Jim jumps off landing on the boat I smile and run up to him, Jim takes me in his arms and spins me around "You done it. Jimmy!" I smile " You done it, Jim bo! Ha ha ha!, Didn't I say the lad had greatness in him?" I hear the crew below cheer as the captain walks down the steps "Unorthodox,but ludicrously effective I'd be proud to recommend you to the interstellar academy, They could use a man like you" I hug Jim. "Just wait until your mother hears about this!, Of course, we may down play the life-threatening parts." Jim nods as I giggle "Jimmy, that was unforgettable! l know you don't like touching...but get ready for a hug, big guy, cause I gotta hug ya!" Jim hugs him back tightly as BEN laughs " Ha ha ha ha!" "Hey, you hugged me back, Oh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry." I smile as the doc and Captain holding eachother smiling. "Jim how about..." I look around not seeing Jim. I smile as I head down to the long boats stopping hearing Jim and Silver talking. "But, uh,l met this old cyborg...and he taught me that l could chart my own course.That's what I'm gonna do" I smile leaning againt the wall behind them. "And what do you say of this pal of yours Calla??" Jim stopped and looked back at me then at silver "a future" "Why...look at ya, glowing like a solar fire, You're something special, Jim. You're gonna rattle the stars, you both are." I smile and put my arms around Jim's neck "well you got one thing right" "Got a bit of grease in this cyborg eye of mine" Silver wiped his eye and looked at us. Morph came over to us and rubbed against us "Oh, hey, Morph l'll see ya around, OK?" Morph started crying and turned into a puddle "ah Morph, we'll see each other again, I'm sure of it" I smile and pet him as he flew back to Silver "See ya around Silver" I smile and lean against Jim "Morphy, I got a job for ya. l need you to keep an eye on these love birds here, Will ya do me that little favor?" Jim looks at Silver shocked "and Calla, make sure he stay's out of places he shouldn't be" "i'll try" he got lowerd down and he put his hands in his pocket "Oh, and one more thing" He threw a hand full of gold to Jim. "This is for your dear mother...to rebuild that inn of hers" He threw me a large handfull of gold as well "don't spend it all in one place Calla!" I laugh and put it in my pockets and wave goodbye. "Stay out of trouble, ya old scalawag." Why, Jimbo, lad...when have I ever done otherwise?" I laugh as Jim closes the hatch and puts his arms around me. "Jim!?" "yeah doc?" we walk on deck seeing the moon space port "wow!" I run over to the railing and look around. "He he looks like we got to show someone around" I hear Jim laugh then grab my hand "Come on lets go find my mother" I smile and fallow him the this lady all dressed in white and he hugs her. "Jim your alive!" I said I would come back didn't I?" she laughs as Jim pulls me twords him. "Mom this is Calla, Calla this is my mom" I smile and look at her "pleasure to meet you ma'am" "oh please call me Sarah" I smile as we walk to the ship station to take us to Montressor, I look around at the shops but get pulled away by Ben.
After a few weeks the INN Jims mother owns was back and bigger than it was so I was told. Everyone here seems so lively. The doctor and the captain had four kids, Morph is on babysitting dutie most nights, BEN is helping Jim's mother around at the INN. Jim seems to have opened up more. I smile taking Jims hand as we leave and get on his solar vehicle. "Ready?" "hell yes."