Storming into the room, the tall, brown haired male took in rapid breaths as he looked at the people around him. A group of three vampires with two very tired looking humans, a musician, a nature freak, a dumb ass straight-gay boy, a prince, and a nervous wreck. All these people he had to see every day. All these people he hated because he didn't enjoy company of others. All he wanted to do was scream at them, tell them to go away. Even if he were to escape behind one of the many doors that could be considered any one of their rooms, he could never stop hearing their voices. He heard them all far too often even when they were quiet.
Turning, he slammed his fist against the wall behind him, gaining everyone's attention in the room. With his forearm completely invisible to their eyes and a gaping hole the indication exactly where his hand had disappeared to. For a moment he stood like that before he yanked his hand free, drywall coating his arm and now the clean floor.
"And what is this about Marcus?" Asked the eldest of the vampires sitting off to the side on the couch.
Marcus tilted his head to the side in response and slowly turned to look back at man that stood a few inches above him when he wasn't seated. "Nothing big you stupid blood sucker," Marcus hissed as he slowly rolled up his dirty sleeves. "But don't you ever want to put your fist through a wall? I mean, look who you are stuck with." Slowly moving to his left, to the large grand piano in the room, the brown haired male leaned down so he was leaning over the top and staring directly into the younger man's eyes who was perched on the bench there. "You have a human who can not hold a relationship to save his life and when he does have one, can't shut the ever living fuck up about it. Always something about the man, always screaming above everyone else to make sure his voice is heard because god forbid he isn't heard." Moving around the piano, Marcus leaned down again and grabbed the male's jaw to turn his head so he was facing him. The sheer panic in those eyes made the evil smirk on Marcus' face to grow slightly. "Derek, no one cares about that. You are an annoying little shit when it comes to relationships. That man should dump your ass on the curb once he get's to fuck you. That's all your good for right? A nice fuck."
Those words seemed to gain the interest of the boy who really couldn't figure out his sexual orientation. The blonde moved forward form his spot at the table and reached out, grabbing Marcus' arm to force the taller male to let go of Derek's chin. "Leave him alone asshole."
"Oh, I'm not the ass here. That would be you. You slammed your friend against a wall and told him to get out of your life the moment he needed you most. I am cruel to those around me, but I would never betray someone's trust like that. I would never tell someone I cared about more than anything in the world that they were trash that should burn in hell simply because they liked a certain gender," Marcus stated as he took a step to invade the blonde's personal space. "Besides, you are no better than Derek here. You just seek a place to stick your cock since you have this undeniable urge to fuck something. You don't care where that hole comes from. The moment you only have access to a male you will be gay. When you go home, will you be the same? Will you stay by that boy's side when you have access to a woman's vagina?"
"Of course I will," the blonde growled out, not backing down even though Marcus seemed to tower over him. It didn't matter that he was barely a few inches taller than him.
"Oh I think that's a lie dear Lucas. You are an idiot. You will do something stupid and that boy of yours will leave you high and dry because of that. You will have no one, absolutely no one. You will be alone again and that's how you deserve to be. You hurt the people you love, you are not trustworthy and you are far from-"
Marcus was cut short by the nature boy coming up and forcing his way between himself and Lucas before placing his palms against Marcus chest. With a hard shove he got taller male to take a step back, but it was barely enough to give any of them breathing room.
"Go cool down Marcus," surf boy said in a far calmer voice than Lucas had used with him. Well wasn't that a shame?
Making a tsking noise, Marcus lifted his hand to gently let his fingers trail down the male's cheek in a creepily gentle manner. "Why should I dear Ethan? Aren't you afraid to face me alone without your back up? Where is blondie?" Marcus paused grabbing onto Ethan's jaw ten times rougher than he had with Derek. This time he was sure he would cause a bruise and he loved the wince that crossed Ethan's face because of it. "Is he out beating up random people to make his pain go away again? You know, you should be better about controlling hi-"
Just as that idea was leaving his mouth he felt something hit his side and hit the ground hard in the next second. With a small surprised grunt, Marcus rolled onto his back just in time for someone to straddle him and keep him pinned to the floor. A second later and a fist collided with his face, but with a little concentration, Marcus used a gust of wind to send the assailant flying to the other side of the room. Pushing himself up onto his elbows, Marcus looked at the blonde he had just been talking about, ignoring the trickle of blood now running down his chin.
"Good of you to join us Mitch," Marcus said as he got to his feet, mirroring Mitch in a mock stance for fighting. After a moment though, he simply let out a hysterical laugh and stood up straight, twisting his hand to create a circle of fire around the male. "I hope you really enjoy the heat."
Just as the flames were growing and getting closer to the blonde, Marcus felt a very shaky hand grab onto his arm. Looking down, Marcus found nervous wreck looking up at him. The poor boy looked like he was going to explode with how nervous he was and it only made Marcus laugh harder.
"L-Leave him alone. He was just-"
Marcus cut off the boy by yanking his arm out of his grasp and shoving him into Derek. The poor musician grabbed a hold of the boy just in time for them to both fall backwards and off the piano bench. Derek's head made a sickening noise as it collided with the hard wood floor and it was obviously hard enough to cause it to bleed because each other the three vampires perked up and looked in their direction. Should he be sad about that? Either way, he wasn't. The boy deserved it.
"Jasper, you might want to take care of Derek because those vampires look hungry." Marcus grinned down at the now shaking wreck as he tried to help Derek, who was trying to get him to calm down. Even injured the male was trying to help someone else. How sweet.
It was sickening.
Turning to the three vampires who were now standing just behind their two human companions, Marcus opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off by prince charming.
"What is wrong with you today?" The man did not get up from his perch in a large leather chair, a book clutched in his hands and his eye never leaving the page in front of him. "Normally you are silent and ignore us all. Something special happen today?"
"Nothing is wrong. I simply want to point out all the damn flaws that everyone seems to flaunt so readily," Marcus said as he rolled his head and moved towards the vampires, the people he really wanted to pick a fight with. They could cause some serious damage and if he was hell bent on causing chaos, they were the people he should piss off. Unfortunately, it seemed the prince wasn't going to allow it.
"Like you don't have some of the biggest problems of us all. I've been here for a grand total of two weeks and you, my friend, are the person with the most problems out of everyone," the male said, making Marcus slowly turn his head so he was giving the stupid man a near rage look. How dar he say such a thing?
A second later and Marcus was in the prince's face, placing his hands on either side of the chair the man sat in to keep him there. "Back off Tryst. I do not play well with others as I'm sure you have noticed."
This made Tryst grin as he finally placed his book off to the side and sit just a little straighter so their faces were only a few centimeters apart. Was he not afraid? "Oh I know you don't, but you don't have enough dirt on me to formulate an insult to get me speechless like the rest. I'm new, my personality hasn't had much of a chance to shine. Yours though, my dear magician," Tryst paused, putting emphasis on the nickname that sent chills up Marcus' spine. "is out there for everyone to see. You are a broken, miserable human who can only hopeless cling to the one person he deems worthy of his all mighty attention. You see your vampire as the only person you can deal with because he is willing to look past the hard exterior you put up in front of everyone. Now though, you are poking at everyone because of your anger that has been building up over the years. You were abandoned, you were treated as trash. When your parents began to turn you away, so did your friends. After a month of your powers, all your day care buddies thought you were some kind of monster. They implanted it into your brain that you were a beast that no one could come near without being hurt. Didn't you accidentally nearly drown that kid on the first day back at daycare after the accident?"
Marcus stood up at that, his nostrils flaring and his chest swelling in anger. "How?"
"How did I know? Not hard to figure out. When you think, I hear it, thanks to our creator needing to hear your inner monologue. Your thoughts are no longer secret to anyone willing to listen. Ethan and Mitch may sleep most of the day, Jasper may sit and relax as he stares into space, Derek may constantly get lost in his music, those vampires and humans may ignore everyone, and hell, Lucas may think about his mistakes every second just to remember to never hurt the man he loves ever again. All of them may be too busy ignoring everything, but I listen because I have nothing better to do. You are not as complicated or as evil as you wish to be."
Without thinking Marcus reached down, grabbed Tryst by the front of his shirt and pulled him from the chair. His hands began to heat and Marcus knew flames were about to spirt from them at any second. Good, maybe he could burn this mother fucker.
"Come on Marcus, burn me. Hurt me. You will still not be a monster. You may be angry because someone figured it out, but you don't like being a monster. You just allow it since everyone, even your creator keeps saying that's the case. Your anger finally got to be too much and you snapped and you can't bring yourself to be kind, even to the person you love most. The person you would go to hell and back for, you didn't want to stop for him because you wanted him to destroy you. You don't want to be that monster and that's the best way to do it. Death is permanent and it's the only way to get rid of monsters. Isn't that right?"
As Tryst spoke, Marcus' hands finally lit into flames, but before they could touch Tryst's skin the eldest vampire came out of no where and ripped the men apart. Tryst fell to the floor and Marcus went into a near by wall hard enough to cause a small crater to form and for the sound of the collision to echo through the large room. Of course the vampire didn't come out of the movement unscathed. Marcus' hands and arms were covered in flames and that caught the vampire on fire. Since it was magical, it took a moment longer to be extinguished, but eventually it did go out and it had the vampire looking at the human against the wall with far more hunger than even Marcus found comfortable.
"If you really want to be destroyed, I will gladly do it. You are angering me and this is stupid. I will not take more of this." The vampire took a step forward, but it seemed Tryst was more than happy to stop him by placing a hand on his shoulder after having gotten to his feet.
"Erik, go back to your kin and your sacrifices. Marcus is fine, he is simply flaring up. Far less dangerous than his destructive self when he was insulting everyone." Erik looked at Tryst with pure hunger, but after the youngest vampire grabbed his hand, he moved back to his place on the couch, leaving Tryst to deal with the ball of fury now glaring at him with eyes crueler than anything even the devil could achieve. "Do you still want to burn me Marcus?"
Marcus said nothing, just leaned against the wall as his flames nearly burned out of control. They threatened to burn everything in the room and it seemed the man didn't care, which just made Tryst moved forward until the flames licked at his skin. It may have hurt, but the surprise on Marcus' face was enough to make him grin.
"I am far from scared of you Marcus. I have no need to. You are just a scared little boy. Someone who doesn't know how to make friends, how to handle his emotions, or who to take them out on. You don't know who to turn to when you get like this and the simplest thing can set it off. You were never taught how to control yourself and can only put up a good show when you need people to believe you are fine. Over the past few weeks how many times have I caught you screaming out for your vampire, wishing you wouldn't be alone anymore?" Tryst stopped talking for a moment, needing to take in a few long breaths to control the waves of pain now shooting through his arms and torso because of the flames now fulling out of control. Marcus could feel the pain too since his own body was burning, but it was a slow burning. It would cause hours of pain before it killed either of them. Whether that was a good or bad thing had yet to be seen by either male. "When you think people don't see you you sit down in the shadows, hang your head and put your head in your hands. Sometimes you pull at your hair, other times you come close to tears until you hit something and go to a different area so you can pretend that you are calm. That calm face only lasts so long doesn't it? After a few hours it fades and you struggle now to keep it up. You got the sensation of love, the taste of someone not thinking of you as a monster and you don't know what to do with it. You struggle to understand and because of that you don't think anyone would ever duplicate that feeling again. You think that you will eventually be left alone, but not because of Ailde's own doing, but because of yours. You think of yourself as evil and that one day you will show that to him. You will do what you are doing here, poke and prod at faults until he or until someone breaks and he will have no choice, but to destroy you because of the chaos you would continuously cause. You think he will be given an ultimatum. Either he destroy you in a quick, painless way or you suffer for everything you did to those around you. Though what exactly do you think you could do to others that would be bad enough to deserve something like that? Just a little bit of pain won't do anything bad enough to make him need to remove you from this Earth."
Finally Marcus spoke, but his voice was far from the cruel tone from before. This one was near broken as he attempted to keep up the glare he had worked so hard to create in the first place. "What would I do? This! Lose control of my power. I cannot turn this flame off right now. It is burning with my emotion and because of that I could very well kill someone. If I were to be trapped and cornered only to be brought to this state, I could easily kill a large group. Once that happens, Ailde would have no choice but to get rid of me. I would be out of control, I would be a true monster." Marcus ground his teeth together for a moment before forcing himself to continue. "I will make it easy for him when it comes to that point. If I killed anyone that did not deserve it, I would want to die after all. I would force someone to do it since I do not think I could do it myself. I would simply make him hate me. The moment he does he will not care-"
Tryst cut him off by laughing this loud laugh that caused Marcus' eyes to narrow. What did this stupid prince think was so funny?
"I've listened and read some of these conversations of yours. He would never hate you. If you had to be destroyed he would probably die before you did. He would not want to see you dead no matter the case," Tryst paused as he raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "Do you wish for him to die?"
"Of course not," Marcus growled out, the flames growing and nearly engulfing both of their bodies with the sudden surge of anger. "I would never..."
Tryst laughed again and finally stood to his entire height, showing he was really far taller than Marcus when he had kept himself at eye level thus far. "Then stop all this. You may feel alone and you may hate being alone now that you have someone you love that will show you such kindness, but be patient. If you aren't, you risk losing him and getting him only on rare occasions. You may have just gave Derek a concussion, made Jasper cry a bit, made Lucas depressed... again, and you may have put Mitch in a spot where he is still afraid to move thanks to your flames..." As Tryst finally took a step back, he looked over at Mitch just in time to see the magical flames finally die down. The look the blonde game was pure relief, but simply nodded for Tryst to go back to what he was doing. Grinning the prince turned back to Marcus and continued talking. "But each of them could be an amazing friend. Each have shown amazing true colors when someone needs them. What makes you think they would not do the same for you?"
Marcus leaned back against the wall, his eyes drifting closed. After a moment of not saying anything, the flames that had been on his arms disappeared in a flash and the male half collapsed on the ground. He only made it part way thanks to Tryst reaching out and catching him before he could hurt himself.
"Marcus, answer me."
When he didn't answer, Tryst helped him sit on the floor and watched as the man wrapped his arms around his torso. In a flash, the room was only occupied by them, everyone else doing the decent thing and allowing Marcus to tremble in privacy and Tryst the responsibility of helping that trembling mass to see friends were possible even for 'monsters' like him.
"I heard you," The male snapped, resting his head against the wall behind him. "They will not do that for me because I will not let them. I will easily turn on people who are not strong enough to handle me. They become scared of me because I have the power to do things no human should be able to."
Sighing, Tryst sat down next to Marcus nodding slowly as if he understood. "You're right. You are scary, you manipulate elements to your will and you like to cause pain to others." When Tryst paused, he looked over at Marcus to give him a wink. "So what?"
Again Marcus didn't speak, but this time it was different. He didn't shake, simply sat there. It was obvious that Tryst understood the silence because he simply sat there, his gaze out at the now empty room. He didn't speak up to fill the silence either, just let it stretch on for the next thirty minutes until Marcus finally spoke.
"I don't want to end up hurting someone."
Nodding his head, Tryst held out his arm, showing the charred shirt, but the perfectly fine tan skin of his forearm. "The flames hurt, but the pain is gone. Here, it is like a sanctuary. Any pain and injury will heal. No one here will ever be seriously hurt by you. Pain, maybe, but everyone here can deal with pain. Jasper especially. Run him through with a spear, he will not even wince, not if he knows you need to be calmed instead. He only responds to pain he gets as a result of something stupid. It's never when he knows someone needs him. He has spoken up once since I've been here and even that short span, I could see the way he looked at Gio, heard the things he wished to say, and felt the feelings flowing from every thought. He can be far more gentle then Lucas is to that boy Dakota, he can be far more steady than Li is for Derek, and can be far more understanding than I could ever hope to be. Try being his friend, if that doesn't work, try someone that has been here longer than anyone else, even Derek. He was the first one engrained in our creator's mind. Try Night. He is in the back room by himself. He is a powerful being filled with both magic and darkness, much like you. You could bring him out just to be a support block for you. You don't need to deal with any of the new boys. If you think you are dark, you should see what he has done. In her creation of him, our creator had him killed people, fight to the brink of his own insanity. He did everything, but he is as kind as Ethan with the energy of Derek. He may be what you need when you do not have access to Ailde."
Once all that was said, Tryst finally fell silent and let his words sink in only to be surprised by Marcus who leaned over and rested his head on his shoulder. "How about I deal with you first? Those two may be great, but you have talked me down when most others would have barked at me or tried to destroy me."
With a small laugh and a larger grin, Tryst nodded and leaned his head back against the wall while Marcus closed his eyes, finally relaxed for the first time in hours. "Alright, but I am not a permanent resident yet, so try to get someone else after a while."
The moment Marcus nodded, everyone filed back out of the room, the events of earlier forgiven and forgotten.