No Plagiarism!5ie70k8kG7ye91T4wvXoposted on PENANA shadows gone??8964 copyright protection857PENANAoGNtbUS2c5 維尼
day off8964 copyright protection857PENANAWHhHtyqPUe 維尼
free from8964 copyright protection857PENANAZbYk7JgsM3 維尼
from the shadows8964 copyright protection857PENANAddywQYM8J5 維尼
a break from fear8964 copyright protection857PENANAklL5fRQ6Sv 維尼
confidence is power8964 copyright protection857PENANA74WutM034H 維尼
floating 8964 copyright protection857PENANA5r5K1AuEwZ 維尼
yet grounded8964 copyright protection857PENANAX4RvWpc5ZD 維尼
maturity without fear8964 copyright protection857PENANAoBLjl021so 維尼
productive determination8964 copyright protection857PENANAiTduTwAvZj 維尼
taking the lead 8964 copyright protection857PENANAHghpTdSCPz 維尼
a social wannabe’s8964 copyright protection857PENANAUZGKmhxXUr 維尼
day dream8964 copyright protection857PENANAeNZTWKStG5 維尼
communication; so easy8964 copyright protection857PENANAU21iUpGlKe 維尼
surviving8964 copyright protection857PENANAIcGiiQ4GTP 維尼
without back up8964 copyright protection857PENANATNJcrlYnQM 維尼
you're in it alone 8964 copyright protection857PENANAOhssFVxuWm 維尼
and8964 copyright protection857PENANAkyAdTj9WZX 維尼
loving it8964 copyright protection857PENANAwTTUtT3o9E 維尼
strong8964 copyright protection857PENANABBld6kNUea 維尼
loving life8964 copyright protection857PENANA7lsPiv7I0e 維尼
unstoppable energy8964 copyright protection857PENANAYIYhnQS8DG 維尼
put to good use8964 copyright protection857PENANAsxCKJjE7QU 維尼
toughness - unbroken8964 copyright protection857PENANAFtj6HDTyMq 維尼
breakable as steal 8964 copyright protection857PENANA4OpyuTTcVU 維尼
professional8964 copyright protection857PENANAifSsbDTqPB 維尼
unknown experience8964 copyright protection857PENANA5RLrsNoTmB 維尼
worked into the light8964 copyright protection857PENANAFpwlDG5FSQ 維尼
gathering energy8964 copyright protection857PENANAmJrnx6F7Ib 維尼
questioning 8964 copyright protection857PENANAKjlzLgEmVP 維尼
finding answers8964 copyright protection857PENANAn0LHygYEsn 維尼
together8964 copyright protection857PENANAWVCVIBkbHR 維尼
think8964 copyright protection857PENANARiXPfqWezL 維尼
what’s the difference?8964 copyright protection857PENANA3DINsrKEQF 維尼
why today?8964 copyright protection857PENANAhbaSraN146 維尼
what has reset my personality?8964 copyright protection857PENANAbbsF7h41wj 維尼
is this my control8964 copyright protection857PENANA0HCSdroayD 維尼
or 8964 copyright protection857PENANAzdHt2UIlLp 維尼
someone else?8964 copyright protection857PENANAOoGv35ymnh 維尼
whatever it is 8964 copyright protection857PENANA8eC7OSsky2 維尼
i like it8964 copyright protection857PENANACKRYtjBzJY 維尼
confusion8964 copyright protection857PENANAdT58dxHJHw 維尼
where are they?8964 copyright protection857PENANAkzOhEALrHa 維尼
shadows8964 copyright protection857PENANATupKGlpVE0 維尼
haunting, fear8964 copyright protection857PENANALY03XZSGNG 維尼
you were so at home8964 copyright protection857PENANABvau1qS3WM 維尼
with the rock8964 copyright protection857PENANAUugfrSUJNE 維尼
holding you back8964 copyright protection857PENANAqyncIKaloW 維尼
no more hiding8964 copyright protection857PENANAtTb3J5MuIM 維尼
haunting terror- gone8964 copyright protection857PENANA1jYuICalqq 維尼
your under control8964 copyright protection857PENANAPtnClDV1NU 維尼
controlling8964 copyright protection857PENANAX7j1nQlbTh 維尼
mind & body8964 copyright protection857PENANAw3LnEpIiEj 維尼
fully8964 copyright protection857PENANA6UoCaXfboi 維尼
authority; your own8964 copyright protection857PENANAZkuKAhpKRq 維尼
back up; no need8964 copyright protection857PENANAQ2KwF3XhVH 維尼
simplicity 8964 copyright protection857PENANASXAdo8wAnZ 維尼
is survival8964 copyright protection857PENANAM81jYqESF5 維尼
no security measures8964 copyright protection857PENANAFOpYuNXYTF 維尼
cling to lifelines8964 copyright protection857PENANAYvYo8JfZZw 維尼
why8964 copyright protection857PENANAWMsRQVjOUW 維尼
how to act8964 copyright protection857PENANARTbxjFK5F1 維尼
driven to take charge8964 copyright protection857PENANAqd1oRWRLUy 維尼
subconsciously8964 copyright protection857PENANAtCEPLPTH8G 維尼
knowing8964 copyright protection857PENANAoCr5OVztad 維尼
the insistent, ever pressing drive8964 copyright protection857PENANAsYCNj5DeIz 維尼
take full advantage 8964 copyright protection857PENANAT9ulMsQ5Eg 維尼
of this new glory8964 copyright protection857PENANAGNnZw6skOW 維尼
you8964 copyright protection857PENANAfbPFwLAYOW 維尼
now in the drivers seat8964 copyright protection857PENANAKj5SgWyWHq 維尼
no longer a struggle 8964 copyright protection857PENANABsyhAtCdnV 維尼
backseat driver; no more8964 copyright protection857PENANApC55f9S08I 維尼
like 8964 copyright protection857PENANAAzDbI7yAVx 維尼
oil added to rusty gears8964 copyright protection857PENANA6EfW1krikW 維尼
your remade8964 copyright protection857PENANAaxiDGm0R7u 維尼
like new8964 copyright protection857PENANAVlJfUb05iT 維尼
however 8964 copyright protection857PENANAelRgXEpXKB 維尼
nothing is forever8964 copyright protection857PENANAcCkEq5xw4T 維尼
you can fix a broken char8964 copyright protection857PENANAThvh7Uc0cA 維尼
which glue8964 copyright protection857PENANAAZjGJ5PaXc 維尼
doesn't matter8964 copyright protection857PENANAIHNWz0JWu8 維尼
some time8964 copyright protection857PENANAIdTzSNBXxm 維尼
sooner or later8964 copyright protection857PENANAdaVdqEFrQC 維尼
your char will break again8964 copyright protection857PENANArUo12Xo8yF 維尼
out of so many8964 copyright protection857PENANAEaLLPkfXI3 維尼
one question, stands alone 8964 copyright protection857PENANAABZfkDYhxM 維尼
how long?8964 copyright protection857PENANAnlaPtDhL3a 維尼
minutes, hours, days, weeks8964 copyright protection857PENANAw88QJ5plbL 維尼
until its gone8964 copyright protection857PENANAo64Frvjjyg 維尼
professional control 8964 copyright protection857PENANAicp7gDQCNW 維尼
a limited luxury8964 copyright protection857PENANAUjT8RdJ0T9 維尼
when the last drop is gone8964 copyright protection857PENANAZm9owZEsZ7 維尼
the nightmare returns8964 copyright protection857PENANACIE4oCkr4v 維尼
nothing is stable8964 copyright protection857PENANAcnSdTVu56d 維尼
ask as you may8964 copyright protection857PENANAoyJRUfbBAE 維尼
for8964 copyright protection857PENANAgtBkNtZJbr 維尼
pure pleasure8964 copyright protection857PENANAAX9tdt54l4 維尼
to stay 8964 copyright protection857PENANAEXPEcVRzf4 維尼
all who listens8964 copyright protection857PENANAg264HMzDyZ 維尼
will surely hear8964 copyright protection857PENANArndB7XkBnn 維尼
that painful cry8964 copyright protection857PENANAF7FiLX5Nzp 維尼
when courage leaves8964 copyright protection857PENANAXC3CSRHv11 維尼
and the shadows return 8964 copyright protection857PENANAjhInr5Ye0D 維尼