You never fully understand what it's like to be in a particular situation, nor can you fully grasp what you would do in such a situation until you go through it. That's how it was for me...
It was around the middle of junior year and I, Julia Conway, was the only 18-year-old in the junior class. I didn't really care about my age, however, I just cared about getting through school without social interaction. What could I say? I was voted the shyest girl in class since freshman year.
Whenever I opened my mouth to speak, people would listen in amazement in regards to the clarity of my voice because I hardly ever use it. That wasn't true however, considering I only trust four people in the entirety of this school. Those people had been my friends since preschool. The two boys Alexander and Blake are so full of themselves, at times, that it's amusing. They basically try to be the top dogs. The girls names are Allison and Katelyn for which both of them are complete sweethearts that have had my back through thick and thin. However, this situation doesn't revolve around those friends except for this brief moment when I feared for all of them, but I'll tell you about that later.
There was one other person that I met in preschool, but for some reason, I never really trusted him; therefore, I only engaged in small talk and we are mere acquaintances. Caine Decasare...he has a dark humor, but everyone loves him. It's kind of strange if you think about it, but this guy is extremely smart even though he is the only guy in our high school that is twenty years old. When we were in the second or third grade, I remember he got in major trouble and was expelled. That and he has a late birthday... If I had to give you a description of him, I guess you could say he's attractive with his long red hair and his ice blue eyes.
Caine was apart of the football team and he would always tell his classmates about his community service with the church. Overall, he had everyone believing that he was a saint. Even I, after many years, cracked and began to trust him, but I still never spoke to him. Unless, he said hello and then I would respond trying not to make things awkward. I'll tell you right now, that my mind messes with me. This is because, while I'm sitting in class, my eyes often drift to the window (that my teacher so wisely sat me next to) and I begin watching the outside world. But my point is that every so often, I swear I would catch those icy eyes glaring at me from behind his vibrant hair. Then I would get to thinking, "after all these years, I wonder if he likes me?". Of course that would be impossible since he has a girlfriend.
When I present in front of the class, which I hate with a passion, I'm always greeted with a half smile when my eyes wonder to his desk. After I'm done, I rush back to my seat and immediately stare out the window. At lunch when I'm with my friends, I'd catch him goofing off as he swings his arm around his Gothic girlfriend and now that I look back on it, I yell at myself for trusting such a mastermind. Caine is the reason I'm here and this is the story of how I became trapped in.....The Organization.