Noelle Jellel-West
Noelle purges her lunch in the bathroom toliet of the Langford Courthouse. After hearing all of the verdicts against Patrick behind agreed upon. Then meeting with 3 other baby mamas that Patrick has along with the 9 other kids that are his as well. Noelle knew that her only option is a divorce, which her family did not approve of. Standing up, she comes out of the stall; thank goodness that no one is in the betheroom when she was doing all of the throwing up. Rinsing her mouth out and splashing water on her face, she looks into the same brown eye of her reflection that Patrick had stared into and lied to her, for years.
Every charge had hit Noelle like a double barrel shotgun blast. Attempted murder; BAM. Dealing drugs; BAM. Prostitution Rings; BAM. Exploiting young girls; BAM. Theft; BAM.
Stupid Noelle. Stupid, stupid Noelle. She beats herself up while she uses a hand towel to pat her face dry. With a tired sigh, she exits the bathroom in time to catch the police hauling Patrick away. Patrick looks at Noelle with sympathetic eyes. Noelle knows that he knew he messed up bad this time.
Noelle wanted so bad to help him; a second nature thing to her, but when her own daugther took the stand. Noelle couldn't believe the bullshit that Patrick had done to his own daughter. It explains all the sleepless nights her daughter had and the sudden silence. That sealed the deal for their marriage.
Cutting her eyes at him, she turns the other way and climbs the stairs to the second floor of the courthouse. Noelle knew that this should have been done a long time ago, when she came in later from working. She found Patrick sleeping on the couch but goes upstairs to find not 1 but TWO females buck naked in the bed she and Patrick shared. That was 5 years ago today.
She turns down an empty hallway then makes a right; stopping at a green colored French door with the title in bold: World and Associates: Divorce Attorney and Marriage Specialist. Taking a deep breath to relax her nerves, she opens the door, and enters the office. The male receptionist looks up.
"How may I help you, ma'am?" His smile brighter than the sun itself.
"Yes, I would like to speak with Mr. Rowlison, please." Noelle says fiddling with her off-brand Coach purse.
"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Rowlison?" The male arches his perfectly arched brow.
"Uh . . . no. But, he said to come in when I am---."
"Oh . . . Noelle Jellel. Got cha." He begins to dial a few numbers and after a few 'uhs', 'nos', and 'okays'. "You can go right ahead." He winks at Noelle.
Noelle jerks her head back at the wink with some confusion. She hesitantly makes her way down the slightly dimmed short hallway. In the middle, a bald, caramel man pokes his head out of his office. "Noelle?"
Noelle smiles and begins to walk more confidently down the hallway, entering Mr. Rowlison's office whilest biting her bottom lip. He closes the door.