Two fifty five. Two fifty five was the last time I could remember being a normal teenager. It was the last period of the day, math. I was half asleep on my desk, but then again, so was everyone else.
“Ryan?” Mrs. Nolus asked.
“Um. Yes?” I responded
“Can you answer the question?” Everyone was looking at me now. Their eyes burning me. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Jake, my best friend, across the class, flashing three fingers up at me. I looked down at my book. Luckily, I knew the answer. I stood up.
“The quadratic formula is negative ‘b’ plus or minus the square root of ‘b’ squared minus 4’a’’c’ over two ‘a’”
“Very good Ryan! Now Emily, could you please…” I zoned out again. Looking at the clock I saw the second had rotating up the twelve. Finally the bell rung. I picked up my bag and rocketed out of the class. On my way to my locker, Jake intercepted me.
“Hey dude, what’s up?” I looked at him closely. Jake had dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes, and he always wore a smile that said he was about to do something really stupid. Then again, my dark brown hair and blue-green eyes held just as much mischief.
“Not much man, just heading home for the day.”
“Did you hear? The new Outlanded game is coming out! I’ve already set my preorder!”
“Come on man, you know I’m still grounded from near failing my last test, right? I’d be lucky if I got that game at all!”
“Just get it yourself! You always work, so you have tons of money! Why don’t you just go out and get it yourself?”
“Because!” I near shouted at him, “If my parents catch me playing that game when I should be studying for next week’s test, I won’t live to see summer!”
“Fine.” Jake said reluctantly, “But as soon as you can get it, you will. Right?”
“Yea man. Of course. Seriously though, I have to go now.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.”
“See ya.” He walked away, probably off to go bother someone else about the new game he got, or some cool song he found. Maybe even go talk about his favorite TV show. I grabbed my books out of my locker and began to walk home. As I was walking I decided that, it’s a Monday, I’ve got nothing to do. So I decided to take a walk through the small woods behind the school. I found a large, sturdy log to sit on and dropped my bag onto the ground. I looked around at the trees, the birds inside them. Everything was so peaceful in there. Then I noticed another log in front of me. It looked pretty normal. It must have fallen recently because there was no moss on it or anything. That’s when I noticed the green cube at the bottom of it. It was wasn’t that big, it fit in the palm of my hand. When I picked it up it was warm to the touch. I checked it over, there was no name or anything on it to distinguish an owner. I decided to drop it into my bag and take it home with me. Finally, after my walk in the woods, I got home. I found my older brother where he always was, on the couch playing videogames. I hate-loved the guy. For one, he was a six-two football player that looked like he lived in a gym. Other than that we could have been twins. I was barely five-seven and hadn’t even been in a gym in my life. Then there was my sister, she was on her phone like usual. Texting her friends and checking social media like it was keeping her alive. I just walked into my room and shut the door. Then I took out the box. It looked even weirder than before. However, now the green light was making the shape of a finger print scanner. Confused, I put my finger on it. Suddenly, I felt a shock pass through my whole body. Suddenly I felt very, very tired. I started walking towards my bed and I was half way there before my legs dropped dead. ‘Am I dying?’ I thought. Right as I managed to pull myself onto my bed, I felt the rest of my body go limp. I could barely keep my eyes open before I let out the loudest sound I could muster, “Help!” Unfortunately, my failing body could barely make a whisper. Then I lost consciousness.