We, unworthy lips of clay, are calling to the Highest One, who created the formless. Who is the consciousness of the universe. Who is pure love, bliss and joy, the Supreme Creator. Who has incarnated into human form, to help guide mankind. Who comes to me and enters my heart, and becomes my deepest voice whenever I ask. Our heavenly Father, who is the power aspect of creation. Together within, the God of all creation, who is unchangeable and permanent. I, your devotee, thank you and acknowledge you in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times.
Whenever you chant sacred mantras to the One True God, and chant it from the bottom of your heart the words from your mouth, they will be like a melody to Him. It is like calling out a name. Just like when you call for someone. They come to you and you feel their presence. It is the same manner, when you praise to the Lord your God. As the Creator of the Universe, who is omnipresent, it is important to know whatever you do, whatever you say, and the way you act, if you do it without love—there is nothing.