This is pretty gay so if you don't like that kind of stuff just leave it's not that hard.
"Five years ago, that's how I would begin my story but it doesn't feel quite right, quite like me. When I was today years old I decided to pursue the path of journalism. Bringing my memories to the physical world in hoping in that way they would last a little bit longer. This is because when I was today years old I had experienced first hand the cruel reality I had always known. I never imagined that cultivating a summary of my life by pen and paper would be so difficult. Okay, I'm going to stay over now instead.
Six summers have past since the moment I had finally known true love, okay, maybe not that precise but you get the point. True love, such a chimerical philosophy yet when I had set my sight upon her my heart filled with anguish. Anguish realizing that the woman I viewed before me stood upon a stage of prestige. Anguish realizing that on that stage of prestige from which be danced her ballad, she expected to be perfect. Anguish realizing that the perfection expected of her entailed marriage with a man, and unfortunately I was not born to fit that criteria(then at least) Yet my heart bursting at the seams could not contain that love.
Yes I know I said a paragraph ago that Journalism was my interest but in those days of mid highschool, ballet had peaked my interest. Despite lacking the prestige and riches of my opponents I had exerted much of my time and health into becoming what I had labeled as my true self. So much so that my light had shown to a private summer club offering several dance classes for free. Free until I had a career in ballet at least.Though I'm sure that you're not interested my boring family lore and my childhood (there's not much there to begin with.)
Over time I had managed to grow close to the other students their. I have to admit that I refused to talk to them at first believing they would bully me, but looking back I was kind of an idiot for that. There was this one boy who wasn't fond of my trait stubbornness.To be honest I were him I wouldn't be either. His name was Elias, and we're still close to this day but even then my sights weren't set on him.
Fall had become a crisp scent of the air, the best summer of my life coming to an end. It was at last time to finally showcase what we had learned over the course of our summer. I was assigned the role of a minor Wilis in the ballet we he had chosen, Giselle. The one whom I had become infatuated with was.chosen to be Giselle. Elias was decided to be our male lead and I myself admit now that as a couple they looked perfect for each other. However that was not how fate would unwind.
Our first of two performances had went on as normal as I admired the romance between Giselle and Elias's character. It was really stupid of me but I believed that it meant they were destined to be together. Their figures as they danced and as they became close so expressive and complimenting each other perfectly. However it was not fate's desire
As Elias had gotten into a car accident driving home with his parents that night. Elias himself was uninjured watching his parents almost die paralyzed him with shock. He needed a replacement and while there were plenty of other boys participating none had his choreography memorized. I had carefully memorized Elias choreography and being the only one who could I took up the challenge.
That night with Elias's reputation in mind I had preformed his part to my best ability. Alongside my Giselle, there on that stage we had become the romantic couple our director strived for. She thanked me for my help, and the rest of our story became a story of passion that sealed our destinies.
Five summers ago upon returning to that school where my Giselle of whom I cherished resided we embraced. Soon our embraces began to fall into passionate kisses as our emotions became intertwined. That is how our story began.
The truth is my heart aches when writing this.I was the first to know that my Giselle much like the character I distinguished her as has faced a premature demise. The ballet industry can be cruel indeed, this is the reason I left. Despite my tears burning my eyes know that my entire world has been reduced to nothing more than a pile of decaying meat I find comfort. I find comfort in recalling the beautiful woman who I had the pleasure to know intimately. I hope now that whatever Wilis lays beyond this life will do with her carefully, knowing my Giselle would do anything to protect me and knowing. What really hurts is failing to know I did the same." I release a sigh of relief as I close my journal turning to Elias now my editor, whom I narrated every word to. Tears are rushing down his cheeks too. "Phew, it felt good to finally get that off my chest."
"I miss Sophia too, I think about her every single day. When I heard that she died I regretted not being to protect her." Elias clutches onto his knees tightly from his office chair. "I thought about it, through sleepless night contemplating what I could of done. However I kept coming to the same conclusion as though she was whispering it in my ear." He let's go of his knees and the tear stop rushing.
"I know she's been whispering the same thing to me." I smile standing up from my seat to hug him. Elias shutters beneath me in fear. "She's saying now to the both of us, 'you will never be able to forget me, I'll make sure of that'."