I look towards my window and watch as my room brightens from the rising sun. I glance over and check my alarm clock. It's 5:27. I might as well get up. I wrap my blanket around my naked body and go over to my ceiling fan. I pull the string for my light, turning my light on. I walk over to my dresser and take a pair of black panties out of the third drawer, a pair of black pants from the fourth drawer, and a red tank top out of the second drawer. I lay it all on my bed and grab my hair ties and a scrunchie. I get dressed and pull my hair up into a bun on the top of my head. I walk over to my closet and open the door. I pull down my makeup box and open it. I pull out the red liquid lipstick and apply two layers. Then, I pull out the eyeliner, mascara, and eyebrow pencil. I apply all of them and put up my makeup. I smile at my reflection and close my closet door. I grab a pair of black socks and my black boots. I pull both on and go to town.
I stop in the park and look around. Suddenly, I feel and hand on my arm. I whirl around to see the candle shop woman.
"Sorry, Validia. Didn't mean to startle you."
"You wish. What do you want?" I check my phone. "It's 5:57. I have somewhere I need to be by 6:30."
"I'm just surprised to see you out and about."
"Why?" I continue walking.
"You're usually all cooped up in that little place of yours."
"I'm a vampire. It's what I do. I do not go out in public. It's just who I am. I am not a people person."
"I can tell."
I stop and turn around. "Why are you even following me?"
She stops. "Oh, sorry." She backs up. "I have to go anyway. Bye." She turns and walks away.
I turn around and come face to face with...
"Samual, what do you want?"
"I don't know. I guess you could say that I'm trying to hide from Dracula."
"Shut up. Don't say that name." I stop in front of the library and turn around. "Why would you be trying to hide from him, anyway?"
"Reasons you do not want to know. But I do know he's really pissed off about something. I have no idea what."
"That's nice. Now leave me alone." I turn away and go inside the library.
He follows me. "But don't you need company?"
"I'm not for free. I already have my eye out for someone. Thanks, though."
He just continues to follow me. "Could you help me, though? Please?"
I turn around and get up close to his face. "I'm not helping you with any damn thing. And I wise you leave me the fuck alone before you have two pissed off people to deal with. Is that understood?"
He nods quickly.
"And trust me, you do not want me to be pissed off."
"Oh, really?"
I look to my left and instantly regret. Samual looks to his right and smiles innocently.
"Hi, Dracula. How are you?"
"Still pissed off. Plentifully pissed off." He looks at me and smiles.
I look back at Samual. I check my watch. It's 6:35. I groan and turn away. I walk up to the checkout desk and smile at the lady.
"Sorry I'm late," I say. "I had a bit of a fuss."
"Who are you and what are you here for?"
"My name is Countess Validia Vaquez and I am here to pick up a package."
"Okay. I'll be right back."
I stand there and wait, tapping my fingers on the desktop. After ten minutes, she comes back with a box and hands it to me.
"No problem."
I leave the library and go to the small supermarket. Once at the supermarket, I get three medium-sized pumpkins and two bags of mini pumpkins. I take them home along with my package from the library.
Once home, I open the package and find that it's exactly what I got. A pumpkin carving kit. Over the next several hours, I use it to carve out the big pumpkins and make them into jack o' lanterns. Once I'm done, I set the bigger pumpkins out on my doorstep with eerie-colored candles in them. I go back inside and use decorating paint to decorate the mini pumpkins. I put them up around my house and a few outside. Then, I turn off every light in my house, lie in bed, and wait for morning to come.