The Jenkins family and the Mitchell family were next door neighbors. For the Jenkins’, they were moving. For the Mitchell’s, this was their 3 week spring break, and they decided to go home after the first week due to it being rainy season in the town, Landon. Since the Jenkins family car was already at their new home, and the Mitchell’s didn’t bring their car on vacation, the 2 families were renting a deluxe boat that they were taking 500 miles by river to their town destination, Klansonville.
The Jenkins children: Jack, 13 years old Grace, 19 years old Lili, 11 years old Were very excited about the boat trip. Grace was an elite swimmer and could get in some practice on her summer break from university. Jack was a wildlife photographer and could photograph their trip. Lili had a blog and vlog and thought the trip could get her more readers/viewers.
The Mitchell children however, were not fans of the trip. Mason, 15 years old Raynn, 11 years old Conner, 7 years old Cayden, 7 years old Cooper, 2 years old(Labrador retriever) Mason had to write a story on “love of friendship” for English. Which he couldn’t really come up with on a boat without paper. Raynn actually loved the river! Paddle boarding, kayaking, but she got boat sickness. The twins, Conner and Cayden, were terrified of the river. They just wanted to stay home and watch Netflix. And Cooper didn’t like being around water without being able to swim in it, from his Labrador retriever genes.
“Tess, how many rooms does this boat have?” Zoe asked.
“I don’t know, the package said ‘“extremely” deluxe,’ so I assume a lot, and at an amazing price!” Tess exclaimed.
Tess Perkins was Zoe Mitchell’s younger sister. She was living with their family for the year since she traveled often for work; And it was easier to get to different locations from where the Mitchell’s lived.
~~~The next day~~~
“Mom, does our boat have a good view? I want to get some pictures for my blog.” Lili asked.
“I can take the pictures, I’ve been working on my shots of the river.” Jack added.
“I don’t know what our boat looks like sweetheart, we’ll see when we get there.” Clarissa responded.
“When will we be there? We’ve been in the car for like, 42 minutes.” Lili asked.
“Should arrive any minute now” Clarissa replied.
The 3 taxis pulled up to the dock, they were told their boat would be in the dock, but they didn’t see a boat.
Everyone walked up, there was a REALLY big raft, which they could probably put all of their stuff on. A giant inflatable unicorn, which seemed very comfy. As well as, 2 canoes, a double inner tube, a pair of flippers, 4 kayaks, and a jet ski. Clarissa Jenkins spoke up what everyone was thinking:
To be continued in chapter 2...