Her feet kept running and running through an endless forest with her arms bleeding from scrapes and scratches. Her left leg wounded, a bullet inside of it and it felt as if the trees were mocking her.
She can feel her knees growing weaker and weaker every step, it was giving up and so was she. Her mind was running crazy, it was running wild. She felt insane and she knew for sure that she was drained out.
she wants to give in.
however she cannot allow herself to die in this gruesome place. She cannot leave this world with unfinished business so she continue to run - to survive.
Her hands are already tainted with blood and she knew that at that moment she left the girl that she was before but you cannot survive this world full of madmen without changing one's self. She gotta survive- No, she needed to survive.
The reason she's alive to this day is because of the hatred burning inside her heart and she will gladly continue to sully her hands to survive. Determination is burning in her eyes as she climb the tree with all her strength, catching her breath, she rest even for a little while.
Her chest was rising up and down. She huff, squeezing her leg for it was the easiest way to remove a bullet, it was a stupid move for pain shot throughout her body as she felt the bullet hit her insides, digging deeper into her flesh.
She have got to remove it with her own hands and so she bit her uniform to prevent any loud screams that can expose her. Both her hands were on her left leg, trying to open up the injury so her fingers can reach for the bullet. She screeched when her fingers jabs in her injury. The pain was surreal and it felt as if the bullet was playing with her.
Her blood was making it slippery and her fingers is not exactly dancing through the rhythm which is making things harder for her. She removed her fingers for a second and then again she dived into it once more, biting her uniform harsher than before.
When she finally removed it, comfort washed her leg, I mean like yeah sure, blood was oozing out of it shouting "freedom" but she felt her leg lighter than before. She tore up her skirt, covering her injury and she tied it, forming a knot and again pain yelled at her.
Catching her breath once more. She let her head lay itself on the tree branch before she heard a girl screamed in agony, catching her attention. Her eyes sets itself on the guy that was cutting the poor girl's clothing, lust was visible in his eyes.
It was disgusting and she couldn't bare herself to watch while he rape the poor girl and kill her once he's done. Even in a life and death situation perverts are coming out and defiling themselves with lust.
Truly, Men with lustful eyes can never change.
Without hesitation she took her knife that was hiding in her inner thigh and she hurled the knife right into the head of the disgusting bastard and it did landed right into the back of his head. Guess playing darts really improved her throwing skills. The man's body fell right into the girl's lap which made the poor girl frozen to her place.
Blood acted like a fountain, flowing out from his head unto her knife which is bloody disgusting however she needed that knife so it left her without a choice but get it. She went down from her hiding spot and took the knife from the skull of the man, cleaning it up by wiping it to the man's clothing.
"you okay?"
She asked the poor girl, worried about the stranger that was frozen to her place. She pushed the guy's body off of her and helped her stand saying:
" Give me all your weapons."
the frightened girl was shock with the change of personality but the girl take no heed to this. She helped the girl but she wasn't stupid enough to just trust her. She held up her hand, waiting for the girl to hand out all of her weapons and she did gave her, her knife and her gun which is good.
She walked off, leaving the girl a choice whether she will follow the girl that saved her or not. She chose neither. The poor innocent frightened girl earlier turned into some kind of monster. Her face was distorted with anger as she run to her savior.
And the girl felt her presence behind her, thinking she will finally follow her but she was wrong cause when she looked back she saw the hands of the girl went straight to her neck, pushing her to the the ground, choking the life out of her, saying:
The girl was giggling, her eyes held so much hatred to her so called "savior" she was still choking the girl, just staring right into her eyes without noticing that her so called "savior" was already clutching a knife in her hands
"Stupid bitch."
her voice held so much venom even though the girl was already choking her and that's where she realized that she messed up. Her own knife dug itself into the side of her neck and the girl that was she was being choked earlier was now given the chance to smirk, she twist the knife and she pushed the knife deeper down the girl's flesh.
Blood oozes out and the girl coughed blood right into the face of her savior. She can't believe that she was killed by her own weapon and with that she was pushed away by the girl, throwing her like she's some kind of trash. The girl's savior was a bloody mess, she has blood all over her face and hands. It was truly revolting. Sighing she stood up, saying:
The man smirked as he watched the girl at his big screen. Oh! how he loves watching her kill, how her eyes held so much disgust and determination at the same time. Really, every nerve of his body electrifies at the sight of her.
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