As you walk around in the village aimlessly, your mind begins to race. It’s been months since you escaped the clutches of an evil king that kidnaped your mother and many others at a far-off kingdom. They are all now slaves. Your eyes begin to tear up as you think about your grim situation. You are now alone, with nothing to eat. You desperately needed to find a way to make some money so you can get some food. At this point you declare yourself an orphan with the only thing in your possession is the clothing on your back. You manage to escape to this small village far away from that tyrant king. You don’t remember the last time you had a warm bath, a hot meal, and a warm place to stay.
One day you notice a small home with a small farm on the outskirts of the village. It was her again. Wandering around the village for so long you began to know everyone in the village, and that was because that’s where your parents once lived. However, a lot of people that were in the village are poor. That is why there was never anyone who would take the burden of giving food and shelter to some random child.
The widow that lives in that small home steps outside to meet the men who would approach her on horseback. You notice that they usually were royalty. From a distance you could see them. They would line up one at a time at least three times in a week.
You knew she wasn’t just any widow. Even though she lives a simple lifestyle in her small cottage home, she was the one who held the legendary sword of her deceased husband, once a master swordsman. He taught her everything he knew. Many would challenge her to take the sword, instead they all return home admitting defeat. You notice she always kept the sword by her side. It was a very valuable weapon for her. It was the last thing her husband gave her before he passed away.
You thought about it so many times, as these royal knights from far off kingdoms fail time and time again to win the sword from her. You thought, if only you were skilled at fighting with a sword. You could win the sword from her and use it to free your mother from that evil king. Maybe even save the other villagers that have all been captured and made into slaves. The only thing you know is to beg on the streets for food. At times you would even resort to stealing fruit at the marketplace because you were so desperate for food. “Fools” you thought, as you look at the men on horseback, “they’ll never get that sword from her.” You’d wonder if only you could steal the sword so you could use it to fight for your mother’s freedom. That’s when your stomach began to rumble.
At the base of a tree near the widow’s small cottage you fall asleep. When you finally wake up to the sound of your own stomach again, you notice that the men on horses have all left for the day. You also notice that she was outside eating while the sword was on the ground near her. You have noticed many times before how she would carry it around all day tied to her waist. It must be heavy to carry that thing around all day, so you thought. As you got closer to the widow’s home, all you could think about was stealing the sword and how you could teach yourself how to wield it.
Before you knew it you were behind a tree near her. She had laid a blanket on the ground. On it she sat comfortably as she ate her lunch. The sword was right there, her back was facing you. She had no idea that you were just inches away from snatching the sword. As you crouch down to crawl towards the sword on the ground, you took one quiet deep breath. And then a thought came to your mind. If she catches you trying to steal her sword, she will probably not hesitate to cut you down right then and there. But your mind was wildly exaggerating. Surely, she wouldn’t kill a child, so you thought. However, she did have the ability to report your deeds and send you off to rot in a dungeon somewhere if you did get caught. Now you began to sweat profusely doubting the execution of your plan.
You have two choices...
(Keep adding to the story please!)