Ramona Francis was a little girl who lived with her grandparents. She was loved by everybody in her grandparents farm. The animals loved her, the gardeners adored her. She was a very beautiful girl, she had brownish golden hair, pink lips and rosy cheeks. Her eyes were very expressive. She had a heart made out of gold. She spent her Saturday evenings mostly in the fields, eating corn on cobs, and playing with her pet Luna her cat. Ramona was sent to most well known school in the city. Her grandparents the Snickets, the richest people of the city. Grandfather was a very famous and successful buisnessman and Grandmother was a very famous fashion designer. Ramona lost her parents at the age of 6. Her parents died in a plane crash and her grandparents loved her. She was just like a little princess. She used to love her city Berlin, where she was from, where she lived with her parents. After her parents death, her grandparents took her to Paris. She lived there for 6 years. At the age of 12, her grandparents were murdered. She was in a shock for a week. She cried for 1 week. It was found out that a person named Steve murdered Ramonas grandparents for their money but of course the money,estate, and the property belonged to Ramona.
"What is my fault?I don't want all of this richness! I just want somebody who loves me like Pa and Ma." sobbed Ramona infront of the judge.
Nobody could do anything and Ramona lost her schooling though she could afford the fee. The lawyer of her grandparents found a distant relative who wanted to take of the little girl. Ramona got everything packed and got a cute basket for Luna. Ramona took the train to Beijing.
"Nothing will happen to you Ramona, Pa and Ma is in your hearts. Luna is also with you. Your new life just begun, be brave!" Ramona thought while she hugged Luna and tears came out of her eyes.