"May I come in Tai?", Dhara asked for the permission politely.
"Yes, come in"
Ashwini was a typical middle aged woman. She had big specs resting on her nose. Her face was much older than her age. She had border of dark circles around her eyes. Her hairs were black but between them white shade reflected. She used to wear saree and her hair were tied. Her appearance was cold enough to scare children.
Radha was shivering. She was walking like tortoise.When she went near the table she started crying loudly. It was loud enough that someone would have thought she was bitten by Ashwini.
"Why are you crying? Baccha, I didn't called you here to scold you. I won't punish you either."
"Tai, she has heard the rumours about you and she believed it. She doesn't know your soft side.", As usual Dhara interrupted.
"I am not talking to you Dhara. And that rumours are definitely true. But Radha is exception as it is her first mistake. But you won't be spared."
"Radha tell me where did you went? Why did you bunked school? I know you like school alot.."
" No she doesn't like it. That's why she bunked it."
"I didn't asked you Dhara. One more word and you will be punished for sure."
"I do like my previous school but I didn't like this one. It's not like I don't want to attend the school. I want to complete my primary education. I want to later take education in drawing. I wish to become an artist. But I don't have anything interesting in school. And I also like to spent time with Dhara."
"If Dhara attends the school than will you bunk it again?"
"No, I won't. I promise"
"Ok so its decided. From now on Dhara will join the school."
"But Tai..."
"Take it as your punishment."
"Are you mad.", Radha knew about what she did. She was trying to get Dhara back again.
"I am sorry. Please forgive me."
" Radha I hate school the most. I dont want to attend it. Its just been a year I left school. Look how happy I was. And I was also taking tuitions by Jaya ma'am. So I was completing my education. But I hate school."
"I am sorry Dhara. Please talk to me. I have no one other than you. If you will leave me I will become orphan again.", Immediately Radha started crying.
"Oh no! You are such a crybaby. Fine I will talk with you. So let's go to school together.", Dhara wept tears with her little hands.
There was a new student named Krutika, admitted in the school. She was the daughter of new councilor. She used to be alone. She never tried to talk to anyone. It took her lot of days to adjust with environment. Don't know why but she became fond of Radha. She wanted to become friend with her. She appreciated her sketches.She also have her ideas for scenarios. She used to share her food with Radha. Also used to back-up when she bunked the school. Radha wasn't ready to get close to her. She only thought of Dhara. She recalled her words "I will be there with you until you find someone."
That day she drawn sketch of Radha. She wanted to give it to her. Radha was accompanied by Dhara on that day.
"Radha, look what I bought for you.", She handed over her sketch. Radha looked carefully. Dhara was also amazed by her skills. It was drawn so neatly. She consider all minor things while sketching. Radha's face in the sketch was reflecting the same agony her real face reflected.
"Wow! It's damn good."Dhara exclaimed.
"Krutika meet my friend Dhara", Radha introduced Dhara. Krutika was confused. Her eyes were searching Dhara. Her face gave expressions as if Dhara was not present there.
"Where? Sorry but who is she? And where is she?".....
{Why do you think Krutika wasn't able to see Dhara? Who was Dhara. Why Radha was anxious? Can you guess it..