Quartz, Holly, and Pog were all in a band together. the two just performed one of their first mainstream concerts so to speak. and surprisingly went very well.
they now have a few fans and even signed some autographs. they all knew that their band was only going to get more popular.
but now everybody was exhausted and they were driving home. they just left and it was already past midnight. Quartz was hardly surprised that he was awake while driving. but Holly was fast asleep.
"Should I wake him up?" Pog questioned.
but Quartz shook his head. "Nah, just let him sleep. I would be sleeping as well if I wasn't driving. I don't know how you are not tired."
"oh, I am tired." Pog laughed. "I just have self-control. you know I can drive if you want." they offered.
"you don't have to. were already almost home. so I'll just drive until we get there." Quartz informed him.
the couples then drove home silently. once they all arrived at their house Pog then got out of the car and picked Holly up, taking him into their house. once they were all in the bedroom Pog placed Holly back on the bed.
but Holly soon woke up and rubbed his eyes. "huh, where are we?"
"you fell asleep in the car." Quartz chuckled. "so Pog picked you up and dropped you here."
"Oh, thanks." Holly smiled.
"no problem." Pog replied.
the three boyfriends then wrapped their arms around each other and began to cuddle on the bed.
"That concert was something." Holly pointed out.
"yeah." Quartz agreed. "Do you think we might be able to get more gigs soon?"
"hopefully." Holly then added. "it seems we already got a few fans."
"I was surprised when I had to sign a few autographs. it seemed the crowd loved us." Pog pointed out.
"Yeah. although that was tiring. maybe next gig we should try to get one early in the morning." Holly grunted.
"Yeah, but most concerts have a better audience at night. we must just have to get used to doing this." Quartz replied.
nodding Holly then rested his head onto Quartz's shoulder. "I'm not sure I'll ever get used to that!"
"oh, you are going to be fine." Pog rolled their eyes.
"I'm going to shower." Quartz said suddenly. "Do any of you want to join me?"
"Nah. I'm going to sleep." Holly said quickly, closing his eyes.
"I'll try to sleep as well." Pog said.
"Alright, good night then. I love you."
"I love you too." Pog replied.
but Holly was already snoring. "love you too..." He muttered.
chuckling softly Quartz then carefully got out of his bed and grabbed some clothes before heading into the bathroom. taking off his clothes Quartz couldn't help but sigh.
his clothes were drenched with sweat since the place he and his boyfriends played at had almost no air it seemed and it was hot as fuck.
going into the shower Quartz then began to wash himself. once he was done he then put on his new clothes and peeked his head into his room where Holly was sleeping but Pog wasn't.
now that he showered Quartz wasn't as tired as he thought. but he couldn't help but wonder where is Pog?
going into the living room Quartz soon noticed his boyfriend sitting on the couch. smiling Quartz padded over to him and sat down next to them.
"Is everything okay?" Quartz asked.
"oh yeah." Pog grinned. "I'm just not that tired. I'm too excited to sleep. although Holly immediately passed out."
laughing Quartz nodded. "I seen. I'm excited too. maybe we can actually have a career with our music."
Pog nodding. "although I have to admit that I'm also kind of worried."
"worried?" Quartz tilted his head. "about what?"
"what will becoming a popular band do with our and Holly's relationship? will we all break up because of this? or will our band split? will we always be together or will having this as a career end up splitting us in half?" Pog suddenly asked.
his eyes widening Quartz wondered what to say. leaning forward he then wrapped his arms around Pog.
"I doubt that just because we're starting to get popular it is not going to ruin our relationship. I love you and Holly and I'm sure you love me and Holly. this won't break us all up. after all, I don't even care about fame or even money that much. I just love being in this band because I get to spend time with my two beautiful boyfriends." Quartz purred.
their face going bright red Pog couldn't help but blush as he hugged Quartz back. "t-thanks." Pog replied.
"no problem." Quartz smiled.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Holly asked, appearing at the entrance of the living room.
nodding Quartz and Pog soon got up.
"Yeah. we were just talking about the concert. how about we go to sleep?" Quartz suggested.
Pog nodded. "that will be great."
going back to their bedroom Quartz, Holly and Pog soon fell asleep next to each other. smiling Quartz hoped that he and his boyfriends could make a decent living for themselves.