An extra hour occurs at midnight, but only a handful of people experience it. And this extra hour doesn’t occur just every day. It occurs very, very, rarely. On that very special day, the whole world stops at midnight for one hour. During that hour, special fairies come on earth to visit soon-to-be mothers. They bless the child in the womb with special destinies or special talents. Very rarely, the children being born during this hour are blessed with special powers; a handful of children who grow up to either ignore or cherish their powers. And most just ignore it. I really pity them.
I happened to be one of those lucky people who cherished their gift. So, I was able to experience the magical hour with the fairy who blessed me. We went all across a continent she had chosen, visiting soon-to-be mothers. We landed in a room and I stood by watching as a golden light filled the mother and went deep into the soul living in her womb. This is what we kept doing till the fairy’s work was completed.
And all the work finished in exactly 45 minutes. Then the special fairies and a handful of people like me, including myself, sat together and had a little midnight tea party; the best and the most magical tea party with real fairy lights and real fairy festivity. Being a very rare occurrence, I’ve experienced this hour only once. But it’s enough to last me a lifetime.
The special power I’d been given was the power to spread a little fairy magic through the immense and vast amount of joy in me. ‘That is the most special power.’ my fairy friend would tell me every time she visits me.
‘An extra hour occurs at midnight, but only a handful of people experience it.’ I would smile at my fairy friend. ‘I’m glad you chose me. And I’m glad I chose to know my gift.’