Ashton and Angelina’s charade of pretending to be dates had taken an unexpected turn. Rather than simply mimicking each other unintentionally, they found themselves playfully engaging in a game of imitation. It started as a lighthearted attempt to ease the tension between them, but soon evolved into a source of amusement and connection.
One afternoon, as they met in their secret library nook, Ashton couldn’t help but notice Angelina’s animated gestures and witty comebacks. A mischievous idea sparked in his mind, and he decided to mirror her actions in a playful attempt to see her reaction. He subtly mimicked her hand movements and even matched her sarcastic tone, hoping to catch her off guard.
To his delight, Angelina’s eyes widened in surprise as she realized what he was doing. A mischievous smile spread across her face, and she decided to play along. With exaggerated gestures and a comically exaggerated imitation of Ashton’s voice, she mimicked his mannerisms, turning their meeting into a delightful game of playful mimicry.
“Dang, that’s good. You’re good at impressions!” Angie chirped, after the little game was over.
Ash blushed. “You think so? I’ve been practicing impressions of different cartoon characters. And you have such an animated voice I couldn’t help but start mimicking you too.”
“Well, I love the Angie voice.”
“It does kind of strain my vocal cords though. You have a pretty high voice.”
“It’s in fact lower than most girls at school.” she replied with a small smile. “You’re really talented.”
“I do teachers too.”
This piqued Angie’s interest. “Ooh, please show it!”
“This is Mr. Corey’s voice.” he said. He cleared his throat, furrowed his eyebrows and stood on his toes. He put his finger to his lip, in place of a mustache, and said, in a deep, gruff voice, “Angelina Wylde, report to the principal’s office at once.”
She chuckled lightly. “That is good.”
Ash took his finger off his lip and used it to scratch his head. He switched back to his normal voice, and said, “You have any ideas to prank Jake?”
That was when it hit her right in the head. “You could pretend to be a teacher and scare him while he’s in class, over the PA. Or leak something private about him to the entire school over the morning news!”
“But how will we gain access to the PA?”
“Let’s just say, the news girl owes me one…” she replied, voice laced with crooked intentions and evil desires.
They got access to the PA the next day, and Ash put on his best impression of the poor girl. He had just finished most of the news, and was in the last section.
“And now, we have the Student News!”
“Mia Kaitlynn of Grade 10 received the A. L. Robins prize for her latest novel, ‘Taming the Python’ on the 25th of October. The book about two friends and their shared love for programming. Read it if you get the chance to!”
“Child prodigy Shawn Felix of Grade 8 has been promoted to the ninth grade for his outstanding performance, and skill.”
Then, conveniently skipping the page about the duo who, according to school journalist were really dating, he said, “And last but not least, we have been sent a report that Jake Nathan of Grade 9 was the one who allegedly vandalized the school statue by the football field. I repeat, Jake Nathan vandalized the Statue.”
“Thank you, and have a blessed day ahead,” he ended off innocently, and handed the mic to the girl in charge.
He could hear Jake screaming from the next classroom, trying to argue his case. But to his chagrin, nobody believed him. What was done was done.
Ash felt a mixture of victory and guilt. Perhaps they went a bit overboard?
Angie felt mostly pride. But maybe, just maybe, she felt the slightest twinge of guilt for her actions.
Jake was shunned and hated on all day. The Unnamed Statue (yes, it was literally called that) was the pride of the school. It had been vandalized during their seventh grade days by ‘a person in an orange hoodie’, as the cameras viewed it. The number one enemy of the whole school, whose identity none knew of.
It was over.
Jake transferred schools.
They won, they laughed, they beat him at his own game.
But somewhere, they had regrets. Was it really necessary to get back at Jake? And so cruelly?