“Damn little beast! Filthy damn animal!” Jack screamed as he clutched his burning face. The cats he had killed before had scratched him many times, but none of the little bastards had ever had the audacity to scratch him in the face! The nerve of that foul creature!801Please respect copyright.PENANAp0JTZNA3Bf
801Please respect copyright.PENANAQt45meFc4S
801Please respect copyright.PENANAvfI3spg9p7
Jack picked up the meat tenderizing hammer and scrambled into the hallway after the black cat. His head swung back and forth as he scanned for the wayward animal. He started to go into one of the bedrooms, but the burning on his face reminded him that he had been wounded.801Please respect copyright.PENANAqEMXIA5Sjr
801Please respect copyright.PENANANe4SOsT6mU
801Please respect copyright.PENANAZ1j6U14H2E
He walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. It was worse than he imagined it would be. He had several deep scratches on his cheek and forehead. To top it all off the malicious varmint had bit him on the nose! Four red holes right in the center of his nose dripped blood down his face. All of his wounds were bleeding, but the ones on his nose was dripping at an extraordinary rate. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAWcK05kUeJ0
801Please respect copyright.PENANA7XBhfdUYt1
801Please respect copyright.PENANAXo1ky1bCE8
How could he go to work looking like he did? What would Mr. Mitchell think? What would Marcy think? Would they think that he was some sort of hooligan who had gotten into a bar fight? Would they think that he was too weak to defend himself from a small animal? No this wouldn't do. This wouldn't do at all. After he was finished with the cat he knew that he would have to call in sick for the rest of the week in order to heal. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAaumCILr8EC
801Please respect copyright.PENANANeuulVUJ7i
801Please respect copyright.PENANAQ1C6nyRhlq
But calling in sick led to being written up. Being written up led to unemployment. It would never do. It was all the fault of that damn cat. He put a few band aids on his face, grabbed his meat tenderizing hammer and went to look for it. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAfOA4E1Yxzw
801Please respect copyright.PENANA3g2Xz6YXiB
801Please respect copyright.PENANAiZoLMKgM4Y
After searching the entire bottom floor he couldn't find hide nor hair of the rotten stray, so he quietly went upstairs to find his prey. Even though his face was burning and itching he found the hunt quite exhilarating and thrilling. When he killed this one it would give him a sweet gratification that he hadn't felt in years. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAldfGGkG5gX
801Please respect copyright.PENANApyWyjMog4A
801Please respect copyright.PENANAES3hB5DbFi
What a sight he must have been. A grown man in his forties wandering about his home in his tighty whiteys and socks , holding a wooden meat tenderizing hammer with a shirt and face full of blood. It would be disgraceful if his dear mother had seen him that way. 801Please respect copyright.PENANA6TQVJtk52x
801Please respect copyright.PENANADh9QY2F75c
801Please respect copyright.PENANAoq6GyUvbH9
As he was about to abandon his hunt for his attacker and go put on a pair of respectable pajama bottoms, he heard a cat’s screech come from his bedroom. Something about it made his blood run cold. There was something different about this cat, but still, it was his duty to rid the world of it. He was as stealthy as he could be as he made his way towards the open door that led into his bedroom. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAkGHiSmYSnS
801Please respect copyright.PENANAgOdmiBdnYD
801Please respect copyright.PENANASx5toWVZpA
Peeking around the corner of the door, he saw nothing. He walked into his room, the carpet silencing his steps. He searched everywhere, but found nothing. It wasn't under his bed or in his closet. It wasn't behind his nightstand or on top of his dresser. It was like the wicked feline had disappeared completely. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAQ54NeTGgxe
801Please respect copyright.PENANAnKnxvQRAvk
801Please respect copyright.PENANA1hYTeykEit
Giving up looking for the creature, he grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and a white tee shirt, and made his way out of the room. He reckoned he would go back to the bathroom, dress his wounds and then get dressed. He would find the cat sooner or later and he had to look presentable for when the trick or treaters started arriving. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAoMESQgayb2
801Please respect copyright.PENANAR8i6UTXoyd
801Please respect copyright.PENANARWT0w3NNOO
He started to step down the stairs when he realized what was happening. A flash of black bolted out of the shadows and blocked his step. Jack tumbled down each and every step that made up the flight of stairs. Twenty six of them to be exact. Each roll down the steps added another painful explosion into his world. He screamed as he came to the bottom of the steps with a thud. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAPkfX77QfMI
801Please respect copyright.PENANA9bxP0vONM9
801Please respect copyright.PENANAkEy9GzUm1R
He coughed and spat and rested his head to the side, when he saw the flash of black run into the kitchen once again. Jack screamed in rage and, with much effort, sat himself up. His whole body now burned and ached. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAP9b1awtjQs
801Please respect copyright.PENANA7WBs1b16YC
801Please respect copyright.PENANA9drjcyKMMV
Never in his life had a cat caused him so much trouble. He would show that cat. He would put an end to it. Jack gripped the rails of the stairs and pulled himself up. He walked into the kitchen. He intended to grab the large kitchen knife and continue his search, but he wouldn't have time to enact his plan. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAQpnbbVT1sX
801Please respect copyright.PENANAPzfrdxOhIr
801Please respect copyright.PENANAePSLMKvsTe
As soon as he took four steps into the kitchen, the cat pounced. From the kitchen counter it launched itself at Jack and landed on his back. The cat's claws and teeth shredded Jack’s skin. 801Please respect copyright.PENANA6clfryIjqc
801Please respect copyright.PENANAnVNAeHzAso
801Please respect copyright.PENANAvde2begbxV
Jack screamed as fell onto his knees, which was a terrible mistake that cost him dearly. His knees plopped right down into the shards of the broken plate. A howl of rage and pain filled the air as the crisp, new pain invaded Jack’s body. Involuntarily he fell forward. The cat was still shredding his back and the shards from the plate drove deep into his knees. 801Please respect copyright.PENANACRene1i2Ei
801Please respect copyright.PENANALPgsT9gnKC
801Please respect copyright.PENANAdQ78ErIsPK
When he landed from his forward fall new jagged pieces of the broken plate drove into his hands, wrists and torso. He screamed again and began thrashing as he got to his feet and ran into the living room. The cat continued chasing him into the room and Jack, with heaving breaths ran away from it.801Please respect copyright.PENANAoYvz5fpT88
801Please respect copyright.PENANAn3mUvUwkcB
801Please respect copyright.PENANA4nUdNSQcnK
The creature was mad! It probably had rabies! He couldn't go to work if he had rabies. Oh how he hated this cat. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAybZYhl0h6v
801Please respect copyright.PENANA7mYU9OROSG
801Please respect copyright.PENANAODjaviMVxS
Jack glared at the cat with fire in his heart. He had never wanted anything more than to see that cat dead. Forgetting the pain that was shooting through every ounce of his body he sprinted towards the cat as best he could with his knees being injured. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAcwXQU1xvtR
801Please respect copyright.PENANAfBzmghD0IS
801Please respect copyright.PENANAaYWIxKxGpI
Much to his dismay the cat didn't run. Not this cat. This cat was vicious. This cat had as much hatred in its heart for Jack as Jack had for it. The black cat with the white soul patch sprung at Jack and planted itself firmly on Jack's face once again.801Please respect copyright.PENANAjLNQcDdj6T
801Please respect copyright.PENANAcf23v0We92
801Please respect copyright.PENANAJ27RkWorjB
The cat tore and shredded while Jack punched and attempted to choke it. During the struggle Jack didn't notice how close he had come to his front window. The large one that looked out over his front lawn and onto his street. So intent on the struggle with the cat, he was, that he barely noticed when the two of them tumbled into the glass and through it. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAWWkhF41aVr
801Please respect copyright.PENANAuiVsOcQRiz
801Please respect copyright.PENANA46JQ3TM456
A crashing sound was heard throughout the neighborhood as the man and cat fell through the window and onto the ground while locked in mortal combat. The cat bolted off of Jack as soon as the two of them landed. “I'll kill you!” Jack screamed as he chased the cat down the street. 801Please respect copyright.PENANA8FIOfGAlxS
801Please respect copyright.PENANAnC8nGcn4ia
801Please respect copyright.PENANAKZdG6tZQn6
Several of his neighbors came out to look at the bloody man in his underwear chased a cat down the street, but they shook their heads as they figured it was just some elaborate Halloween prank. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAZGeX7VTXjD
801Please respect copyright.PENANARFRKlqkAKM
801Please respect copyright.PENANA3bQBJG8PwR
Jack ran as quickly as he could down the street after the beast. He was screaming and making guttural noises in his rage. His rage would help him destroy the beast. He couldn't let it get away. Catching and taking it’s life was the only thing of importance to him. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAccCk8vuwjW
801Please respect copyright.PENANAQjTKSmFlwH
801Please respect copyright.PENANAfSLHNxoCmC
With all of Jack’s focus on the cat in front of him, Jack didn't see all of the other cats that were gathering behind him. As Jack ran block after block chasing the black cat with the white soul patch other strays began following them.801Please respect copyright.PENANAf7SYfas7YO
801Please respect copyright.PENANAZAZCnImoJ9
801Please respect copyright.PENANApqXiQzrane
First an orange cat ducked out of the bushes and began following them. Then a gray one and a white one. Then a calico with four multi colored friends. Then another black one. Then six kittens of varying hue. They kept coming and coming and coming. Pouring out of the woodworks.801Please respect copyright.PENANAuMmJxcOkGC
801Please respect copyright.PENANAgf5f59rdFE
801Please respect copyright.PENANAY8IHgM13l8
Finally Jack noticed them. He stopped in the middle of the street and turned around. He couldn't believe his eyes. There, in front of him, stood and army of cats. One, maybe two hundred of the filthy creatures. How could there have been so many of them? He had been carefully removing them from his nice little suburb for a such a very long time now. There was no way there could be that many just hanging around. 801Please respect copyright.PENANA3QyVRakG9r
801Please respect copyright.PENANAEpPZGXjzIV
801Please respect copyright.PENANAElhcyF8dfA
The army of cats stood still. An eerie still. There were no tails waving. There was no licking of paws. There was no shifting positions. There was nothing save for the eerie stillness, as they watched his every move.801Please respect copyright.PENANANPPr3QWiri
801Please respect copyright.PENANAiWINtCHbSb
801Please respect copyright.PENANAfAJH8JidfA
The stillness was bad. The quiet was worse. A silence had settled over all of the cats. The very world itself seemed to be void of all sound. The only thing Jack could hear was the ragged sound of his own struggling breath. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAipRSYBsGWu
801Please respect copyright.PENANAYLBwBrbdcN
801Please respect copyright.PENANArcOPDKRV3u
He turned his head from side to side, trying to figure out exactly where he was. He had lost track of his position in his blind rage. There was a street sign in the corner. Bingham street? How could he have gone that far? Bingham was six miles from his home. There was no possible way he could have ran all that way in the condition he was in. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAKIyVusugxm
801Please respect copyright.PENANAjhiAzZYuSx
801Please respect copyright.PENANAfIZO5Znt29
Bingham was the street that he grew up on. It was where he lived with his dear mother and father. He saw their old house, sitting there in all of it’s baby blue glory. He started to take a step towards it, but a sound broke the silence.801Please respect copyright.PENANAJmhCwP6NXH
801Please respect copyright.PENANAr6lgKIAHvx
801Please respect copyright.PENANA4tx0WBfEh0
From behind Jack, the black cat with the white soul patch rumbled and hissed. Jack turned to face it. It's eyes were filled with hate as it bristled it’s hair, and hissed in a menacing manner. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAlzyPFKy7MD
801Please respect copyright.PENANAdNMke7qWR5
801Please respect copyright.PENANAxSXKNRFrw7
Jack’a eyes widened. A strange feeling found itself planted inside of Jack’s heart. Fear. A cat had never caused him to feel fear before. It was an odd sensation. Jack didn't enjoy it. Not one bit. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAd52CbPlIYH
801Please respect copyright.PENANAbfomWJJHrV
801Please respect copyright.PENANANhPlUMYeRh
The black cat with the white soul patch reared it’s head into the air and screeched at the top of it’s lungs. The yell sent chills down down Jack’s spine. Every fiber of his being told him to run. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAyBOv4z39Mb
801Please respect copyright.PENANAlcXMrws80D
801Please respect copyright.PENANA483IFn9j2Y
Run he did. He ran as if his life depended on it. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAEvmzlATJF2
801Please respect copyright.PENANARUa7yLtJLY
801Please respect copyright.PENANAsVOTedjk1n
And the cats followed.801Please respect copyright.PENANAhuvHNivT2E
801Please respect copyright.PENANAMSkfu06Amm
801Please respect copyright.PENANAMQFBTrmy2h
Now the army of felines was being led by the black cat with the white soul patch. They could have overtaken Jack at any time, but they just seemed to jog in formation behind him. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAHvu6mOQ3pF
801Please respect copyright.PENANAPDbeXDDLyO
801Please respect copyright.PENANAk9RPJ2RV7x
Jack ran to his childhood home. He tried the door, but it was locked. He pounded on the door and pleaded for someone to let him in, but he didn't have time to see if anyone answered. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAsJZC6rAjih
801Please respect copyright.PENANAp2rt0eHq8o
801Please respect copyright.PENANAnuLsicaZWY
An orange tabby launched itself at Jack while his back was turned and bit him in the Achilles' tendon. The man screamed in pain and started to run again. This time at a sprint, the speed of which his body had never experienced.801Please respect copyright.PENANAfZwC9sHOJz
801Please respect copyright.PENANAT4FzQqXV7o
801Please respect copyright.PENANAmZZxUNy9GL
He swiftly ran down the street and a few more blocks up. Now the cats were becoming more bold. They would take turns catching up with the exhausted man and giving him playful little scratches to goad him along. 801Please respect copyright.PENANA7SVCHNSasi
801Please respect copyright.PENANAWkDZnWLnjD
801Please respect copyright.PENANAE81Ie5McS9
Jack’s legs were a bloody, burning mess when he came to a little park. He sprinted as quickly as his jellied legs would carry him. There were woods out behind the park that he knew well when he was a boy. He had buried many a cat there when he was a boy.801Please respect copyright.PENANAdGYB981C0t
801Please respect copyright.PENANA9qNWoq2RxV
801Please respect copyright.PENANAx1WUL6H76n
The cats allowed him to run into the woods. Jack thought that if perhaps he could make it into the woods he could lose them there. He didn't realize where they were leading him. 801Please respect copyright.PENANA7OkPI793QN
801Please respect copyright.PENANASe0am1yotC
801Please respect copyright.PENANArC9xgs0rqD
Every time he tried to turn or weave to try and lose them the cats would form so that he couldn't go any other way, but the way they were allowing him to go. They herded him for another ten minutes into the woods. Until he finally came to their final destination. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAfwYkWK8vGL
801Please respect copyright.PENANAbI1MuNgULI
801Please respect copyright.PENANAdCGlMWvxUM
Jack dropped to his knees when he realized where he was. The band of felines had led him to the place that started it all. They had led him to the final resting place of his aunt’s cat, Cleopatra. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAwAN2rcp8i3
801Please respect copyright.PENANA7rkOKVVfNV
801Please respect copyright.PENANAuSh1YSEDEQ
There was a hole that looked like it had been dug out from the bottom up. And a few feet from that hole Cleopatra was patiently waiting for him. Except it no longer looked like his aunty’s beloved Cleo. It was a cat made of bone and mummified meat.801Please respect copyright.PENANA9ETx0KLOcQ
801Please respect copyright.PENANAp5d8ztwXZw
801Please respect copyright.PENANA9uD7wunlC8
Flies buzzed around the zombie cat as it gazed at Jack with eyes that were no longer there. Patches of fur were still on Cleopatra, but they were so covered in mud that you couldn't recognize what hue they were originally. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAvYkSjnY0AM
801Please respect copyright.PENANAY1SgtiJvT5
801Please respect copyright.PENANARh8EXafIJZ
Jack looked back at the other cats. They all were the same. What was once an army of vibrant, colorful cats was now a collection of rotting corpses and skeletal remains.801Please respect copyright.PENANAlA5uOkiwKq
801Please respect copyright.PENANAAKfGWMM9dS
801Please respect copyright.PENANAksHaWfjUll
One by one Jack began to recognize them. He had killed them all. Every last one of them. Cleopatra was there. The black cat with the white soul patch was there. Marcy’s two cats were there. The cats he hacked, sliced, pummeled, choked, burned and sawed were all there. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAt1GWO0yx08
801Please respect copyright.PENANAAaqWB7jnEs
801Please respect copyright.PENANABMFrYetCRI
Jack began to sob as the dead cats slowly made their way towards him. They didn't make a sound as they pounced on him. Nor did they make a sound as they started ripping the flesh off his bones. They tore and scratched in silence.801Please respect copyright.PENANAnqEAGjwoWF
801Please respect copyright.PENANAneI7eg6XXN
801Please respect copyright.PENANAW9mk8qbs55
Screams of anguish emitted from Jack, but they didn't last long. The cats that had had their lives snuff out by this cruel man were now the ones doing the murdering.801Please respect copyright.PENANAId1FnS9whk
801Please respect copyright.PENANAz6oj3nW0J7
801Please respect copyright.PENANAmpwZPPTOnF
In the end all that was left of Jack was a few bones that the forest animals gnawed on. What was left of him was found a few years later by some boys who were wandering in the small woods. 801Please respect copyright.PENANAsKtRGlaE8O
801Please respect copyright.PENANAOBmVe40aK3
801Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4FV5vxaFW
His remains were never identified and they now sit in an unmarked grave in the local cemetery. And, oddly enough, every Halloween an army of cats come to his grave to pay their respects.