Sometimes it’s the minor details that stand out the most. Details that don’t appear to hold any significance whatsoever, only for you to later find out that they do. The details I’m speaking of were difficult to believe and even harder to accept.
It was on a normal night when I first started noticing things. I was in my bed with the shade pulled halfway down, allowing enough moonlight into my room for me to see. I had been sleeping normally for a couple of hours before finding myself awake. Usually when a person wakes up they slowly or quickly adjust to their surroundings. Every color, object, and sound falls into place within a matter of seconds. This happened to me as well, but there was one big difference. I couldn’t move my body. No matter what I did my head stayed in place with my arms stuck at both sides.
I could only move my eyes and so that’s exactly what I did. I shifted them to the side and saw what appeared to be the outline of a person, or thing. I couldn’t’ tell for sure because it disappeared almost immediately after I saw it. Strangely enough, I was able to move again as soon as it left. I turned my head in both directions with hopes that I’d see the outline again, but nothing showed up. Like any rational person I dismissed the sighting as my mind being foggy and went back to sleep.
The outline quickly escaped my mind as I carried on with the rest of my life. Yes, a part of me did wonder what it had been, but I certainly didn’t dwell on it as I went through my daily routine.
Some nights later I found myself in a similar situation. I had just awakened and was unable to move my body. This time all I could do was panic as I tried moving whatever body part I could. Once again, only the eyes were able to move. They didn’t move very far before I saw the outline of a shadow standing beside the right corner of my bed. As soon as I saw it my mind numbed and I began to panic…only for it to disappear once again. For a while I just lay in bed, staring at where the shadow outline had been. There was more of it this time. I saw what appeared to be a head, arms, and legs, as opposed to the black outline I had seen before. This made me just a tad bit jumpy, but again it was nothing of great concern.
For the rest of the day and week I would find my mind occasionally going back to the shadow standing by my bed. However, it soon became a distant memory just like the last time.
Weeks had gone by and I had almost completely forgotten about it. Things were running smoothly and the last thing I had to worry about were figments of my imagination.
The consistently good weeks soon went away and I found myself a little more stressed than usual. I was now going to bed much later than normal, fixating on various projects I had planned on starting. My mind was just a box filled with too many things.
It was during one of those nights where I decided to get to bed at a decent hour. I had no trouble whatsoever falling asleep, as one would assume with a person as overworked as myself. It felt great to feel my body drift off into the darkness as sleep, giving my body time to recuperate before another busy day.
A number of hours later and I was awake once again. This time I felt as if there was some sort of restraint firmly keeping my arms and legs locked at all times. My eyes slowly raised from the bedsheets to what lay before me.
Sitting on my bed and staring at me was a full-sized shadow person looking at me through eyes with pupils that resembled spirals. The rest of his body had a bit of a spirally design too, but it was still an outline. The only real difference was that I could tell that this was indeed a person, or at least it was meant to resemble one.
This time the blood rushed to my head and I could feel my breath cut short as I looked at this thing for a couple seconds. It didn’t move or make any noise, but the mere presence of it was enough to terrify me. Even after it disappeared I could only stare and shiver in bed. I didn’t want whatever it was coming back, so I refused to sleep the rest of the day.
Shortly after I changed my sleeping area to the couch in our living room. My family found it odd and asked why I chose to sleep there of all places. I simply gave them one look and said, “There are some mysteries that just shouldn’t be solved.”