"Miss Romano, Captain Lennox has requested your presence in the main Autobot hangar." A soldier says to me, and I nod before making my way through the military base. I found him standing in front of a yellow Lamborghini Aventador and a red Ferrari 458-Italia. "You summoned me, Sir?" I say, and he nods at me. "I understand your a spy/assassin?" he says. "Trained especially in South California, sir." I respond. "Well, I guess it's time you got your first N.E.S.T. qualified partner." Lennox says. I nod. "As long as I still get lone missions I'm fine." I say, my voice low. "Yeah.. Not happening. Especially after what happened after the last one." He says, and this is where I get mad. "Excuse me? Your punishing me for Harvey and Bumblebee's fight, and Whit being a spy for the decepticons, which I warned you about!?" I snarl. "The cons only knew I was coming because Whit was spying on us, heard the plan, and ran back to Daddy Dearest. Plus Bee and Harvey were my escort and they can't stop fighting to save their lives!" I say. "It's not my call, it's director Mearing's. So don't be mad at me." Lennox says and I pinch the bridge of my nose in irritation. "Then who am I working with?" I ask, voice low in irritation. "You, will be working with Dino." He says, and the red Ferrari transforms into a cybertronian mech. "Fucking. Joy." I mutter and walk off to my room.
I was sitting in my room, remembering my times with my family in Amalfi, when I was little while I sketched my childhood home, when I hear a knock on my door. "Accedere" I say. The cybertronian I would be working with stepped inside, though he appeared to be in Mass-Displacement. "Ciao..." He muttered. "Ciao." I say curtly. "Cosa fai?" He asks, and I'm impressed with how well his voice blends with the italian language. "Disegno." I say. "Ti piace disegnare?" he asks. "sì" I respond. "come ti chiami?" he asks. "Anastasia, anche se sono abbastanza sicuro che tu lo sapessi già." I say. "Voi?" I continue. "Mirage. O Dino." he replies. "Parli inglese?" I ask. He nods with a grunt. "si ma non molto bene." he says. "Well, you'll just have to learn if you wanna be at this base then." I say, switching from italian over to english. He chuckles. "I noticed." he says. "Wow, you even installed a Italian accent to your voice box." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "Actually, I gained the accent when I learned the Earth's language in Amalfi Italy, where my escape pod crash landed and I took a 458-Italia as an alt-mode." He says. The mention of Amalfi shocks me, seeing as I hadn't been there since when I was 11, right before I'd been kidnapped by the Englishmen. "Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "No. I just haven't been to Amalfi since I was a little girl." I mumble, going back to drawing my childhood home. "Say, that looks allot like the house I was given permission to stay at when I first arrived on Earth." Mirage says. "Wait.. Seriously?" I ask, and he nods. "How do you know what it looks like?" he asks. "It's my childhood home..." I mutter. Before he responds, my radio goes off. "Romano, do you copy?" Lennox's voice breaks through the static. "Romano here." I respond. "Where the hell are you and Dino at? Y'all got your first mission together." he demands. I sigh. "We're in my dorm getting to know each other better, we'll be in the main Autobot hangar in six." I say and then turn my radio off so I could gear up. "I'll meet you outside of your dorm." Dino says and I nod. "Okay."
"I'm sorry, who!?" I snarl. "You heard me." Lennox says. "If I'm hearing this correctly, your wanting me to kill Edwardo Lee Rosco, who happens to be the vampire that turned me and helped me through all the Energon torturing sessions with Newborn blood?!?!?" I snarl. "You may not appreciate my existence, but that vampire is the only reason I made it through those fucked up years." I snarl. Dino's holoform stood behind me, and I was glad he wasn't in my eyesight, because when I first saw it I blushed redder than his paint job. He was tall, around 6"3', with soft brown hair with red streaks and deep blue eyes. His skin was a nicely tanned peach color, and he wore a red skin tight t-shirt with a black leather jacket and blue bootcut jeans with black combat boots. And when he spoke while in his holoform I could probably cut the tension with a knife. "There's no way in hell I'm going on this mission." I say. "Ana this is serious, he killed another assassin!" Lennox says sternly. "Oh yeah, like who!?" I snarl. "Like Alexandre Romano!" Lennox yelled.
"My.. brother?"