"It all dates back to the 14th of August, on the year of 1999. Athena Jane C. Johnssons, firtsborn of world renowned chemist Frank and Geneva Johnssons, was reported to be missing." He lifted up his gaze from the folder and glanced at my direction -- checking if I was rather listening intently to what he was saying.
"Up to this date, no clues nor traces of the child could be used for a proper investigation." Chief Adams said as he handed me a short folder with a few papers as well as picuters inside.
"All information about the Johnssons and the child would be inside that folder. Do not expect anything beyond their family's background since that is the only data that the police could and have acquired after ten years of investigating."
He retreated his back and already halfway across the room when he faced me again and said, "Also Agent Clark, never tell anyone about the case."
He leaned in closer, "In fact, only the both of us should know that that case is still alive."
With that, Chief Adams left my office as I stare at the folder.
I took a sip of my coffee, "Well, let's start your bloody case, Athena."