Friends will be there when lovers break down your walls
Bro's will help you when ho's pick away at you like crows
Ho's will abandon you in shambles and add to your long collection of falls
Bro's will accompany in those thorny and muddy crawls
They provide first aid to all your cuts and bruises like pro's
So this is a shoutout to the bro's who helped me through hell and made damn sure we were well
So this is a jab to those ho's, China dolls who promised you heaven but gifted you with hell instead
To them brothers who made you laugh like Ferrell and happy like their name was Pharrell
Girls who break your heart hopin to leave you red and fill you with dread and who live to tarnish your cred
Friends who helped you because you know damn well, they too fell through this hell spell as well
They stabbed you through the heart when it was at it's rawest red, bit into it like a cold vampire being fed with the red you provided when you weren't dead
Bro's, brothers in arms, with them you'll come out of each battle victorious
The ex-lovers who say they're still your friend only to hide a knife behind their back
With best Bro's in your possé, you'll never feel mopey or floppy. You're life will ever be gracious
Darlings who told you that they loved you and wanna hold you again, to then say "I don't give a FACK!"
With bro's your gracious life will glacious and glorious
So voracious, malicious, cautious yet ferocious, whom, somehow you still find twistedly luscious
To wrap up, Bro's before ho's. Period
Brothers like guardians against the voracious missus's
Party like your drag racing in Madrid
Party and rock with your brothers like it's your biz
Go to London and see the sights without the ho
Don't let chicks drag you down, not until you've found the one
They'll combat the crows
If he's helped you through coldest winter and hell's hottest night than he's your brother
However, I caution you, don't forget Love
Live life and then love
Live or die, you and your brothers need each other