After all his hard work and a mix of back-breaking labour, he had been able to save enough money to buy the new craze in 'The Federation' the 'VR-Helmet'.
Virtual reality had already been a created way before he was born but it's popularity had never reached this extent and this was so due to the rumoured new world created by the conjunction of two giants 'The Federation' and the 'Union' to form 'The Collation' for ... (Classified Information: 7). Now the whole world not caring what this information was all about all wanted to be the first to rush into this world.
This time, Enoc Debre, son of unknown parents and orphan was in euphoria as he rushed to the tech hardware store. The line there was long enough but that didn't deter him as he slid into the line.
Three hours later found him as the store's AI handed his package to him. Not wasting any time, he quickly hid the package under his clothes and walked home trying his best to look inconspicuous, after all, getting robbed was fairly common.
As he entered his apartment, he hid it in a safe place and made himself some coffee, grabbed a pen and paper. After all, planning was his 'thing'.