May 1, 2009
To the outside world,
The portal I entered sent me here, a lonely piece of land with nothing more than a mere cove. The water I was floating on, beat me across the face, pulling me under. Miraculously, I could breathe. I was still a Naiad, a majestic mythological spirit that usually lived in fountains... which maybe they lived in oceans as well, I really don't know.
I never took swimming classes, but inside this dream-like realm, I didn't need to. The waves pushed me forward, guiding me to shore. As I reached the sand, a stinky, bearded man looked down at me.
"Shiver me timbers, look at wha' washed up on the sand! Look at the beauty, how much ye reckon she would sell fer?"
"Yarr, it's alive, 'n it can speak!"
"A-Are you pirates? Which one of you is the captain?"
"She's askin' about the cap'n, shall we take it t' her?" one of the crew members shouted. "I would consider it t' count as treasure, right whelps!"
"Then t' the cap'n we shall carry our treasure."
The crew lifted me from the sand and carried me into a cave, filled with torches that spread the smell of oil throughout it. "I demand to know where I am!"
"Ye're inside the most dangerous cove in the ocean. It has taken the lives o' hundreds o' sailors, 'n be haunted by the great sea demon, Ol' Yogg!"
"Like a leviathan?"
"Somethin' like dat matey, but instead o' serpents, it's a blob wit' many tentacles 'n razor sharp teeth."
We arrived at a bridge made of stone, and it didn't look stable in the slightest. We walked one at a time, listening as the stone crackled under our feet. "Careful me hearties, one slip o' the foot will drop ye onto a spike like a fish."
The crew's leader spoke to late, as a shout could be heard behind me, followed by the sound of falling rubble. "Wha' a tragedy. I guess Ol' Yogg always claims his meal." We couldn't even spot the fallen pirate, for the fall was too deep. Our only indication of his demise was the sound of a scream, and a piercing stab.
"How many men have you lost?"
"Enough o' 'em t' scare any pirate, especially a castaway like ye. Wha' be ye anyways? Ye be too wee 'n weak t' be feared."
"Something that was once human."