After our laughing subsided, we sat down and I told them about everything that happened. Katie and Harry hugged me and tried to comfort me, but it was more for themselves knowing what could've happened to them. Diego listened intently, but Helen decided not to care, she would occasionally give me side glances with watery eyes. When I was done, we all sat and watched as the last embers of our only home, our parents, all our belongings turned into a black ash. The forbidden had officially taken everything from us.
"W-What n-now?" Harry choked through tears.
"Where are we gonna hide?" Katie asked, trying to sound confident. I stood up and faced the only people I could call my friends, my family.
"I'm done hiding." I respond coldly. Helen went inside Harry, Katie and Diego flinched at my tone.
"We have nothing left to lose, why hide? We need to fight back, for the sake of our people, our parents, each other. If we let this happen, the lands will only get worse. As long as we stick together, there is still hope. Seth doesn't deserve our submission, or anything from us. Let's do this, who's with me!?" I finish my speech, putting my hand out in front of me.
"For my people, and Katie." Diego said, putting his hand of top of mine.
"For mom, and each other." Helen/Harry said as they put their hand on top of Diego's.
"For Diego, and my real friends." Katie finished, putting her hand on top. I felt like I was in some cheesy action movie or something, but now we need a plan.
"We go back, tomorrow night." I say to the group. After that, we slept under the stars, everyone of us having their own fear of tomorrow.
The next day, we all separated into our own kingdoms to gather supplies. The first thing I did was get some clothes. I found some black boots, black leggings, a red T-shirt and a black leather jacket. They didn't fit perfectly, but close enough. Next I went to my old home, behind the fence. When I went inside, I wanted to puke. Every last kid, gone, without a trace. Nothing even moved since I last left, it was quiet, too quiet. I walked down to my shipping container, where I saw a group of 3 toddlers huddled around a makeshift campfire. As they turned to me, I instantly jumped back, they were forbidden! When did Seth start taking kids!? They stood and went to attack me, not knowing how strong they are, I ran. With my wrist glowing, I used one of my appendages to boost up onto a roof.
I ran as fast as I could, until I couldn't hear their footsteps behind me anymore. I stopped in front of a grocery store. I stole (is it even stealing anymore?) some rope, bandages, a couple energy bars, and a knife, just in case Seth has anymore magic proof weapons. I started heading back to the neutral zone as the sun started setting, sticking to the rooftops in case anymore forbidden were crawling around. I slowed my sprint and jumped of the building, landing the two story fall.
As I reached the mound of ash, it was already pitch black and the others were waiting with flashlights, should of thought of that. With there backs turned to me, I took an opportunity.
"Boo." I whisper behind them, they all jump and spin around, I laugh at their scared faces, clutching my sides. Harry and Diego scowl, and Katie runs behind Diego. Harry had a yellow hoodie and jeans. Diego had a blue sweater with jeans as well. Katie was wearing a green blouse with a black skirt. They all had on black boots similar to mine, cool.
"Not funny, Kay." Harry growled, his wrist glowing as Helen transformed him into a yellow wolf.
"D-Don't do that a-again." Katie, stuttered, stepping out from behind Diego. I rolled my eyes.
"Let's go." I conclude as I start to run in the direction of that creepy building, Harry/Helen close behind.
"Hey! Wait up!" Diego called, running with Katie to catch up.
When we reached the building, Katie ran behind Diego again, Harry whimpered, and Diego frowned. I looked up at it in defiance.
"Remember, get Seth, and don't kill unless anyone unless they are forbidden, got it?" I ask, they all nod in agreement. Helen transforms Harry into a hawk and Diego sings to the plants to make a vine up to the roof. With Harry flying and Diego being carried, Katie and I are stuck scaling a 20-something story building the old fashioned way. I pant as we climb, and Diego watches us from his plant seat. I would have asked him for help, but I have this thing called pride. Harry was keeping watch for us at the top, and Katie was being carried by the plants as well before the 10th story. Diego was testing me, I could tell, but I won't let him get the satisfaction of me giving up. I was almost to the roof, just a little bit more and.............
I slipped.
I started falling to the ground faster than a bullet. Was this seriously how I was gonna die? After everything? My pride was gonna be the thing to fucking kill me? I saw Diego trying to get the plants to move faster, but that won't work. I shut my eyes, trying to think, but I couldn't do anything. Nothing seemed worth it anymore.
I felt a sharp pain in my back, but that was it. No darkness, no unrealistic pain. Just a dull throbbing in my back. I open my eyes and I'm staring at nothing, just sky. Is this heaven, or hell? I wouldn't be surprised if it was either. I hear cheers around me, I lift a hand to my head and sit up. Jeez I have to get a headache now? I look at myself, I was hanging off my tentacle, which was latched onto Katie's... uh... rope of light? My eyes widen as I look at her, struggling with the power we never knew she had. I bring out another tentacle and pull myself up, then engulf her in a big hug.
"Katie! You did it! You used your powers!" I exclaim, then she squirms a little.
"Kay, canmd..... breaf." she muffled, I pull away, but saw she was smiling too.