Sound of door bell rang in Dara's house. Dara is in his room listening song, didn't notice it, so Ligaya walked to open the door.
"Oh Minna! It is pleasant to see you again. I knew you would be coming again, so I got you some dried mango this time, wanna try?"
"Thank you, I am here looking for Dara, he here?"
"Yeah, he locked himself up listening music all day, I am sure you could get him to be productive."
Knocking on Dara's door, a sound from inside said, "I am busy right now, if it ain't anything emergency, just find me later please."
"It is me, or you are too busy for me too?"
Recognizing Minna's voice, Dara rushed to open the door, "How come you are here? You didn't tell me on phone?"
"A little bit of surprise won't hurt no one. So, the other day you were talking about saving up for a headphone?"
"Oh yeah... You want to know more? I am afraid that the technical details might bore you out."
"Don't worry, I am all ears."
"Okay, so the headphone that I want is called Dan Clark Audio E3 and its frequency response graph closely matches Harman Target Curve, which is based on research to be what most people prefer. You could imagine it as how strong the bass is, how prevalent the singer's voice is and how loud the trebles are. Even if these are not what you want, you can tune it because it has low distortion, which means you can tune the frequency response without much penalties unlike other headphones..."
Dara keeps talking, Minna's eyes start losing its sparkle as she is in deep thoughts.
"Maybe you should pursue a career in Engineering, it would get you close to audio industry and you might be able to design audio gears."
"Yeah, that is something I am considering-"
Suddenly, Minna interrupted, "Do you think I am fat?"
In her mind, flashbacks of her father's mean comments, Dara's teammates opinion of her comes up. She could not hold it in any more and starts crying.
Dara was stunned at first, but then he wrapped his arm around Minna's head, hugging her close to his abdomen, comforting her, "I don't mind much, everyone comes in different shapes and sizes, you are not as bone skinny as others, but that doesn't mean you are not healthy.
In my opinion, everyone is different and healthiness is the most important thing, 1 kg less from 60 kilos to 59 kilos won't have the same health impact for everyone and there is a sweet spot for everyone to be healthy.
For me, the most important thing is you being healthy, because I don't want to lose you, you are the most important thing to me." Dara said gently.
His computer finished playing the last song and starts playing 'You and Me' by Dear Jane.
Minna pushed his arms away, raise her head up looking at Dara with tears rolling in her eyes and said "I LOVE YOU!"
Dara sees her eyes shining like gemstones and his heart of stone finally breaks down, tears rolling out of his eyes.
Minna thrust forward and kissed Dara on tha lips as tears rolling down their faces.
As they pull away, they both starts smiling and crying at the same time, not knowing what kind of emotion they are having, happy or sad.
After talking for a bit longer, Minna being tired from the emotional outburst, slept on Dara's bed. Rays of sunlight shine through the curtains onto Minna's face and she turned her body away from the sunlight.
Looking at her, Dara thinks she is the cutest person in the world right now and that he is perhaps the luckiest person on planet Earth. He closed the curtains and pull the blanket for her.
Waiting for the whole afternoon and seeing no signs of Minna waking up, Dara is about to sleep himself after shower, he tells Ligaya, "I am going to sleep on the floor tonight, can you get me a spare pillow and blanket?"
"I am telling you, these wooden floors are not comfortable and they cold as hell." said Ligaya as she grabbed him a spare pillow and blanket. "You better wrap yourself in it, or you won't be able to sleep from that cold floor."
After turning off the light, Dara sleeps on the floor, being wrapped in blankets like a sausage.