I am a cat and in space. I’m currently drifting through the cosmos in search of a new hope. Well, I shouldn’t say I, rather we. Actus and Felix are here with me to search for better days. Nothing’s really here in space. It’s just everything spaced so impossibly out to give the illusion of nothing. Besides, if there’s not another habitable planet in space then everything wouldn’t be in space. Actus mainly captains the whole journey. We’ve bought insta-DNASp, the finest and best way to ensure life is able to find a way, and hope that life will find a way. Actus, as well as being our captain, also inspects the IDNASp.s in the back to ensure that things are going well. Felix is our mechanic. He’s quite nerdy and is even really annoying and pushing but he gets the job done and maintains our ships condition for the years upcoming. I am the scavenger as well as an everyman doing whatever Actus needs to tell me and so on. We’ve been able to reach a planet. I can tell it was inhabitable not for the short-term but rather for the long-term. Actus and Felix stayed behind to check on the planets minerals while I seek resources. From the digi-map, it was barren. No kind of animal can survive alone. It would take years, centuries, millennia, to terraform this red planet into something better. I gathered some red dust samples and ice particles, booked it and left the planet. What was interesting is not the planet we where in but the planet next to it. Sistyd No.45 is all relatively inhabitable until we came across the third planet nearest the star. Named S45c, this planet is an oddity. First, there where similar, more primal, cats living there. It’s like we’ve been introduced to a school documentary. “Before we became fluffy cats that walk, we where more ancient. Not fluffballs on legs rather, fluffballs that had legs.” My teacher once said something like that and it shows. They had legs and they walked but not on 2 but on 4. Second, a barrier has been kept. Actus, unkowingly, rammed the ship into the barrier and caused major damage. Felix inspected and reported that it was an easy fix however after fixing he would need to inspect the barrier and see what it's made of and whatever he finds interesting in that thing. It reminded me of something. There was a Space Treaty known to keep things in order. I never believed in the Space Treaty simply because it was always implemented in weird ways. Felix tried to see how to get through this barrier that was so advance that the feline race that mastered can travel interstellar in a span of a minute was not able to break. I read the book on the Space Treaty and, sure enough, it was there. It is labeled as a prohibited planet. Prohibited to be encountered and to encounter. I informed Actus on the prohibited planet. After getting the ship fixed, we called in Felix and moved on to S45b. Felix was now in his little cabin writing crib notes of the barrier’s properties. We stopped at the atmosphere of S45b and rested atop for awhile. Curious, Actus asked me about why such a planet should be kept locked. "Why should they not explore the distant space? Why should they not see the different spatial creatures that inhabit this vast universe? Why should they limit themselves to a blue marble?" I say that it’s the only thing they have. I mean what do I know anyway, I’m just a cat in space searching for a new hope.