Sighing softly Shredleaf padded across camp as they headed over to the leader’s den where Lynxstar was currently resting. ShadowClan wasn’t really doing the best right now. Leaf-bare was currently long and hard and there was barley any prey. Although no cats died yet there a chance that they could if they didn’t get any food soon.
The thought of his clanmates dying because they had nothing to eat made Shredleaf’s poor heart shatter. But there was nothing the tom could do to make prey randomly appear. They were a medicine cat and weren't meant to hunt. But Shredleaf still hunted if he had too.
Walking into the leader’s den Shredleaf respectfully dipped his head and then sat down next to Lynxstar.
“I'm guessing we are here to talk about the storage of prey?” Shredleaf questioned.
Nodding Lynxstar narrowed his eyes. “Yes. If we don’t find some prey soon then our kits will die.”
“I know.” Shredleaf said sadly. He was trying his best to make sure none of his clanmates died by giving them herbs to verge off their hunger. But a cat couldn’t live off plants their whole lives. “Maybe we should try and look for food beyond clan territory?” 199Please respect copyright.PENANA9d7ar471bq
“I already sent out a few patrols outside clan land. It seems leaf-bare is bad almost everywhere. And I don’t want to send my warriors too far away from the clan. If they get lost or hurt, then they will never be able to make their way back.” Lynxstar pointed out.
What his leader said made sense. Shredleaf knew it would only make things worse if their warriors ended up dying looking for food sources.
“Your right. But what should we do? Look for kitty-pet food?” Shredleaf was disgusted at himself for saying that, but he had no other ideas. It was against the warrior code to eat kitty-pet food but shadowclan needed to survive. Any food right now was good as long as it filled the clan’s belly.
Wrinkling his nose Lynxstar let out a scoff. “We are warriors. Not helpless kitty-pets. We do not need to eat kitty-pet food out of all things. In fact, I have a different idea.” he informed his medicine cat.
Tilting his head Shredleaf wondered what his leader’s plan was. Maybe they could get out of this without breaking the code.
“What is it?” Shredleaf asked.
“We have to ask another clan for food.”
As soon as his leader said that Shredleaf sighed. Hunting on another clan’s territory was also against the code. But maybe Lynxstar did have a point. If shadowclan kindly asked another clan to spare some land maybe they would be allowed to share it until the end of leaf-bare. Then no code breaking, or bloodshed would be necessary.
But then again Shredleaf also knew that it was very unlikely that any clan leader would give up land in the middle of leaf-bare to help another clan out. All the clans were probably starving just the same. Well, all the clans but riverclan.
Riverclan always had prey in leaf-bare for the most part. Unless their rivers froze over with ice. But this leaf-bare wasn’t that cold. Meaning that riverclan had plenty of prey. More than they could possibly eat by themselves.
Realizing his leader’s idea Shredleaf blinked. “But riverclan won't give up their prey.” He pointed out.
“How do you know that?” Lynxstar demanded.
“riverclan cats are stubborn and cruel. They don’t care that were dying. They don’t care that they have enough food to feed all the clans. In the end they will still refuse to give us any prey.” Shredleaf pointed out. Bad leaf-bares had happened before and some clans had to beg riverclan to give them prey. Yet, they still refused.
Shredleaf couldn’t help but find it kind of ironic. Whenever riverclan was in need of help, whether their river was filled with ice or had too many two-legs, they instantly asked the other clans to help them out. Yet they never returned the favor. In fact, most riverclan cats would most likely laugh in your face if you asked them to do anything useful.
“I know.” Lynxstar sighed. “But we have to at least try. If there’s any chance of us getting food, we need to ask. Even beg if we have too. I don’t want to beg for food. But I rather beg for it then watch my clanmates die.” 199Please respect copyright.PENANAUyCZeeHegy
nodding Shredleaf looked his leader in the eyes. He agreed with every word the tom said. But still it was unlikely riverclan would give them anything, even if they spent the whole day pestering them.
“But what if riverclan doesn’t agree? What will we do then?” Shredleaf pressed on.
“Fight.” Lynxstar answered bluntly.
His eyes widening Shredleaf gasped. “We can't fight riverclan!”
“We might have too.” Lynxstar said sadly. “I don’t want too. But if riverclan won't give us food then we have to be prepared for a fight.”
“riverclan is way stronger than us right now.” Shredleaf pointed out. “They have been properly fed for a while now while were just skin and bones. There currently way stronger than us and would most likely win any fight.”
“Well, I'm not going to sit here and let my clan starve. If riverclan doesn’t give us food, then we are just going to have to take it from them. But don’t worry, were going to ask them first and hopefully avoid a fight if we can. But if we can't then we are going to have to prepare to get our claws bloody.” Lynxstar growled, unsheathing his claws and dragging them against the cave floor.
Realizing that he couldn't convince his leader, otherwise right now Shredleaf simply nodded. He hoped that his clan could avoid a fight. They were way too weak to win a battle. They couldn’t even feed their bellies right now. If a warrior got badly hurt or killed, then that would lessen the chance of them getting any food more.
There were many different options than fighting riverclan for food. They could try and look for some near the edges of clan territory, search the two-leg place or even send a patrol out to gather food. Lynxstar was just paranoid. They could find something to eat without having to resort to bloodshed.
Feeling his tummy rumble Shredleaf sighed. He knew Lynxstar wasn’t in the wrong though. He was dealing with a lot right now and was desperately trying to provide for his clan and make sure his clan members were well fed. It was hard being a clan leader and Shredleaf was grateful that he chose the path of becoming a medicine cat instead.
“We will try our luck and ask riverclan about sharing prey at the gathering tomorrow.” Lynxstar spoke up. “You should get some sleep or maybe gather some more herbs first just in case a fight actually happens.”
Nodding Shredleaf let out a yawn and left his leader’s den. “Alright.” he called back. “Although I hope we don’t have to fight.” 199Please respect copyright.PENANAeLuaMG69nR
“Me too.” Lynxstar sighed. “But sometimes warriors have to get their claws dirty.”
Walking towards the camp entrance Shredleaf decided that he might as well gather some more herbs or see if he could find any prey.
Smelling the crisp, night-time air Shredleaf began his search. It was lightly snowing which would make finding both herbs and prey harder, but the medicine cat had to at least look.
After a while of wandering around Shredleaf sighed. This was hopeless. He couldn’t find any herbs or prey in weather like this.
But before Shredleaf could pad back to camp he caught the scent trail of a small mouse. His eyes wide Shredleaf crouched down onto the forest floor and got into a perfect hunting position. Carefully crawling against the floor, he then leaped onto the mouse and sank his fangs into the back of the prey’s neck.
Once the mouse was dead Shredleaf proudly lifted his catch up. Although the mouse was small it would feed a kit or two.
Figuring he could find some herbs tomorrow in the morning Shredleaf padded back to camp and headed into the nursey. Dropping the mouse off he then turned around and went into the medicine cat’s den.
Laying down onto his mossy nest Shredleaf closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He hoped the gathering tomorrow wouldn’t result in violence. Maybe riverclan would peacefully give up some of their land. But no matter how much Shredleaf tried to remain cheerful he knew deep down something terrible was going to happen.
The next day Shredleaf was in a constant state of worry. He managed to find a few herbs though which were lucky to find in weather like this.
Returning back to camp with the herbs he collected Shredleaf sat down inside of his den and began to neatly sort them. He was dreading going to the gathering. He hoped that Blossomstar, the leader of riverclan would be reasonable. But knowing her she wouldn’t agree to a single thing.
Soon a few hours had passed, and it was time to go to the gathering. Gulping Shredleaf padded up to Lynxstar and the rest of his clan as they left the camp.
“How are you going to go about asking Blossomstar for land?” Shredleaf asked silently.
“you're going to see when It happens.” Lynxstar growled. “I'll try my best to remain calm and ask nicely. But I don’t know how Blossomstar will react.
Nodding Shredleaf fell behind with the rest of his clan. Soon shadowclan arrived at the gathering and sat down. Shuffling his paws Shredleaf tried to make himself calm down. After all the other leaders spoke it was finally time for Lynxstar to talk.
“I hate to admit that shadowclan hasn’t been doing the best this leaf-bare. I know all the clans aren't well. But Shadowclan is by far in the worst condition. We have food storages when it isn't even leaf-bare. But once leaf-bare comes around it gets even worse. We haven't had a good meal in a while and our kits are slowly dying because of the lack of food.” Lynxstar declared.
“Well, let’s just pray to starclan and hope this leaf-bare ends quickly.” Blossomstar suggested.
“Praying still won't feed our empty bellies.” Lynxstar pointed out. “We need food. I tried almost everything. I went out of clan territory to hunt but there is still no food. I hate to ask this, but I have no other choice.” turning to Blossomstar, Lynxstar dipped his head. “Blossomstar, would you please allow me and my warriors to hunt on a part of your territory for the rest of leaf-bare? I don't want to ask this. I really don’t. But I also don’t want my warriors to die because they have no food in their bellies.” 199Please respect copyright.PENANAAKNSimKLkw
“of course not!” Blossomstar growled, her eyes narrowed. “This isn't the first rough leaf-bare the clans had. Shadowclan has survived through leaf-bares in the past. They will survive now.” 199Please respect copyright.PENANAMeKRggR6iF
“But this isn't the past. It's the present. We need food now. If we don't get food our kits will die, and their blood will be on your paws!” Lynxstar snarled, getting filled to the brim with rage.
“If your kits die that will not be our problem nor fault. It's your own fault you are too weak to feed them.” Blossomstar said harshly.
That only made Lynxstar get even more mad. Shredleaf winced, knowing what was going to happen next.
“Last chance. Give us your territory or else.” Lynxstar ordered.
“Or else what?” Blossomstar laughed. “If you are too weak to feed yourselves then your most likely too weak to attack us. So, I doubt you're going to win any fight you're planning.”
“You're underestimating us!” Lynxstar promised. “Since you're not going to give us your land, we are going to take it by force. You better sleep with your eyes open.”
“Is that a threat?” Blossomstar demanded, her eyes wide.
“it’s a promise.” Lynxstar spat back.
as soon as the shadowclan leader said that the gathering was over. Each clan left, afraid of the battle that could come.
Swiftly padding up to his leader Shredleaf didn’t know exactly what to say.
“a-are we actually going to attack riverclan?” Shredleaf managed to ask.
“What other choice do we have?” Lynxstar questioned. “You saw how Blossomstar acted. We need food. And if she isn't going to give it nicely to us then were simply going to have to take if from them with force.” 199Please respect copyright.PENANADtjZYQ1d5e
“But are we strong enough to fight?” Shredleaf asked. “Blossomstar was right when she pointed out that were weak due to the lack of food.”
“shadowclan will win every fight. Were stronger than all the clans put together. With or without food. You can't convince me otherwise, Shredleaf. We will attack in a few days. Gather a few more herbs if you need too. Shadowclan will never back down!” Lynxstar said proudly, lifting his head.
Sighing Shredleaf nodded and padded off. His stubborn leader wasn’t going to back down now. It was too late. Heading into the medicine cat den Shredleaf looked over his herb stalk, dreading the battle that was going to come.
Soon a few days had passed. Shredleaf had been preparing by gathering as many herbs as he could. The poor medicine cat was beyond tired and still was worried. Could shadowclan actually win this fight?
It would be unlikely, but it also wasn’t impossible. But no matter who won there was definitely going to be a lot of spilled blood.
“shadowclan!” Lynxstar said, letting out a loud yowl. “Today is the day we fight riverclan. We will be fighting to feed our kits. We will not hold back in this fight, but we will also not act like cruel rogues. We will only kill if there’s no other way out. Shadowclan will win!” He promised.
“Shadowclan! Shadowclan!” Lynxstar’s clan yelled.
The fact that Lynxstar had to mention murder in his speech proved how dangerous this fight was going to be.
Padding out of camp alongside his clanmates Shredleaf trailed behind them. He made sure to grab a bunch of herbs just in case someone got badly hurt.
Soon the shadowclan cats arrived in riverclan territory. Blossomstar glared down at the shadowclan patrol before unsheathing her claws and letting out a scoff.
“What are you doing here?” she questioned. “Get lost!”
“you're not going to get rid of us that easily.” Lynxstar laughed. “Have you forgotten what we said at the gathering already?”
“No!” Blossomstar growled, bristling her fur. “I'll give you one last chance. Leave while you can.” 199Please respect copyright.PENANAVYJpSxmgWQ
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“Me and my clan aren't going to leave until part of your territory is ours. We have already asked nicely. If you don't give it to us now, then we won't hesitate to fight.” Lynxstar threatened.
Blossomstar didn’t reply. Instead, she turned to her clan and flexed her sharp claws. “riverclan, attack!”
Almost instantly cats leaped into battle. His eyes widening Shredleaf ran over to the outskirts of riverclan territory, waiting and watching to see if anybody got hurt.
The medicine cat could barely hear himself over the loud caterwauls of his clan-mates. It was too early to tell who was winning but neither clan was going to go down without a fight.
As he watched the battling cats Shredleaf saw one of his clan-mates get struck down by a large warrior. Instantly getting up Shredleaf bolted across the clearing to save the warrior.
“Let her go!” Shredleaf ordered. “You do not need to kill to win this fight.”
Luckily, the riverclan warrior simply nodded and dashed off. Dragging his clan-mate over to the outskirts Shredleaf grabbed some cobweb and tightly began to wrap it around the warrior’s wounds. He didn't have time to coat them in marigold or any other herbs. He would have to do that when he got back to camp.
Once Shredleaf made sure the wounded warrior was on his way back to camp his eyes then turned back to the fight. Blinking Shredleaf could barely let out a gasp as he realized that his clan, shadowclan was in the lead.
Shredleaf didn’t know how to feel about that. It turned out Lynxstar was right. Shadowclan warriors fought like lionclan when they needed to.
But not everything was going as planned. The medicine cat saw an apprentice get slammed to the ground by a much larger warrior.
The apprentice was a small she-cat named Dewpaw and she was no match for the bigger warrior in front of her. Maybe the warrior would run off and find a different shadowclan warrior to attack. But Shredleaf doubted it. Riverclan cats were cruel. They would even kill an apprentice if they were given the chance.
Although he was the medicine cat Shredleaf wasn’t just going to stand there and watch one of his clan-mates get brutally attacked or even killed. Unsheathing his sharp claws Shredleaf leaped onto the riverclan warrior and sank his teeth into the cat’s shoulders.
“What are you doing?” the cat demanded, his eyes narrowed. “you're a medicine cat. Get lost!”
“Pft, just because I'm a medicine cat doesn’t mean I'm afraid to get my claws dirty. I'm not just going to sit there and watch you kill that apprentice!”
Slashing Shredleaf’s face the cat soon threw him off. But Shredleaf wasn’t done yet. Rushing over to his attack Shredleaf leaped onto his back and sank his claws into his back and bit his neck. Dewpaw, noticing what was happening, ran off, her eyes wide.
But it was to late for Shredleaf to back out of this fight now. Struggling Shredleaf’s attacker threw him onto the ground and sank his teeth into Shredleaf’s ear before tearing it slightly. Before any of them could go further they looked around and saw that riverclan was escaping.
“riverclan! The fight is over. Retreat!” Blossomstar screeched.
Grunting Shredleaf’s attacker got up. “You're going to regret this!” he promised, running over to his clan.
Although Shredleaf was hurt he padded back to camp with his clan. Other cats were hurt worse than him.
“Shadowclan has won this fight!” Lynxstar said happily. “shadowclan!”
“Shadowclan! Shadowclan!”
Smiling Shredleaf realized that maybe he did underestimate his clan. Although he wished this could have happened without bloodshed, he was at least happy that shadowclan could now be fed.
Grabbing some herbs Shredleaf began to heal his clan-mates. Although shadowclan won this time he knew this battle was far from over.
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