!”
Ben kept pushing Misty towards the church doors, his eyes steely. “She’s definitely a scoundrel” He muttered.
Romeo turned back to his love, taking up the bottle. “Well, i supposeth this is how 'twill be.”
A delicate white hand grabbed his wrist, large brown eyes blinking up at him.
“What art thee doing?” A quiet, sweet voice asked, “didst thee receiveth the lett'r?”
“Oh no.” Misty whispered as the two lovers embraced, their hands traveling over faces, tracing cheekbones.
“Oh no.” Misty repeated just as she saw her brother’s face become enraged.
“NOT AGAIN!” He yelled, “you can’t ruin Shakespeare?! Dad is going to kill us!” He ran a hand down his face, “We were told just to observe! You promised not to interfere!”
He went to his backpack he had hidden behind a statue before Romeo had come in. Misty watched on anxiously, looking up to see the happy couple whispering to each other affectionately, completely absorbed by the other.
Ben pulled out a pistol with a silencer attached, standing up and glaring heatedly at his sister. “This is your fault” he said, before advancing on Romeo and Juliet.
Misty’s eyes widened, watching her brother ascend like an avenging angel on his unsuspecting victims.
“I have a feeling this will cause some kind of adaption movie.” She said, turning to walk out of the chapel doors.