The wagon speeds along at a brisk pace towards our destination, the oldest and largest structure know to humans: The Aion Temple. Our King has sent a leading Paladin, three high knights, three researchers, a medic, and finally me the historian to chronicle the findings. “Excuse me Paladin but is this the only expedition sent to this temple, I find it rather strange that it was never done before now.” The medic said to the leading Paladin in honest curiosity, however, I was sure everyone knew of the warning. “I’m surprised you don’t know that the first research team left a message to stay away in blood over three hundred years ago. No one had the balls to check it out again until our King was desperate enough for it.” “I see, then why are we going to such a dangerous place exactly. “*Sigh* It’s because-” “Magic!” I shout out in excitement in order to talk all about the subject of my studies. “Magic, are you crazy? I only came here for the money, I didn’t know I was on a crazy wagon.” “But Magic did exist in the past, over five thousand years to be exact. It was an art that enabled the ancient civilizations to do marvelous things such as move the stars and summon the weather.” “Sounds like a children’s fairy tale to me.” The medic brushed my claim aside, I was about to educate him some more about the evidence we have until the paladin stopped me. “Stop Noah, Peter clearly won’t believe until he sees the temple.” “It’ll take more than that to change my mind.” “Sure kid.”633Please respect copyright.PENANAq8DpT9ez9k
The medic Peter went back to looking at the road pass us by. I continue to study my notes in eager anticipation for what’s to come. After all my years of work, I’ll finally be one of the first people to learn the secrets of the old world.633Please respect copyright.PENANAusVE4hPeOg
We soon arrived at the temple and it was even more beautiful then I would imagine. Large rectangular structure with obsidian black stones as it’s makeup. Blue high lighted markings that I can barely make out the meaning of, even with my years of experience with translation. “Okay everyone, get out of the wagon and inspect the entrance to make sure It’s safe to go in.” The Temple is wide as it is tall, a large door that is slightly open stands before us. The Knights and Paladin hover around the researchers as we marvel at the craftsmanship while peter stays behind near the wagon.
It wasn’t long until one of the researchers found something interesting. He called to us and then we saw the same message written from all those years ago. Fascinating, it said simply to “leave and never come back”, clearly written in a hurry but what’s interesting is that the blood is not dry but still wet. “That’s impossible.” Peter got through us and then kneeled down to inspect the blood. Now that I get a good look at him, he’s muscular for a medic. I can see his muscles pop outside his clean white robes. Along with his short blond hair and blue eyes, he would seem like the ideal nurse if not for those muscles. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAYHvd0YCyFd
“This blood feels like it was spilled recently.” My heart races with excitement, what could this mean. Could this have been done by magic? “Are you sure we should come here sir Paladin, this already feels wrong. Why do we even need magic.”
“No! We have to keep going!” Peter looks towards me and glares. “What’s with your obsession towards magic, this is clearly dangerous?”
“Why wouldn’t I want to seek the truth, it doesn’t matter how dangerous it is.” We glare at each other but the Paladin interrupts us again. “Enough it does not matter what either of you thinks, the kingdom needs magic if we’re going to survive the coming war.” We calm down and collect ourselves. He’s right, it does not matter what Peter thinks we are going through this no matter what. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAVSTheRkgg6
Peter then asks another question to the Paladin. “You promise that I’ll get that fortune if I go through with this.” “Of course, It will be dropped at your doorstep where your mother can get it.” “Fine, let’s go.” Peter pushes through us all again and is actually the first to go into the temple. A slight tinge of jealousy strikes me but I disregard it, there are more chances.633Please respect copyright.PENANA0iCC7vdLR1
We all follow after Peter and it soon became clear that the temple is pitch black inside. The Paladin came prepared, he and the knights take out lanterns to light. “Where are you Peter, did you die already?” The Paladin jokingly remarks. Peter comes out of the darkness and into the light a little shaken. “I guess I rushed in too soon, sorry.” “It’s fine, just stick close to the light.” The knights form around me, Peter, and the researchers. “Okay Noah it’s your turn, what do you know about the interior?” “From my research, it would seem that this place should have an underground section like most of the other ancient buildings found. We should, however, look around for more markings that give us clues to that end.” “You heard him, move out.” 633Please respect copyright.PENANAqVxizzzPKU
We slowly move through the large hallway filled with massive columns that support the structure. “Why is it so unnecessarily dark in here, could the ancient civilization see in the dark?” Peter says in a light tone that breaks the eerie silence. “They might have had a way besides-” Just as I was going to educate Peter again I saw something in the corner of my eye just as the light passed it. “Everyone stop!” “Wait, what!” “Move over there near that Pillar I think I see some additional markings, some I might be able to read.” We move towards the pillar and once we got there the researchers and I combed the pillar-like hungry children. “It seems to talk about a trail for...mages.” My heart beats faster if what this says is true then if we passed this trail I might become a mage. Almost immediately after this discovery, floating blue lights rapidly appear and point to another chamber. “What the hell?” Peter and everyone else look shocked at this development but I’m… ecstatic. “Well, I guess that’s the way.” The Paladin says in a somewhat nervous voice. We proceed down where the light takes us and we soon came across a more narrow hallway which somewhat looked even darker then it was in here before the lights came on. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAssCFly3zrj
I look to the left and notice a striking stone slab that has even more markings that seem to pull me towards it. “Noah what are you-” Peter tries to stop me but I’m too drawn to the words on the stone slab, it’s like the purpose of my life is written on it. “He might have found something, give him some light.” I stare at the words and speak out loud the revelation. “Prepare your mind for the coming trail, your soul shall be put to the test in the corridor but should you succeed the promised fruit shall be bestowed to you and you shall become a fellow mage.” My fellow researchers gasp at the possibilities while the rest look worried. Peter was the first to raise his unnecessary concerns. “Are we really going to go into the obviously dangerous hallway”. Before I could reprimand him again, the Paladin does it first. “Peter, I understand your concerns but we have no choice. This is the only way to get what we came for.” I nod and Peter sighs and looks to the darkness with a determined look that belongs to a warrior, not a medic. 633Please respect copyright.PENANA9TO655kCYs
No one said a word as we silently walked into the darkness. Not even 4 minutes in our lights go out. “What the hell, what happened.” Peter was the first, of course, to panic. “Calm down Peter, it’s a corridor so all we have to do is go straight.” I try to calm him down for his sake and mine. I place my hand on where his shoulder should be but I feel nothing. “Peter? Paladin?” It was then that I noticed that the air seemed colder and that it was deathly silent. “Is everyone still there, answer me?!” Silence, now I’m starting to get scared. NO! I’ve come too far to die here. I walk down what I assume is the hallway at a brisk pace but I was stopped by a familiar sound. “*Cough* Cough*” I twist my body in the direction of the sound to see something unbelievable, my mother, on her deathbed bathed in light that seems to have no origin. “Mother?” I don’t want to go but my feet are drawn towards her. “Noah, are you there?” “Y-Yes, mother.” “Noah, I can’t see you, where is your father?” “H-He’s gone.” “Oh, so the sickness got him first.” My mother coughs again and this time with her mouth filling up with blood. I know this is in my mind, it has to be but… “Noah…” “Yes….mother.” “Did our lives have meaning?” “!!” “Tell me, son, why did we die?” “I-I don’t know but I’ll use magic to-” “Magic, that...myth?” “It’s not a myth! I will find and-” “Stop, you know there was something you could have done to save us before.” “I don’t-” “You can still do it know.” A knife appears in my hand and I stare at it in disbelief. “You should know that only one person can have the fruit, a life for a life Noah.” “You’re-” 633Please respect copyright.PENANAlqpBfwyplh
Before I could give my answer a voice shakes the void, a voice calling my name. My eyes shoot up to see Peter shaking me. “Noah, Oh thank god you’re alive.” I rub my hair and look around. The hallway was now lit with calming blue lights and to my left lay other unconscious people. “What happened Peter?” “I don’t know I….saw somethings, but I shrugged them off and then woke up to see some people gone and others….” He looks to the others who seem to be a mix of researchers and Knights, all in a seemingly peaceful state. “They’re dead aren’t they?” I ask in a surprisingly calm voice, what’s wrong with me? “Yeah, somehow, I thought you were too but I noticed you were breathing so I tried everything to wake you.” I see I guess I have to say thanks. I don’t know what would have happened if he didn’t wake me. “Thanks, Peter, I appreciate it.” “No problem, it’s my job.” We both stand up and collect ourselves. “We should continue forward.” “Why, I thought you didn’t want to continue before?” “I’m here now and besides I need the money, can’t get it if the Paladin is dead.” I scoff at our exchange, money he says. Is that all this means to him? At the end of this hallway might be the secrets behind life and death. “Let’s go then,” I said in a determined tone but oddly not with same energy I would usually say it. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAGMZecTAFz8
After some time we began to get tired of the endless hallway and it’s silence, even I couldn’t stand it. “Peter talk about something.” “Like what, I’m bored too but there’s nothing to talk about of interest.” “Hmm, what about those muscles of yours?” “Excuse me?” “Your too full of bulk to be a medic.” “What, a medic can’t work out?” “Perhaps, it seems odd for a medic who won’t be on the front lines to be built like a warrior.” “Well I’m special I guess, does it matter?” Peter looks away because of shyness or shame, I can’t tell either way. “What about you Noah, why do you like Magic so much?” “!” “I-I want to research it for the betterment of mankind.” “Is that so?” “Why, do you doubt me!?” “No, No, I believe you.” I know he doesn’t it, what about that didn’t sound convincing. At that moment I remembered what happened in the dream, only one can have the fruit. I look to Peter who is now a few paces ahead and wonder if I have what it takes. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAAzYQAW2d7k
We soon came across a split path, one to the right and the other to the left. “Well, I say rig-” Before he could finish we heard sword clashes and screams to the left. Peter immediately sprinted towards that direction. “Left it is then.” I follow behind Peter and not very long after we arrived to see a horrid sight, the Paladin standing over a mess of corpses. “What have you done?!” Peter asked in a shocked and heartbroken manner. “What do you mean, he’s clearly mad! Let’s get out of here.” I can’t die here, I try to pull Peter away but he stood his ground. “No! Something wrong, Paladin can you hear me.” The Paladin looks towards us with a blank stare. “More of the King’s enemies?” “What?!” Peter gasped at this turn of events while I’m still rooted at his side. Why am I still here, if Peter wants to die then let him. But... I can’t seem to leave. “Noah, stay back.” “What?” “Something is wrong with him, I’m going to snap him out of it.” “Are you mad?!” “Just stay back!” What is a medic going to do against a Paladin? 633Please respect copyright.PENANApG1umGFy2t
“I am the King’s Paladin. My mission is to kill all his enemies, no more or less.” The two begin to circle each other in the somewhat small square room lit with blue flames. “I know that’s what you would like to think of yourself as but-” Before Peter could finish talking the Paladin rushed him and brought his sword down. Peter barely dodged, getting his shoulder cut slightly in the process. “I’m going to remind you of your other half that you repress but never forgotten!” Peter used that moment to close in on the Paladin in a form akin to boxing, where did he learn to fight like that. He shots a jab at the Paladin’s face but the Paladin catches it with his hand. The Paladin began to raise his sword in order to cut Peter’s head off. “Peter!” I instinctively shout, whether out of care or fear because I’ll be the next target, I don’t know. Peter dodges down and then tackles the Paladin to the ground. “Luke, snap of out of it!” His name is Luke? Whatever the case, that stunned him long enough for Peter to get a hit onto his face. However, it didn’t seem to do much damage wise. “Luke?” “Yeah, you do have a name too despite how much you try to forget.” The fight seemed to be over, somehow? Peter helps the Paladin off his feet. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAKxmPMdg4Mk
“What...happened?” Luke looks around at the carnage and understandable looks shocked. “Y-You...happened.” Instantly all the energy leaves his legs and Luke collapses in disbelief with tears in his eye. “What have I done, why did I listen…” Peter and I look the other way, struggling to find the word to comfort the man. Peter, however, muster ups the courage and speaks. “What did you listen to?” “Something from my past, I don’t want to get into it. Still, it’s no excuse for this crime.” Luke gets up and wipes his eyes. “I’ll suffer the proper punishment after we complete the mission.” “Luke I-” “No Peter, I surely have no need of that name. If not before, surely not now.” Luke or maybe just the King’s Paladin moves past Peter than me with fierce determination to finish the mission. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAfSaA8oklHJ
We follow Luke quietly from behind. Carefully I lean in towards Peter and ask him; “Did you know him before this?” “Yeah, I’ve been on other missions before with him. I only learned his name by accident when he had a nightmare, slowly repeating the phrase I’m not Luke anymore.” “I see.” We continue to walk down the hall until we came to the intersection, without a word spoken we went down the right corridor. After continuing down this path for some time, something extraordinary happened. “Why have you come?” 633Please respect copyright.PENANAA1TpMiv7w4
We turn around to face a…spirit. Luke goes to the front with his sword drawn. “Who or….what are you?” “I am the lingering will of a mage from your past.” I almost collapsed at the realization, a real mage stands before me. I was going to bombard him with questions but before I could he said something that shocked us to the core. “I see, you are too weak, it will consume you.” The 3 of us were caught off guard by that but Peter was the first to retaliate. “What do you mean, who will consume us.” “You don’t know, you have seen them in your dreams.” “!!” “You are too attached to this world. Whether to a mother, a nation, or those long gone.” In anger, I speak up. “So, how does that make me unworthy!?” “The shadow will feed on your desires and consume you. I beg you, leave this place and let it be forgotten by time.” Luke shook his head. “I’m afraid we can’t do that, I need that power to save my kingdom, despite the danger I owe those before me to move forward.” “*Sigh* As you would, I can’t stop you but only warn you. I at least hope you kill yourselves like the last group.” 633Please respect copyright.PENANAlMGPWkZ6a2
The Spirit then disappeared in a puff of air and when it left Peter was once again the first to speak up. “Let’s keep going.” “Oh, aren’t you going to say this is too dangerous?” “It doesn’t matter if I die here or not, it won’t be in vain.” I was a bit surprised by his determination. After some more walking, we came across what seemed to be the center of the structure. We found a square room with 4 halls on each side and a small pyramid in the center. The 3 of us look towards the top of the pyramid and there sits a…plant, a plant emitting a strange aura. “Did we come here just for a plant?” “Perhaps, is there anything here that might tell us what this thing is Noah?” “….” “Noah?” “Oh, sorry I’ll get right on it.” I look around the room for more markings and soon enough I found something. “It says, now that we’ve passed the tests before, we are worthy to eat of the plant.” “I guess that means if we eat the plant, we become able to use magic, perfect.” Luke began to ascend the pyramid but I stopped him. 633Please respect copyright.PENANAno5lov4mf2
“What do you think you doing?” “What do you mean, I going to eat the plant and get us out of here.” “Why should you be the one to eat the plant?” We stare each other down. “Back away Noah or I’ll-” “What, kill me like you killed your comrades?” “!!” Luke angrily pushes me aside and runs up the pyramid. “No, you don’t!” “What are you two doing!” Peter tries to stop us but I won’t stop, I need that plant. I tackle Luke and we began to fight on the ground near the plant, Peter stands dumbfounded. I knew he was holding back, I might not be that strong but my will and smaller stature allow me to at least annoy him until the right moment. “What the hell Noah?” “Don’t get my way, Luke.” “Don’t call me that!” I dodged his clumsy attack and rolled towards the plant grabbing it. “No!” “What’s wrong Luke, why do you not want me to have this, what does it matter who has it or not?” “Because we both know that you won’t use it to save the kingdom and even if you did, you don’t have the strength to kill an entire nation.” 633Please respect copyright.PENANAnBJcWqP7b2
“What!?” Peter shouts from below. “What do you mean killing an entire nation?” “Peter, to protect the kingdom that I love, the people I adore and the king that saved when I was a boy…I have to kill everyone in the attacking nation.” We both looked at Luke with a mix of horror and bewilderment. Maybe it was right for me to have it, he’s clearly insane. “Now give me the fruit Noah, I don’t want to hurt you but I will if it means saving the kingdom.” “Luke are you crazy, killing an entire nation is just-” “It’s necessary to protect the kingdom, no one there needs to suffer as I did. No more villages have to burn and no more children have to lose their families to conflict!” As he said that, he drew his sword and pointed it at me. “Luke!” “I’m not Luke, I’m only the King’s sword.” Luke rushes me, I have no choice. I took a step back and ate the plant whole not knowing what will happen but it’s better than being-633Please respect copyright.PENANAHWDHNdP6O1
What’s happening, everything feels different, slower. I look around and notice that the room has brightened to a considerable degree. Everything is bright, flowing, and wonderful. Is this….magic?
Ha,ha….ha,ha….HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!! “Finally, I’ve gotten what I’ve always dreamed of!” It was at this moment that Luke and Peter looked like they were frozen in time, with power like this even I can bring back my family. They died a meaningless and cruel death, no more. With Magic, I’m going to change that fate.633Please respect copyright.PENANAoqAcpSFdE0
“Exactly.” “Who said that!” “Oh, it’s been so long since a real Mage was born into this world. Child, focus yourself, and perceive my form.” I did as the voice said, I need to know what I’m dealing with. “I...see you.” A mass of darkness appears above me, its eyes look evil yet understanding at the same time. I’m drawn into his rhythm. “What are you, are you the thing that the spirit was talking about?” “No, that creature has died long ago along with the mages of old. I’m your shadow, your desire.” “My desire?” “Yes, and it seems your desire is similar to the last mage that ate a fruit.” “Really?” “His desire was to bring his daughter back but since he was of those that did not pass the unreasonable trails, he was unable to give his daughter a meaningful new life.” “Did he fail?” “No, like you he got the plant with sheer will and luck. He became the first true mage. Do you want to do the same.” “I...of course.” “Then you must fuse with me as he did so many eons ago.” “Anything to give my parent the life that was robbed from them.” “Why stop at your parents? If the world decided to give no meaning to life or death then ascend to a magic that will allow you to control fate and meaning itself. No one will have to die a meaningless death like your family if you become a God.” Me, a God, is that possible? “How?” “Consume them all.”633Please respect copyright.PENANAzX2HyG3jH2
I look to the still frozen Peter and Luke, I hesitate a little. I never killed before and I never intended to, I just wanted to give meaning to their lives. “This is the only way Noah, build a better world on top of their corpses. With your power, you can save Luke’s kingdom and Peter’s Mother.” “I….okay.”633Please respect copyright.PENANAgLKgU4W4ug
Time Resumed as my body finished getting used to the presence of magic. Luke was about to come down with the sword but I lifted my finger and with a thought, pushed him down the Pyramid. “Noah, what the hell!?” “I ate the plant Peter and now I have magic!” I spread my hand out to display the power I have by shooting out lightning, fire, ice, wind, pure energy, and all manner of things my mind could conjure up. I felt like a God and it felt even better when Peter looked at me with awe and horror. “Now….I must kill you.”633Please respect copyright.PENANAfZSS6xTnZc
“What, why Noah?!” “I need to in order to give my parents a new meaningful life.” “Who told you that?” “My shadow.” “Why would you listen to your shadow, it’s obviously lying to you, how would killing us do that?” “Maybe consuming your lives will make my magic stronger, It’s the only lead I have!” I made a giant fireball, I knew I had to do it but I still hesitated. Luke got up and said something that shocked me. “I don’t care if you consume us, just consume only the nation attacking the kingdom.” “Luke!?” “Wow, you must really love the kingdom.” “Of course, as long as the people who saved me and gave my life purpose survive then I would consider this a meaningful death.” “!!” A….meaningful death. “You lucky bastard.” I speared him with ice without hesitation, he deserved that much. “Luke, no!” “I promise to not lay a finger on the kingdom and consume the attacking nation, I will preserve the meaning of your death Luke.” “You’re crazy Noah!” “How? I’m giving meaning to this world that gives death out to those that don’t deserve it.” “Do you seriously think that you have the power to do something so ridiculous?” “I will, once I consume that nation.” “I don’t know what that shadow told you but it won’t stop at one nation. If the past mages were so powerful, why did they vanish?” “It was because of civil war and people foolishly deemed it too dangerous for anyone to use. Now look at us, we’re worse off without it! I’ll prove it to you that magic can save us all, including your mother. I’m going to destroy that attacking nation for Luke and show you how powerful I am, like that man before me I will become a true mage.633Please respect copyright.PENANABq1N3G334G
“A True mage, you are nothing of the sort.” I look towards the sound and find that spirit from before. “What are you doing here?” “I was going to let this play out, but you don’t seem to be aware of the facts and if knowing them could change the path our world is set on the so be it.” “What are you-” “The mage your shadow tells you of was not a True mage but a dark mage that stole the fruit and caused untold destruction in the civil war.” “You lie!” “He did have a similar desire to yours but his shadow twisted his desire and with that overwhelming power he corrupted others which caused the civil war. In the end, he forgot what he was fighting for and was consumed by his shadow.” “Then what, am I suppose to let those deaths stand?” “Yes, let your family rest, don’t let them bear witness to your downfall.” Silence engulfed the room, what should I do? Was wrong in my pursuit, then was there any meaning to it?633Please respect copyright.PENANAowvlj638yi
“Exactly Noah, don’t let the meaning of your journey fade into nothing. Continue on this path.” “I-I don’t know, will I even be able to succeed in my mission? Could I become a God over meaning?” “Noah, no mage can ever become a God. Mages have existed far before the civil war and none could ever reach that height of power.” The shadow envelops me while I contemplate these words. “Don’t listen to him, you are not like everyone else. You can do it even if it costs a billion souls.” “!” “No, what’s the point of giving meaning to life and death if I have to kill those that should benefit from that world. There is no guarantee of this succeeding, I-I….can't do this!”633Please respect copyright.PENANA2UPNtVCTGL
The Shadow then begins to swirl around me at high speeds and attack me. “GAHHH!” Peter looks at me in horror and asks, “What’s happening?” The mage spirit looks at me thrashing in agony. “He may have rejected his shadow but it won’t let him use magic for anything else besides that desire. He does not have the proper training so the magic is rejecting him, he’s going to die.” “Is there anything we can do.” “No.” So that’s it, I’ve come this far and achieved nothing, no matter where I turn, I fail and die a meaningless death. Unless…633Please respect copyright.PENANA4jeYmZp9Pg
I stand up through the pain, I don’t want to die in vain and there is only one way to make my story meaningful to someone. If I can accomplish something now then maybe my parents didn’t die for nothing, after all, they were the reason why I went down this path. Peter sees me getting up despite the agony and looks at me worryingly. “What are-” “Don’t worry Peter, I might not have known you long but I can relate to someone who wants to protect their mother, I going to do something only I can do.”633Please respect copyright.PENANAFHVAX2wKsi
I focus and try to bend space around me to teleport and after some time I succeed. I first appear back at the kingdom where I was raised, I focused and located Peter’s mother. After teleporting again I found her asleep, I healed her of any and all sickness then found the money that was left for them. “I hope you appreciate this Peter.” I then used magic to duplicate the money 10x. That should be enough. *Cough* *Cough* I better hurry, one….more….stop.
I teleported one more time, this time at the doorstep of the kingdom nation that will attack ours. “My death, Luke’s death, won’t be in vain.” I poured all my remaining strength and power into this spell. *Cough**Cough* As I fade away into nothing, I look to the sky and wonder. “Did this give it all meaning?” A bright light engulfed me and the entire kingdom as my spell occurred and my life ended.633Please respect copyright.PENANA7aD1FJK23l
One year later. Peter comes back from his newly built clinic, his mother was healed and the kingdom safe. However, the person responsible was lost to history. “Hey did you hear?” “Hm.” “That neighboring kingdom is still under that weird dome and everyone is still just sleeping inside. “Such a weird thing to happen just before the war but it’s a good thing that it did.” “I wonder who did it?” “Who knows but those folks inside sure do look peaceful, I wonder what they’re dreaming about.” 633Please respect copyright.PENANAhxMMlTZ7CS
Peter overheard the conversation and thought back to Noah and Luke. Peter then looks at the sky and says “Even if no one knows, your life did have meaning Noah, at least it did to me. Thank you, Noah, for this and for protecting what was precious to Luke.”633Please respect copyright.PENANA0NnAtWIp4o