Depression: this is a topic I struggle with often. Therefore, I decided it should be number one in my book
Oh, heavenly father, please pull me from this darkness. It is hard to see and breathe and I desire your light so that it may disperse. Please save me from these feelings that engulf me in this darkness. I want to shine for you and spread your love. It is hard to do that when drowning in the darkness. OH God, please pull me out and thank you so much. In your sons’ merciful name, I pray, AMEN.
Oh, my merciful king. Please release me from this feeling that plagues my heart. My mind has been shrouded by these loathsome thoughts and I ask that you please calm the storm. Please help me to see the spirit and please pull me through. Thank you and it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
My merciful lord, please watch over me in this time. Please calm the storm in my heart and help me to joyfully continue forward in you precious name. Amen