The interview
I watch the man through the one-way mirror. He is still, calm, and has a toothpick which sticks out from his slightly pursed lips. Fairly young, if I had to guess I would say he is 23. The dark color of his stiff hair complemented his dark sunglasses. To describe the dangerous criminal as handsome would be morally troublesome, but astonishingly accurate. His biceps bulge his he locks his fingers behind his head and leans back.
“Look at ‘im,” Officer Strapps interrupts my thoughts. “Doesn’t have a care in the world.”
“Do you think he’ll confess?”
“I don’t know, Just promise me one thing.”
I look at her stern face.
“If anything happens, you shoot him.”
“I can’t do that, the law-” I begin
“I don’t care what the law says, killing him would save countless lives. Who are we kidding, no prison can hold him. He’s only here because he wants to be here.”
I wipe my sweaty hands on my black slacks.
“Clara,” She places her hand on my shoulder. “If anything happens to you, I could never forgive myself. Police officers give their lives to protect people like you.”
Quickly, I glance at the twenty armed officers behind me. Officer Colling, the rookie, gives me a nervous nod.
I turn back toward the glass.
I feel sweat begin to drip from my forehead as adrenaline surges through my veins. I can hear my own heartbeat quite loudly, and I have difficulty breathing. My legs have grown numb, every instinct in my body told me not to take a single step toward that metal door. Wrapping my fingers around the holster of my weapon in a desperate attempt to calm my nerves, I force my body to take a step forward.
“We will be right here the whole time.” I hear one of the officers say as my quivering fingers touch the doorknob.
Slowly I push the door open and step forward into the interrogation room. The door closes behind me.
“Please,” The man grins his voice is shockingly pleasant, and deep. “Have a seat.”
“I- I will be-”
“Right, you’re the police, you’ll be issuing the commands right?”
“I- I-” I mutter.
The man begins to laugh. “You caught me officer. I’ll give you a confession, but only if you sit down.”
Not knowing what to say, I slowly sit down, not breaking eye contact with the murderer. I couldn’t look away from the blood flowing down his forehead from the spot I had shot him prior to arresting him.
“It hurt, quite a lot.” He says as he notices where I’m looking. “Still does.”
“You” My voice shakes “should be dead.”
“I should”
“but- here you are.”
“Here I am.”
“Molecular regeneration.” He smirks as he speaks.
Neither of us say anything for a full minute.
“You- told me you would confess” I said in the bravest voice I could. His eye contact was intense, I could barely look at him without losing my nerve. “so -so confess.”
“ah , yes, I’ve killed hundreds of people over the past few months, there you have it. Whew isn’t it nice to get that off my chest.” He says with a slightly sarcastic tone.
He again locks his fingers behind his head and leans back, this time lifting his feet onto the table.
“No one hired me if your wondering. I killed them, took their valuables, and left. Couldn’t leave them alive could I.” The man says with blood flowing down his tan forehead.
His intense green eyes met mine as he leaned forward in his seat. The toothpick in his mouth shifted as the corners of his lips lift again into an unnerving grin.
The man continues removing his sunglasses. “Men like me, we take whatever we can get our dirty hands on. We kill everyone who stands our way”
The man reveals his hand which is clenching a golden watch wiggling his fingers for effect. My hand quickly grasps where my watch used to be. I notice his cuffs have been unhinged and on the table. I draw my Glock. I aim it at his forehead. Behind me, The chair falls. It makes a loud sound. A sound that echoes throught the small room. His lips slowly fall into a frown, and he tilts his head.
“Well, what did you expect?” He lifts his hands defensively.
“I can’t take any chances!” I shout, the gun in my hand shakes uncontrollably “I can’t afford to take any more chances.”
I fire three bullets. Each hit directly between the eyes. There was a ringing in my ears from the three gunshots. I allow myself one second of hesitation for my mind to clear.
He is dead, he is most certainly dead
“Did you really think that would work?” He asked.
He is not dead.
I fire another bullet into his brain. And another.
“Have you finished?” He asks, wincing.
I fire my final bullet at his chest and the blood stains his black t-shirt. He looks down at it.
“What a shame.” He gently sets my now blood-stained gold watch on the table. “This one is on you.”
He stands up slowly.
“No!” I shout “you can’t leave. that door can stop a bullet, and there are dozens of officers armed and ready to shoot.”
He glances at me.
“You learn slow.” He chuckles
Without a second thought, the solid steel door is ripped off of the hinges and tossed across the hallway. The screams and shouts are quickly drowned out by heaps of gunfire. I don’t dare leave the room. I believe my life my very well depend on me staying here. I wait fearfully until the gunfire ceases.
Carefully, I inch toward the now empty door frame. I notice a trail of blood from the man.
As I enter the hall, what I see, I cannot fully comprehend. Police corpses. A lot of them. And Blood. A lot of it. Officer Strapps lay below the steel door. Completely motionless.
“Stapps!” I shout as I run over to her.
The door cuts into my fingers as I struggle to lift it off of my best friend’s body. I put my ear against her chest, then her stomach, no heartbeat, no breath. I look up, there is a defibrillator mounted on the wall. I use the handle of my glock to break the glass.
“You’re going to live Officer Strapps.” I shout as I place the two pads against her chest.
Her body jolts with the first charge.
“Come on now.”
Her body jolts again with the second charge
“You’re the strongest woman I know.”
I send a third charge through the wire. Nothing.
I slam my fist into her chest. I do it again. And again, Nothing.
I quickly scan the room for any signs of life, breathing, movement, that sort of thing. Even the prisoners in their cells were not left alive. I sit down, and rest my head against the wall. I try to slow my breathing and clear my mind.
We have no idea who, or what we are dealing with.
I quickly open my eyes as I think I hear something.
Is that breathing?
“H- Hello” My voice quivers.
A faint moan replies.
I quickly move over to where the sound came from. It was the rookie, he is alive, barely.