It’s a hard life being me. I have no illusions as to why I they made me, it’s called ‘jumping on the bandwagon.’
The six year old thought I was marvellous at Christmas and pushed my hand every two minutes to switch me on. As soon as the music stopped he played me again, and again, and again. Even I was getting fed up with the song. Eventually the battery started to run down. His father claimed he had run out of that size battery. I’m sure he was lying. Now I could only play half of the song at a time. Father suggested to the boy that grandma would like me. Another lie!
I spent nearly a year in grandma’s toy box with a tangle of rattles, skittles and a box full of a well known construction toy. Nobody plays with me, and anyway I can barely manage a squeak. It seems that grandma hasn’t any batteries the right size either. Does anyone in this family tell the truth?
‘Do you mind if I take this home, mum?’ It was her daughter who spoke. She had another six year old and a baby who was nearly a year.
‘Definitely not.’ I felt betrayed by her eagerness.
‘I can get batteries for it on the way home.’
The baby loved it, I was played with for hours. Unfortunately the rest of the family didn’t. Know I am in a cupboard where the baby can’t reach me.
Doesn’t anyone like ‘Gangnam style?’