BEEP! BEEP! My eyes snapped open as my all might alarm clock went off, waking me up for another day at UA. I sit up and stretched my arms, letting out a small yawn while throwing off my all might blanket. After making the bed again and getting dressed into my uniform, I walk out into the dorm corridors. At the same time, Tokoyami exits his room and walks next to me. “Oh, good morning Tokoyami!” I say, giving him a cheerful smile. He looks at me with no expression in his eyes. “Morning, Midoriya” he says in a flat voice. We walk to the elevator and I press for the ground floor. After a few seconds, the elevator ‘tings’ and we step out. Almost everyone is there, except for Aoyama, Sato and Hagakure. Or maybe she’s there, but I haven’t noticed her. Everyone is eating different kinds of cereal for breakfast, so I look at what most people are having, and decide to have that too (it turns out to be cocoa pops). I sit down with Uraraka to my left and Iida and Todoroki to my right. ‘I wonder what we’ll do today?’ I think to myself.
After a bus ride to the school entrance, we all walk in together. I talk to Uraraka and Iida while also watching Kacchan get teased. It’s so different now in high school. At least for now, I'm not the one getting teased. While I’m subconsciously looking at him, he notices me staring. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT YOU USELESS NERD!?” he screams. I slightly duck and cover my head. “Uh.. uh, nothing…I ..just… don’t kill me!” I reply. He makes his hands explode to threaten me, then turns back around. We continue walking until we reach the classroom, and then sit down after Iida yells at Kacchan for once again, having his feet on the desk. Aizawa walks in, looking like he’s never slept a day in his life. We all sit down as he stands at the podium and scans over us. “Today will be directed towards a few students who have yet to learn how to effectively cooperate. They will be paired up and put into small arenas to fight until someone gives up or is unable to move. This will show each other’s weaknesses, allowing you to be closer as individuals.” I shrink into the collar of my shirt, thinking of the only person in this classroom that I don’t get along with. Kacchan.
We start walking out of the room in a single file with Iida yelling at Kaminari to stop messing around. It's a calm day and the winds is just a little bit warm. As we continue walking, we spot a building that is completely grey and has no windows. I don't remember it being there, so it must have been built specifically for this lesson. there is a single door that seems to be painted a weird green colour. Aizawa stops and turns around to face us. "These are the arenas where you will be fighting. All might is also here to supervise, as I cannot watch all of the pairs." As he says that, the green door flies open, and All might is standing there in his hero suit. "Hello students!" he bellows, "Are you ready to learn each other’s weaknesses in order to grow closer as a class?" he asks with enthusiasm. everyone cheers. "To your left is a change room, inside are your hero costumes so change as quickly as you can and meet us back out here where we'll tell you your pairs!" he yells. we all look to the left and I’m surprised to see a small white house looking thing with a thatched roof. I don't know how we didn't see it before. we all hurry inside, eager to start the lesson. After changing, we all come outside.
Aizawa is holding a pile of paper, presumably listing the pairs. "Ok," he starts, "these will be your pairs, there is no swapping." He begins handing them out.
Yuga Aoyama - Tenya Iida
Mina Ashido - Fumikage Tokoyami
Minoru Mineta - Toru Hagakure
Tsuyu Asui - Shoto Todoroki
Ochaco Uraraka - Koji Koda
Izuku Midoriya - Katsuki Bakugo
Mashirao Ojiro - Mezo Shoji
Denki Kaminari - Kyoka Jiro
Eijiro Kirishima - Rikido Sato
Hanta Sero - Momo Yaoyorozu
Everyone looks around and we all move to stand next to our partners. When I reach Bakugo, he is fuming. "Why the hell am I always stuck with you, stupid nerd" he whispers. I cower. everyone starts filing in. when we get inside, there are ten metal doors that lead off to the arenas. each one is labelled a number, so we go inside each one, according to the number out pair was. the area inside is about as big as four of the dorms rooms, so there's not much room to try and escape. we both stand at opposite ends and face each other. Kacchan's face is now curled into a sneer, which is somehow worse than when he was angry. “Ready to get beaten to a pulp?” he asks. I try to push his comment aside, thinking up a way of how to beat him. He looks at me as if he already knows what his plan is. He’s probably just going to rush me so that I don’t have any time to think. I spot a loudspeaker in the corner, most likely that’s going to tell us when to start. I make sure my gloves are pulled all the way up and wait for the announcement. “Hello students! I am here….over speaker! I will now give you a count down!” I prepare myself, correcting my posture, ready to evade Kacchan’s right arm that is sure to swing around to try and knock me in the head. “3!” Kacchan smiles. “2!” He takes one step forward. “1!” he stands up straight and looks down at me. “GO!” My heart is racing as I ready for the swing. But it never comes. One for all is zipping through my body, covering me in green electricity, yet he doesn’t move. I stand up straight, confused. He takes four more steps towards me so that we are a meter apart. Then in an eerily calm voice, he says, “It seems like my other methods of destroying you have failed, so I’ve thought of another way,” I start thinking of what he could do, force me to give in? Insult me? No, he always does that. “Instead of breaking your bones, I’ll break your spirit.” I give him a confused look and take a step back. I power down one for all. His smile disappears. “Remember the advice I gave you in middle school?” he asks. My mind flashes back to that time when he tormented me in front of his friends. “Yes, you told me to take a swan dive off the roof.” He nods, sighing. “Then why didn’t you do it?” A moment of silence passes. “Because…because if I became a strong hero, then I would be able to save everyone, and also I have to be there for my mum” I reply. He smiles and shakes his head. “Are you really that stupid? You are the reason your mum worries. She’s probably going to have a heart attack the next time she tries to call, and you don’t pick up because you’re off being selfish.” He looks at me with such a look that I realise that what he says is true. I look down at the ground as he continues. “Aizawa sensei was right, you have no potential as a pro hero, you’ll just end up getting in the way and you’ll be the reason that people die. None of your ‘friends’ actually like you. Uraraka just needs money, you butt into Todoroki’s personal life too much and Iida is always having to stop you from doing idiotic things. If you really want to help others and save people, then you’ll take my advice. Jump off the roof. Tonight, when everyone’s asleep. Then everyone will be saved.” He turns around and walks out of the room.
I stand there for a while, thinking. I keep trying to think of reasons to why what he said isn’t true, but nothing comes. What he said is correct. I’ll just end up getting in the way. What if that happens and people die. I could be the reason that they die. What kind of hero does that make me? I have no place in this society.
I walk out of the room with my head low, silent. I don’t deserve to look at the world that I could destroy. My hero outfit suddenly feels horrible on my skin. I want to tear it off and burn it. My skin tingles. The only other pair out there is Sero and Yaoyorozu. They both look tired out but it’s pretty clear that Yaoyorozu won. Bakugo goes off to talk to Sero and Momo sits with me. “Hi Midoriya, how did it go with Bakugo?” she asks. I start to fidget with the edges of my gloves and don’t reply. “Are…are you ok?” . Once again, I stay quiet. I’m not good enough to talk to a hero. While Momo looks at me worriedly, Todoroki and Asui walk out of one of the rooms. Both of them are covered in ice and Todoroki looks confused. They walk over and sit next to me. It’s quiet. I guess the walls really are soundproof, meaning no one heard what Bakugo said to me. After a while, everyone filters out of their rooms and we all start heading back. Ochaco skips over to me, smiling. “I won, even though they put a lion in the room to help Koda!” I shouldn’t be surprised by this. “How was it with you and Bakugo? I heard you two got out first. Did you beat him that quickly? You’re such an awesome hero!” she exclaims. Hearing her say that makes me want to tear off my skin. I am no hero. I’m nothing, just like Kacchan says. I should have listened to him earlier. I shouldn’t be here, or anywhere. All I do is cause trouble for others. Ochaco sees my face and asks, “Are you ok? Did you not win? Sorry, I've probably just made you feel really bad!”. Now I'm making people apologise for things that they didn’t do wrong. “No…well I mean, Kacchan did win…..but that’s not it…it’s my fault, I’m sorry” I whisper. She looks at me surprised. Todoroki and Iida must have heard because they walk over. The looks of pity on their faces makes me feel even more hopeless. Suddenly, tears fill my eyes. Then my face is wet from them. Endless streams of salty water trickle down my face. I’m lucky that no one other than these three have noticed, although, that’s still bad. Kacchan looks over at me crying and sneers.
We are at the dorms now; everyone is talking about their pairs and my tears haven’t stopped. We sit down on the couches, but I stand up, uncomfortable. My friends keep sneaking glances at me, and I feel pathetic with my eyes slightly red. Kacchan looks at me, and smirks. “Look at Deku! The idiot doesn’t know what to do when something doesn’t go his way! How the hell do you think you can be a hero, nerd?” Aizawa glares at Bakugo but doesn’t say anything, knowing that we are all used to it by now and it doesn’t affect us. Except it does. For once I just want to be good enough. Why am I like this, always pitying myself and being so selfish. Iida speaks up. “Bakugo! That is no way a future pro hero should speak!” Bakugo looks at Iida and makes a small explosion in the palm of his hand. I look up at Iida and he looks at me. It’s like a shadow has been cast across my face as I show no emotion. “You’re wrong,” I say to him as he looks at me confused, “A pro hero is supposed to be honest and speak the truth. That’s exactly what he did.” I walk over to the elevator and press the button for my floor. When I turn around, everyone is staring at me in disbelief. They’re probably wondering why it’s bothering me now. The answer is because I have stopped being naïve. I'm kind of grateful to Kacchan for helping me. All might was right; I'm never going to be a hero. As I reach my room, I go inside and close the door. I look at all my pro hero things and come to the realisation that I am just a child with dreams too big. I go to my desk and take out rubbish bags and start putting everything in. I don’t stop until there is nothing but my bed, desk and cupboard. I take all the bags, walk out of my room and put the semi transparent bags into the rubbish shoot. I turn to go back to my room and see Todoroki. He looks worried. Why? Why would he worry about me? I'm too naïve and I'm always in his way. I hurry back to my room and shut the door. It seems lonely now without everything. Good, I deserve to be lonely. I change into casual clothes and sit on my bed. The sun is setting, and I make a plan. No one will have to deal with me tomorrow.
I lie on my bed until the sun goes down completely and everyone is asleep. It’s about 1am. I sit up and take a last look at my room. I don’t want to be here; it makes me feel sick. Pulling on my shoes, I open my door, step out and shut it behind me. The elevator makes a lot of noise, so I decide to take the stairs. I start to believe they’re endless when I come out the top and the cold night air hits me in the face. Walking over to the edge, I notice how beautiful the view is. I can see so many buildings and trees and then UA. Why is it that only at their deathbed can someone see the beauty of life. I think it’s cruel. I think the whole world is cruel. I won’t be here anymore though, so I don’t need to worry. I take a step up and onto the ledge so that the edge of my shoes are slightly hanging off. The stars are so pretty tonight. With that thought in my head, I begin to lean forward. I keep going until gravity takes over and I'm falling. The air rushes past me and I feel like I'm in slow motion. It’s calm. The ground is rushing up to greet me and I smile. No more pain, I think as I reach the ground and my world goes black.
Surprisingly, I wake up again. I'm in a plain, rusty grey room with no windows and one black door. The league of villains. They’re surrounding me. Shigiraki is in front of me, staring. Toga and Twice are to my left, Toga smiling sadistically and Twice’s face hidden under his mask. To my right is Dabi, standing there unaffected. I try to move but my hands are tied up with rope to the chair behind me. Bruises cover my body and my clothes are soaked in blood. My whole body aches. I look up at Shigiraki. They must have stopped me from dying, although I don’t know how they got in the dorm grounds and why they would try to help me. “What’s this about? Why did you save me?” I ask, spitting out a bit of blood. He scratches his neck, thinking. “Toga found you and brought you to me. She really likes you” he says. At that, she smiles. “I love seeing boys all messed up and bloody. You’re perfect, Izuku” she says. Twice tips his head to the side. “I think if you join us, you would be a good component. You should’ve died! I'm glad Toga brought you here.” I’m confused with his point of view; it seems like he’s fighting something inside of his mind. Guess that’s villains for you. Dabi stays silent, now radiating a cool glare. “You shouldn’t have done this” I whisper. “Also,” he continues, “why did you jump from that building?” I look at the ground. My blood is drying against my skin as I wonder why I’m not dead. “Because I need a way to escape this world. It’s never been fair, so why would I want to stay?” I explain. He takes the hand off his face to reveal extremely dry skin and bags under his eyes. “I know how you feel. In fact, we all do,” he says gesturing to the others, “why don’t you join us then? We can help you. I understand the pain you must be going through right now but think about it. That Bakugo kid has always put you down, why not get a little revenge and show him that he will never beat you. We already have a plan of how you can do it.” I think about what he just said. Revenge on Kacchan? It doesn’t sound too bad. What about the others though? Oh well, whenever he says mean things, no one actually cares or does anything about it. After a moment of silence, I make my decision. “Tell me the plan.”
Toga chuckles with glee and Shigiraki smiles. “This is fantastic. Here’s the plan. You will go back to UA and act like nothing happened. It’s already been to days though, so they’ll wonder where you’ve been. You’ll tell them that your mother was sick, and you went back home. Once your class restarts, you will wait until Aizawa tells you all to put on your hero clothes and then you will get close to Bakugo and stab him. We have a special knife that should make him feel an unbearable amount of pain. While they’re distracted, you will run inside and open the UA gates for us. Do you understand?” he finishes. I run over it in my head a few times and nod. Dabi goes behind me and burns off the ropes, careful not to come in contact with my skin with his flames. I stand up and straighten my uniform. “Don’t worry, I've got this” I say. Toga jumps at me and hugs me tight while smiling, clearly waiting for a long time to do that. I hug her back, then leave out the door. Walking back to the school seems strange. The sun is up so class must’ve started by now. I walk through the empty corridors until I reach the loud classroom. I open the door and the room goes silent, waiting for Aizawa sensei to speak. He turns to me. “Midoriya, where the hell have you been? We sent out All Might to find you.” The mention of All Might makes memories come back but I push them down. No distractions. I bow. “Sorry sir, my mother is very sick, and she needed my help. I think she’s going to be ok now though.” He sighs and gestures to my seat. I walk over to my seat and sit down. Aizawa walks over to me and hands me a test that the others were all doing. Kacchan turns around to me when Aizawa is facing away. “You’re going to get in so much trouble Deku, you’ll probably be on house arrest and then you’ll never be able to catch up. How useless” he chuckles. I stare him in the eyes with a blank expression on my face. “I don’t think so Katsuki Bakugo” I whisper. His face becomes suspicious and then a hint of fear flashes across his face, then disappears. He turns back around, confused. I look down at the test and realize that this is the last test I’ll ever have to see. The questions aren’t too hard. Aizawa looks over at me to make sure I’ve started, so I write down my name. Deku. Kacchan seems like he’s actually concentrating on his test. If he doesn’t care about others, why does he want to be a hero? It annoys me so much. I summon One for All into my foot and kick the leg of his chair at 8%. It completely shatters the wood and he goes down in a mess of shouting and explosions. “FUCKING DEKU!!” he yells. I stand up as he wacks his head on my desk. “Kacchan, what happened?” I ask, putting on my best innocent face. He looks at me, furious. “Shitty nerd broke my chair!” he yells at Aizawa, pointing at me. Aizawa sighs and puts his head in his hand. “How?” he asks sarcastically. “With his stupid quirk!” he yells before lunging at me and grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling me really close to his face. “What’s the matter?” I whisper, “Did I hurt your fragile ego?”. He throws me across the room, and I slam against the wall and fall to the ground. “You want to fucking die, nerd?!” he screams. I stand up, but I'm no longer smiling. “I thought that’s what you wanted me to do, Kacchan! You’re the one who made me like this, this is all your fault!” I yell back. He looks shocked that I spoke back to him. So does the rest of the class. The look Aizawa gives Bakugo is one that he commonly wears. “Both of you, outside. Now.”
I walk outside and lean against the wall in the hallway, Bakugo following me. When he comes out, Aizawa closes the door so that we’re alone. I smile at him. “What the hell are you smiling at, shit face?” he sneers. “I’m smiling because you have no idea of what is coming” I say. He looks confused. “What the hell does that mean?”. I walk up to him and hug him. “WHAT THE HELL NERD?!” he yells, but doesn’t push me away, instead just raises his hands. “What a dumb mistake” I whisper. “What-“ he starts before I pull out the knife and dive it as deep as I can into his back. I hear him cough before he falls to the ground in pain. Blood is coming out of his mouth and he looks up at me. “Now who’s pathetic?” I ask. He can’t talk as the pain of the special liquid starts to pulse through his blood. Tears form in his eyes and he yells out in pain. “What a poor child,” I say before walking away and turning a corner. I look back to see Aizawa comforting Bakugo and looking around. For me, for an attacker? Probably both. Bakugo is holding his stomach as blood pours out and crying profusely. What a funny sight, I joke to myself. I keep on walking until I reach the entrance of the school. There is a button that opens the giant stone walls. I press it and watch them fold open. I walk out a bit, looking for any of the league members. A man in a black hood walks up to me and whispers, “Well done” before entering. I follow him as Toga and Twice join behind me to my left and Dabi to my right. I walk back through the corridors to where Bakugo is still on the ground, but there’s a medic helping Bakugo, Aizawa is on the phone to someone and the whole class is out of the classroom. They all look scared. Good. Ochaco notices me first, the she sees the league behind me, her eyes widening. “Deku! Watch out, they’re behind you!” she yells, attracting the attention of all the others. They all look towards me and Aizawa hangs up his phone. Shigiraki comes up behind me and wraps four of his fingers around my neck, then Toga links our arms together. “I know. Isn’t it amazing?” I ask. The shock on their faces sparks joy inside of me. Aizawa steps forward. “What’s the meaning of this Midoriya?” he asks, preparing his scarf. “My name is Deku. I guess Kacchan was right, I really would’ve been an awful hero. He’s the one who made me jump off the roof. The league saved me and helped me realise how fucked up the world is” I say. A few of the class members look at Bakugo, horrified. “I..,” he starts, “I didn’t mean it…this was never meant to happen….I’m so sorry Midoriya” his eyes start to droop, but he manages to stay conscious. “So now you say sorry? Now you know my name?” I ask sarcastically. I take a step closer to him and so does Aizawa. “Don’t worry sensei, I'm not here for anyone else. Just Kacchan” I say. His eyes narrow and I yell “Kurogiri!” A small purple portal opens beneath Bakugo as Aizawa spins around. Bakugo’s eyes widen as he falls through, then the portal closes. “That’s all for now. ‘til next sensei!” I say as a portal forms under us and we fall through it. The last thing I see is Aizawa rushing towards us and all of the others looking between where Bakugo was and then us. When we land, we are back in the room I was in when they captured me. The blood is still there. Looking at it now, there is quite a lot of blood. Bakugo is sitting and leaning on the opposite wall. He's looking at the blood. “There’s so much blood, isn’t there? That’s my blood Kacchan. You made me bleed. So, I just had to return the favour. Isn’t this what I was meant to do, overtake you?” I ask. “Midoriya…I…” he stutters. “NO! Don’t call me that” I tell him. I take a video camera out of my pocket and sit it on a table that I had asked Shigiraki to put in for me. It’s a high tech camera and is linked to every piece of technology with a screen. I press record and stand back, making sure everyone can now see the pathetic piece of shit that Kacchan really is. The red light is blinking, indicated that it’s live and recording. I tip my head to the side and smile. “Hello everybody! What a nice day it is today!” I say cheerfully. You can just hear Bakugo in the background, but you can see him perfectly. I go over to Shigiraki and grab a gun off of him and point it towards Bakugo. “Are you afraid?” I ask him, my smile disappearing. He slowly nods. Death brings out the truth in people. “Well this is how I felt all these years. All the way back to when we were toddlers and you would torment me for being useless. Deku, right?” I say before I shoot him in the arm. He screams out in pain, tears rolling down his face. “Look how the tables have turned, Kacchan!” I shout. I shoot him again, this time in the leg. I kneel so that our eyes are level. “Am I still Deku?” I ask him. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull his face closer to mine. The expression on his face is one I have only seen once. I pull him even closer until our lips touch. He smells like caramel. After a moment I pull away. “I love you, Kacchan” I say as I point the gun at his head. “Goodbye Kacchan” I whisper as my trembling fingers pull the trigger. The sound is deafening, and my ears are ringing. Blood covers my clothes once again and trickles down my face. He’s gone. All gone. What have I done? He's not moving anymore. I did this. This is all my fault. I stand up and turn to Shigiraki. He’s smiling. Why is he smiling? I did a bad thing. I am a bad thing. Bad things need to be punished. I look over at the camera. Now everyone knows. I face my body towards the camera and raise the gun to the side of my head. “Goodbye everyone” I say. Once again, my fingers are trembling. “I am useless. I am pathetic. I am Deku.” Then I pull the trigger.
THE END (sorry for any errors!)