[In a green field in north America, people are being to question the church of Waldo. This, consequently, is taking from the power of the grass priests. In desperation the priest have developed a strict no tolerance policy in the church. Any Bull, or cow to even consider questioning the ethics of this great and true church is to be arrested, or killed. What these grass priest have neglected to understand is rather than solidifying their church, they have Inadvertently sparked a rebellion. Not against the true religion, but against the balance of power within it.]
Phil looked behind him. 3 dark brown horned beasts were chasing him. He remembered hearing only legends of the mysterious cow saviour, and the power in of the words if it be part of the will. But what words were there that could end his running? And even if he knew them, would the grass be willing to help? The newly established church of Waldo had very extreme followers. And disobedience could lead to death. There were followers that would chase and kill every cow who questioned the true power of Waldo the great and powerful savior of all cows. He who freed us from our bondage. Legend has it, Waldo was once a human. Chosen by the grass to save us. Now cows use humans to do labor.589Please respect copyright.PENANARUPUENLhCz
Phil turned behind him and slowed his pace. Lifting his two hoofs from the ground.
"Phil the 15th decent of Betsey the wise, the mentor, and the hands of the grass, I hereby place under arrest for questioning the one true religion. The religion of Waldo. Savior of our kind." Said Meyer, leader of the three oxen priests also beginning to stand on his rear legs.
"I didn't question the religion. Honest. I didn't question the practise, or the leaders or anything. I swear to the grass."
"An oath upon the grass is no longer enough to earn the trust of us dairy. Bring out the scroll of evidence."
The scarred priest to his left made an awful noise from his mouth.
Phil looked away in disgust.
Suddenly a round tube flapped out of the priest mouth. It began swinging. The leader bent down to read it.
"Hold it still brother William"
Brother William took it out of his mouth and held it with his hoofs. It was covered with half-digested grass. He quickly wiped it off.
"On this," he read out loud, " the 26th day of January, a meeting was held. In which all cows were asked to say the words of worship. This was to praise Waldo. The word to be said on his behalf was 'Mooooooo' which translates, in our newly learned language, English, 'praise Waldo, and the grass. Praise his mentor, Betsey, and praise the grass.' But Waldo hath said, and I quote, Moooooooo which translates too 'I shall release my cow pies onto the grass, and by doing so, I shun my ancestor Betsey.'
"No, no, I ment to say Mooooooo"
"Non sense. What you said was clearly Moooooooo"
"Those sound exactly the same!"
"This is a lie." Said the tallest of the three priests. "He clearly said Moooo"
"What did you just say?" Asked the leader.
"Moooo, and that's what Waldo said."
"Any cow who says Moooo deserves to die."
The leader jumped on top of the tall cow and begin biting his neck.
"For your sins," said the leader between between bites, "You shall have consequence of death."
The tall cow screamed in agony.
Phil backed away slowly. Wondering how his ancestors ever understood one another with the cow language.
"No!" Said the tall cow. "I meant to say Mooooooooo"
"That's even worse!" Shouted the leader. Biting even harder.
"Hay!" Said the scarred priest on the left, "Phil's getten' away."
"Get him!" Shouted the leader jumping off the now dead priest.
Red liquid leaked into the perfectly green grass. The scroll of truth was destroyed by brother William. The two remaining grass priests charged after Phil. Phil began to run. He was in shock after seeing the tall priest die. He didn't dare look behind him.
He began to feel wobbly on only to legs, so he went back on all fours. The day's of the night felt small. Compact. As if Phil were running out of room to run. The rocks on his hoofs felt rougher then ever before. He felt a pain in his front left leg. As he looked down he saw a large torn sticking out of it. He felt a cool liquid dripping as he ran. He couldn't stop now.