"If you need my assistance with regards to any emergencies that will come on your way, send me a message. I am aware that you knew that there are families who are still hostile with the current Royal family. If they learned that you are back, they might do something that will remove you from their sight." Sin reminded Rouen after they finished eating breakfast later that morning when they all found themselves standing in front of the palace, ready to go on each of their own way for the day. "I'll come and give you a hand as soon as I can."
Sin stared at his friend Rouen and Eona. He had to restrain himself from teasing the two because of the way Rouen was throwing daggers in his direction the first time he made fun of them in the dining hall. He was left watching them silently, feeling left out, while Rouen mischievously pestered Eona, who could do nothing but blush and stare at her meal during the whole duration of their meal. Even for him as Rouen's best friend, it was actually the first time he saw Rouen being unguarded and at ease in the presence of someone - a natural one at that, a human being who had just recently learned about their existence.
Rouen once told him that Eona was not his beloved, that he could not feel the sparks that came with her being one. Sin once thought that she must be one of those women his friend ignored, but everything about that thought went down the drain when he saw how Rouen felt more attached to her compared to the rest of the women around him. Sin could see something between them even though both Rouen and Eona seemed not to be aware of it. It was something he had not seen from everybody else and he knew it was a kind of special only the both of them shared with each other. It's as if their relationship is a little bit special compared to the rest of the pairings there is. Maybe it's because of the fact that Eona could drive Rouen crazy and she did not even know it.
"Are you going to be doing anything today?"
Sin is wearing a formal suit just as much as he is, but Rouen has no idea where his friend will be going later because he had not said a word about his activities for today. All Rouen knew was that Sin would not be accompanying them for the rest of the day and they would be seeing him at a later date - accurately at the soiree hosted by Rouen's godfather, Cohen, in his manor tomorrow night at the edge of the city.
"I am going to the Edelweiss Duchy today. I have to report back to my father Armand, the Duke of House Edelweiss. Since we are already here, I might as well brief him about the status of the vampires sent to Hillcrest to study under Kaien Cross and Martha Fiskerton's supervision. The last time I checked, he was the council member who took charge of that program established between us vampires and the hunters. And I also need to inform him about what has been happening or what transpired in the world of the living during our stay there. He is the overseer of the Astral Gates. He might know the reason as to why Lepers are freely entering the world of the living without using the gates. We need to control that situation at the quickest possible time if we don't want the numbers of deaths and turned among the naturals rise to an extent at a rapid rate.
You have nothing to worry about because I have no intention of telling him about what you did to Eona that night. That is a law-breaking decision and the council will certainly not accept any reasons we throw in their face once they come to know about it. We both know how strict the old ones can be. Some who oppose your position as a crown prince might even use it to their advantage to take you out of your current position.
I don't have any idea what happened, but it seems like no one can smell your blood, which, at the moment, is still attached to hers. The king and queen did not say anything when they met her last night and so did Cohen, so I'm sure we'll have no problem regarding that just as long as we stay silent. If they ever come to know of the situation at hand between you and Eona through a third party, well…" Sin paused before he sighed because he couldn't think of what to do if that ever happened, "we'll have to think about it when we get there. I'm sure we can do something."
Sin is not worried if the council ever decides to command for their minds to be read, because he knew that the Royal Blood guarding Eona's thoughts will not let it be done. He is guarding the girl for a reason and Sin knew he would intervene if ever they were put in that situation.
"We are not going to have any problems with regards to the ones who hold a seat at the vampire council," Rouen stated, because he knew all of them were his father's loyal court members. "I can persuade them if it comes down to it and lessen the punishment I and Eona will receive. At least I can guarantee Eona's life will be spared."
"Am I missing something?" Eona joined in on their conversation.
She voiced out her concern for the first time after letting them talk on their own in her presence. They looked like they were discussing something important, so she decided to just stay silent and focus her attention on the garden, specifically on the large fountain with marble statues in the middle, but when she heard her name being mentioned, she looked at Sin, then to Rouen beside her.
Rouen glanced down at her. "Nothing for you to be concerned about, precious, because I will make sure you live." He said in a way that gave two meanings. As if saying he will make sure she live from the hands of the vampire council and that he will make sure she live her life as a human being.
"What about you?"
"I will be put into confinement for a few years, but that is better than banishment. I have some people I don't want to celebrate with my permanent removal from the court because that will surely be the start of chaos in the kingdom."
"But for us vampires, a few years is more or less than a hundred years. Eona will have long perished by then," Sin thought to himself as he listened to his friend, so they really needed to get a hold of that situation to avoid the worst.
"What we should be concerned about are the fallen houses," Rouen continued when he focused his attention on Sin. "They have always been the ones who try to find a reason to dethrone me from my seat from the very beginning. I'm sure they are also the ones who question my position due to my disappearance and have been pushing the motion for my dethronement. I have questioned my father, the king, regarding them being allowed to enter the palace, but he said it is needed to monitor the movements of the fallen houses."
Rouen is talking about the fallen Houses of Lothringen, Kleist and Schneider. Their Dukes had been removed from their positions and were forbidden to take a seat on the council, but even if that was so, they still continued to cause disruption in the court and in the kingdom. And once they get to learn about what Rouen did, they will surely push for his removal as an heir to the throne of Aceldama even if it was his birthright, because they can use the fact that he willingly broke their law when it comes to sharing their blood even if he was the crown prince who swore to adhere to all of the laws approved by their kings.
"Are there any movements from them?" Sin then asked Rouen afterwards.
"I am hoping you can ask your father about that."
Sin nodded. "I will try and learn something regarding that matter."
When Rouen excused himself to talk to the sentinel waiting for them, Sin shifted his attention to Eona. He then held onto her shoulders and stared into her eyes seriously. Eona blinked and her question was left floating inside her mind. She didn't expect Sin would hold onto her while making such a serious expression, as if what he was about to say was a matter of life and death.
Sin breathes in deep. "Eona…"
"Please do not try and irritate Rouen. He might end up sucking you dry and I won't be there to save you from him even if you scream bloody murder. Vampires in the city grounds will not lend you a hand because, first, he is the prince and second, you are a natural. They are vampires who have sworn to side with the prince no matter what and they will ignore your pleas because they fear him. If that happens, remember that it was the crown prince who murdered you. No one, and I mean not a single soul, supernatural or natural alike, will be able to find your body. He has, after all, a hobby of hiding his victims in the deepest sea bed ever since he was young."
Her eyes went wide at that. "What?"
Instead of explaining further, Sin continued. "Do not forget that behind that pretty face, he is a blood-sucking leech. Someone who has to drink blood on a daily basis to quench his thirst in order for him to lessen the number of his victims and it is your blood he craves the most at the moment. He is a demon incarnate, so do not trust him," Sin frowned. "No, that is wrong. In fact, do not believe everything he says."
Before Eona could say anything, she saw Rouen, whose face was dark, grab Sin's nape threateningly using his left hand. He is obviously digging holes in Sin's head from the back. If he isn't wearing gloves at the moment, she thinks he might have his nails dug into Sin's skin already.
Sin smiled mischievously before he let go of Eona's shoulder and raised his hand in surrender when he stood straight still facing the girl who was looking at him with worry, astonishment and doubt all at the same time. He winked at her playfully but the fact that Rouen still had him by his neck made Eona worry even more. Rouen's not going to kill him, is he? They're childhood friends.
"Let go of my neck, Rouen. You are making the lady worry. Can't you hear her heart beating erratically at that moment? She might pass out."
Instead of letting go, Rouen tightened his hold onto his neck and Sin winced.
"I'm sure she will survive because I will make sure she does. But you, on the other hand… you might be the one ending up buried on the sea bed."
Sin almost laughed but he bit his lip and tried his hardest not to. "Rouen -"
"I appreciate you ruining my image and name right in front of me, Sin Edelweiss. Which I am sure you did knowing I could hear you. You have my utmost gratitude," Rouen said sarcastically, cutting Sin from what he was about to say. "Are you going to go on your way or do you want me to make your head roll on the floor from your neck right now?"
"I'm going."
It was only then when Rouen let go of him but he still had the audacity to chuckle as he massaged his nape. It wasn't an everyday thing that he got the chance to tease the prince even if he was a friend of his and Eona's existence just gave him the reason to tease him.
"See you both at the soiree," Sin said before he disappeared right in front of them after he playfully winked at Eona.
"Did he just… vanish?" Eona asked, astonished as she stared at where Sin had been standing before.
Rouen held her hand after he removed the glove of his right hand and pointed in a certain direction and, to Eona's amazement, she could clearly see Sin, who did not vanish but jumped. "No, he just moved so fast that a human's eye doesn't have the capability to see."
"But how can I…"
"It's one of my abilities, precious. I can make you see the way I see things just as long as I'm touching you."
Eona was amazed and at the same time speechless. There really is such a great difference between human beings and vampires, aside from the obvious life span. Vampires may have been cursed to drink blood all their lives, but it was in exchange for such abilities.
"I want to be a vampire," she whispered, unknowingly, making Rouen look down at her with a passive face.
She frowned. "Why?"
"Drinking blood isn't like eating cakes, gem."
"But - "
"And I don't want you to become a blood-sucking leech, as Sin has worded it. Living your life as a vampire is like living inside a gruesome nightmare."
Eona bit her lip. She really can't understand him. Just why is Rouen so hell-bent on making sure that she stays human?
"Promise me you won't ever say a word regarding that matter."
"Promise me, Eona."
She sighed. "I promise." She finally said before she looked around. It was then when she noticed that the carriage waiting for them a while ago was gone. Rouen must have told the sentinel and the coachman that they would not be needing one. "How are we going to get to the city grounds?"
Rouen let go of her hand and put his gloves back on. "I'm going to carry you."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Let us make you experience the positive side of being a vampire, shall we?"
"And yet you don't want me to become one. Are you trying to kill me out of envy?" She said, but she reached out her hand to Rouen's own anyway, which was extended for her to receive.
Rouen chuckled. "There are a lot more negatives than positives in being a vampire, gem. I don't want you to blame me if ever you come face to face with those repercussions if I ever turn you into one."
"So how are you going to carry me?"
"Hold onto my neck, I'll princess-carry you."
Eona stared at him. She tried to see if he was telling a joke but his expression remained the same. "Are you serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you'll be carrying me over there," she pointed out to the city which is a little far away from the palace.
"I'm a vampire, precious. Carrying you anywhere won't be a problem. We won't be using a carriage to roam around Laudicea today so that you will be able to enjoy the scenery. I know it is not everyday that you get to enjoy the sun, so let us take this chance. I'm sure you will have a good time this way."
But if Rouen's going to princess-carry her, she will end up staring at his face instead of the scenery. She blushed at that thought. "Geez. What are you thinking, Eona?" She reprimanded herself.
Rouen stared at her and saw that her cheeks were tinted pink. During these kinds of times he wanted to know most what she was thinking.
"Are you thinking something naughty?"
Her eyes went wide at that. "What? No!"
"Then why are you blushing on your own?" Rouen stated with a smile etched on his lips which made Eona blush even more.
She knew she was blushing because she could feel warmth in her cheeks at the moment, so she decided to hide her face with her free hand. Who knows if her ears were tinted with pink, too? She is fairer than most, so when she blushes, it is very noticeable.
"Don't hide your face."
"But I'm blushing. Stop teasing me."
Rouen laughed quietly. "I will not tease you, I promise."
Eona slowly removed her hand covering her face before she looked at the handsome devil in front of her who still had a smile on his lips. He is smiling but not in a teasing way. More of like he is enjoying what he is seeing.
Rouen faced her completely before he gently held her hands in his own.
"Don't shy away from me," he almost whispered, and Eona could only nod in return.
There was a moment of silence between them until Rouen held her back before picking her up like she didn't weigh at all. He instructed her to hold onto his neck and she did.
"Are you ready?" He then asked when she was already in his arms.
"I guess so," she answered, unsure.
"I won't let you fall, don't worry."
When Rouen jumped, she closed her eyes and held onto him tightly for the fear that she might fall. Forget looking at the scenery nor at his face. She didn't know she was afraid of heights until that moment. She could feel the wind on her face, so that must mean they were moving fast until she felt Rouen suddenly stopped. Have they arrived at their destination already?
"Open your eyes, gem. You are missing out on the view of Laudicea from the most perfect spot."
When she did, she almost screamed. Rouen is floating steadily in the air while she is in his arms. "You're levitating?!"
Rouen chuckled. "I am."
"B-but… how?"
Vampires drink blood. They can move fast and they have a lengthened life. Eona had already accepted that fact. And now she just had to learn that they can levitate in the air, too? How blessed have they become after living their lives off of drinking blood?
"I was born having multiple abilities, gem. The Silvers can leap high but they cannot levitate and so does the First Bloods. Who knows? Me being able to defy gravity must be because of my blood. I am the only Gold-born after all."
Eona's reactions are quite the sight to see because what she is feeling shows even in her purple-colored eyes and Rouen is starting to be fond of it.
"Look down, precious."
Putting all of her trust in the vampire who could decide to either hold her up there with him or to just drop her from that height, she did as he said so. Eona gasped in awe, her eyes widened in astonishment. She can see the whole beauty of the city from where they are. It was enveloped in colorful blooms, landscaped in such a way that she thought of those sceneries one can only see in paintings hung in the great halls of a palace. It is real but looks unreal at the same time. Blooming trees are everywhere and the flower fields expand from here to there. The houses built around the city blended in like they really belonged there. From up above, nothing seemed like it was out of place. It really does not actually look like it's a vampire kingdom's capital city.
Is there such a place in the world of the living? No, probably there is not aside from the natural landscapes of the mountains. Because right now, at the city grounds in the world of the living, it was all about towering skyscrapers and the like. From where they are at the moment, Eona can see that the palace which was built in a three hundred and thirty thousand square meter floor area, is literally surrounded by a garden. The outside is as beautiful as its exterior. The large marble fountain she saw at the front is actually the centerpiece of the wider expanse of the garden. Trimmed trees and plants are aligned on each of the pathways, tulips and many other flowering plants were neatly placed and arranged in the courtyard and the blooming roses completely covered the flower tunnels. She can also see large cherry and wisteria trees along with different varieties of magnolia trees which are also in bloom. Laudicea just took the spring season to another level. Compared to Elstein, Laudicea is much more beautiful. This is the kind of place where she wanted to one day get married.
"It's… beautiful," she whispered. Eona could not find any other word to describe the place but that.
"Shall we go?"
"Where are you taking me next?"
"Hmm… Aywhere?"
"That is not a place."
"I am aware. Let's just let the moment take us anywhere else, gem. It is more fun that way."
Just as Rouen said, they went to places where their feet had taken them. Those who knew Rouen were actually shocked that they saw the prince roaming around with a girl outside the palace instead of the sentinels who used to accompany him and Sin, who was always by his side.
Eona was never actually an outgoing person. She's not the type who is easily interested in things, but Laudicea seemed to be able to bring out the excitement from within her because her curiosity is starting to push her to do things that will make her learn about the things she has been so interested in from the very beginning. And she wanted to spend her time as much as she could under the sun with the help of Rouen's blood, even if it was just for a moment. Due to Eona's enthusiasm and eccentricity, she was the one who pulled Rouen to places she wanted to go to even if she didn't know where she was taking them, yet he just let her lead the way.
Many vampires recognized Rouen. Some have shown their respect, yet there are those who openly show their distaste towards Eona after learning that she is human. Rouen didn't know how many times he had needed to glare and snarl in warning just so the vampires who had clearly shown their repugnance would know that he did not like the way they were acting towards the girl he was with. Eona was aware of the way those strangers looked at her but she chose to ignore them and focus her attention on things that caught her eye. She is not in the kingdom of vampires to be accepted by them.
"Oh! Is that a cake shop?"
Rouen glanced at the shop on the other side of the street. The name 'Dulciuri' was placed at the top of the entrance door. It's his mother's favourite place. He remembered she always ordered cakes in this place when he was young, especially when the owner himself once worked at the palace as a royal patissier until he chose to just build his own shop in the city so that he could serve his cakes to others aside from the royal family and their guests. As a turned vampire, Austria's taste buds changed, but according to her, she could still appreciate the cakes from Dulciuri because she could somehow still ascertain the flavors of their products. The glass walls made the passers-by see what was displayed inside and through it, Rouen saw and recognized Delilah Eberstein at the farthest table from the door. She is a Silver Blood and a daughter of one of the vampire council members. He didn't recognize the ladies she was with but he could tell they were Blooded who belonged to the Gentry. They must be friends of hers.
"You want to go inside?"
"Of course! Come on!"
Rouen laughed softly when Eona held his hand without a word and pulled him across the street with her. What will she think once she learns that no one actually dares to do what she is doing at the moment because of the fact that he is a prince? Because of his blood and his title, there are certain etiquette that people must adhere to when interacting with him especially when he is in the kingdom and one of those is that they should maintain a certain distance from him. But for Eona, he seemed to be ready to break their laws and social etiquette.
The small bell on the door rang when Eona opened it before she went directly to the cake display chiller immediately, leaving him behind and at the same time ignoring the vampire ladies who were having tea and snacks at that moment in there. The few people who were inside the cake shop all looked in his direction. It must have been because they felt his presence before they even saw him. When they recognized him, all of them stood up and bowed their heads in respect at once.
"We greet you, future ruler of Aceldama, crown prince Rouen!"
He glanced in their way and slightly tilted his head down to acknowledge them but did not say anything in return. He was about to pass by them but Delilah Eberstein took a stride towards him instead of sitting back like the other ladies did. Him and Delilah aren't close and they aren't friends either. Maybe a little bit acquainted but that's it. She's much closer to Sin than she is to him. But if he had to choose who to be friends with, he'd rather choose Lady Eberstein over Felicity. She is much smarter and more independent compared to that woman from the Elfenbrehm Duchy. Besides, Delilah was willing to fight her cousin Louis over the title of Duke which her father, Dietrich Eberstein, was presently holding in their clan, instead of just waiting for that position to be handed down to her.
Delilah folded her fan and held it in her lace-covered hands. "I see you have found someone," she said as she glanced at Eona who was now standing in front of the cakes, probably thinking what flavor she wanted to try first. "May I know her name, your highness?"
"Of all the females who have wanted to get your time and attention, especially those who belong to our race, who would have thought that a human girl was able to achieve what they can not? She was able to become the receiving end of your affection which those women, naturals and supernaturals alike, were not able to get even after trying so hard for more than a hundred years."
"She is different."
Delilah's grey eyes glistened electrically and what she saw in Eona made her want to know more about the girl their prince was with. "Is she your beloved?"
"Says the one who is accompanying a girl in his birthplace for the first time in two centuries. Is she a hundred percent human by any chance?"
"You can't tell?"
"Hmm. I can but there is something about her that doesn't seem… human."
"I…" Delilah paused for a while and then gasped before her eyes turned back to their original color as if something just made her stop what she was about to say to him.
Rouen was left staring at her but did not say a word. Someone communicated with her through telepathy, he was sure of that. But it was not from anywhere near them because no one would dare use telepathy in his presence, because they knew he could hear it clearly. He doesn't know any vampire capable of communicating telepathically from such a distance as well as to keep him from hearing it, so he is thinking who it might be. He could order Delilah to tell him who contacted her using telepathy, but he didn't want to put his nose in something that wasn't his business. He could tell Lady Eberstein meant no harm, so he stayed silent, but her saying that there is something about Eona that doesn't seem human is another thing.
"I have to excuse myself now, your highness. I don't want my acquaintances waiting," Delilah said a while later, obviously avoiding saying what she was about to say beforehand.
"Lady Eberstein, what do you mean she doesn't seem human?" He asked her through telepathy because he did not want Eona to hear it. She might have another reason again to pester him to turn her into one of them.
First, Sin said she doesn't have a presence like those naturals surrounding them in the world of the living. And now, Delilah just had to say she didn't seem human. Is there something about her that they are not aware of?
Delilah paused and looked back at him before she smiled knowingly. She could see what was hidden and for her to say what she said, she must have seen something. She was blessed with the 'eyes of Zen'. With an ability like hers, she can differentiate beings from each other whether they try to hide them consciously or not, and she can see things that are hidden from everyone's view. For Eona, Delilah saw that she was one of the naturals, but her aura had a slightly different shade compared to the rest of the human beings.
"It seems like she is sleeping. That's all I can tell you, your highness," she said before she slightly tilted her head to bid him goodbye, but the second she turned her back to the prince, she bit her lip because she was starting to quiver in fear. "I did what you ask," she said on her mind, to the voice who told her to not say anything about what she sees when she looks at the girl who is currently with the prince.