The sun rises and the birds chirp, it's another day to get by for the rest of the village. But for the Poteks and the Avits, this day is going to be a special day. Dhati and Ori went home the night before, after organizing the ‘surprise’ for the Poteks. Another surprise is planned before the Poteks, their parents’. It's evident that the Avits are discouraged since the day Niko goes into a coma, but they refuse to give up hope in her waking up. Both Dhati and Ori wait till the morning to tell their mother about Niko waking up, they find their dad already gone for a meeting with his counselors. When they tell their mother, she jumps with excitement and promptly hurries to notify her husband, despite being instructed several times not to disturb a council meeting.
When Tul arrives where the meeting is held, she struggles to contain her excitement and delight. She can't hold back her emotions of joy, but when Anu observes her weeping, he assumes the worst, not wanting to foster the ideas that have been running through his brain for the past two weeks.
“Gentlemen, I apologize for interrupting your meeting, but the chief is needed for an urgent matter.” She says, staring at her husband, as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other.
“Can it wait? We are discussing important matters right now” He replies not getting the message.
“No it can’t.” she continues, hoping he will get the message. “It concerns your eldest daughter.” She says emphasizing on the eldest part, referring to Niko.
Right at that moment, everything clicks in, she is referring to Niko. Did something happen? Did her condition get worse?
He jumps up too quickly, excuses himself, and agrees with council to postpone the meeting until further notice. He has to see her, make sure she is okay. He has been feeling guilty as a father since the last words he spoke to her. How could you let this happen, you know better than this. I am disappointed in you. They both hurry for Niko's house, and when their children notice, they follow them. Anu suddenly bursts through the door, taking Niko by surprise, as she is making her bed with one hand.
He stands there staring at her blankly, frozen in place. Both parents are panting, Tul doesn’t take time to catch her breath and charges at Niko, drowning her in her arms as she sobs. Tul starts asking questions rapidly. How are you? How long have you been awake? Does it still hurt? I can’t believe you’re awake.
Dhati and Ori softly giggle as their mother doesn’t give Niko a chance to reply from worry, relief, and joy. As Tul lets go of Niko to step aside, Anu stands still and frozen. He doesn’t comprehend that his daughter has now awoken and is okay, he thought of this moment a hundred times but when the time came, and he stands in front of her all he wants to do is hug her like there is no tomorrow. She stands there staring back at him as well.
“Chief.” She says standing straight like a soldier would do.
He doesn’t reply and rushes toward her, hugging her tightly, she winces as he puts pressure on her shoulder, but she doesn’t care. She starts sobbing quietly as she hugs him back just as tight.
“Never do that again.” He demands.
She thinks he refers to disobeying him and putting her sibling in danger, but he continues as he pulls her back to look her in the eyes, “never sacrifice yourself again, you are my daughter as much as Dhati is. Never think you’re any different.”
She nods as she sobs, looking at her family as they stand there, looking lovingly at her. One surprise done, another to go.
Teyluk, Akit and Nevan are planning on visiting Niko today. But Dhati and Ori have to do everything to distract them, at least for the plan to work. Nevan and Akit usually visit Niko every couple of days, unlike Teyluk. He visits her every day; he even takes care of Ash. He talks to him, and Ash kind-of likes him now.
As Teyluk is on his way to Niko’s house he sees Dhati coming out of there smiling as she closes the door. which he finds weird, because if it is him walking out after seeing his brother or sister laying there injured, he wouldn’t be smiling. When she turns to leave, she sees him and gets startled.
Teyluk asks curiously, as he tries to look behind her. “Hey, what are you laughing about in there?”
She replies nervously, “Oh, nothing. Just reminiscing about some fun memories me and Niko had.” She pretends to be touched as she dries her imaginary tears.
“Well, if you excuse me. It's my turn now.” he says smiling as he reaches for the doorknob, but Dhati stands between him and the door.
“You can’t visit right now, because …” she trails off not thinking this part through.
“Because of what, I visit her at this time every morning. What’s changed?” he asks, confused by her weird actions.
“Because … because mom is in there cleaning her up. So,
you can’t go in now. Besides, we have someplace to be right now.” She says as she grabs his arm pulling him toward the beach.
As they head to the beach, they find Ori standing there waiting with Akit and Nevan, with their horses.
“What’s going on here?” Teyluk asks as soon as he is let go by Dhati.
“There is someplace we want to take you, more like Niko wanted to.” Ori says as he lowers his gaze sadly, but he shakes his head to shake these feelings away and tells them to get on their horses as Dhati and him get on their serpents.
They proceed to fly above the water as Dhati and Ori lead them. They have been flying for like half an hour and no destination has come in view.
“Where exactly are you taking us?” Akit asks curiously as she squints her eyes because of the blazing sun.
“It should be here by now.” Ori says nervously as he and Dhati wait.
“By now?!! How is the place supposed to show up by now?” Teyluk asks, confused.
They are all looking around for land as they are in the middle of the sea when Nevan notices a black figure coming towards them from afar.
“Does anybody else see that, or am I having a heat stroke?” Nevan asks as he points in the direction behind them.
As something black approaches them quickly. Dhati and Ori exchange smiles and click their tongues. Their serpents raise their wings, creating a tunnel for Ash to fly under and up to the sky. Their horses become startled as they all appear surprised, and Teyluk frowns, believing Ash has gone insane. Then he comes down, and they notice that someone is on his back. Niko is awake and smiling. She still has her shoulder bandaged, and her hair is flowing with the wind, as it is down, unlike how she normally flies. She returns and is flying with them, as they are all amazed that she is awake; she smiles gently at them.
“You didn’t think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?” Niko says, smiling at them as they all have their jaws wide open.
Everyone except for Teyluk, who has this straight face that even the others notice. She thinks, is he unhappy to see her?
“Race to the shore?” Niko cheers, she turns to fly back to land, as the others follow. Only Teyluk stays behind for a bit, until Dhati calls for him and he snaps back to reality, realizing what had just happened. He begins flying back to shore catching up with the others. Now he and Niko are in the lead, while they are flying he notices that she is holding Ash’s harness with one hand, tightly so as not to fall.
They land and when Niko gets off Ash, she adjusts her hair, to see Teyluk landing as well followed by the others. Once his feet touch the sand he runs to Niko taking her in his arms, hugging her tightly, Dhati notices her wince in pain, but Niko raises her hand to stop her from saying anything and even though it hurts she hugs him back, for what feels like too long. Even the others notice, they say nothing, silence between them as they let go and look at each other's eyes, forgetting other people are present. Until Akit clears her throat making Niko’s concentration break to look at them. They come to hug her as well, Teyluk doesn’t let her out of his sight following her with his eyes, as if he closes them she will vanish.
“How are you feeling?” “When did you wake up?” “Does it still hurt?” Questions fly from Nevan and Akit as Niko tries to answer them all.
“Guys, guys. I am fine, it still kind of hurts but I am getting better, okay?” She replies as she chuckles.
“Look, we’re glad you’ve saved everyone and all that, but it’s time someone told you, to take care of yourself.” Teyluk interrupts firmly as he crosses his arms.
“I’m fine, really.” she replies, trying to sound convincing.
“No you’re not, if you don’t start to take care of yourself, think of all of us that care about you and how worried we’ll be.” he adds sternly.
“Agreed.” Akit adds as Nevan nods as well.
“Good point.” Ori adds as well.
“Fine, I will take better care of myself in the future.” She says surrendering.
“Now I need to sit down, or I'm going to faint.” she says as she stumbles forward.
The others quickly reach out to help her gain her balance when she says, “I’m kidding, I'm kidding” as she chuckles.
Dhati slaps her other shoulder angrily, “Not funny.”
“it’s pretty funny to me.” She laughs again as she sits on the sand, the others following her as they hang out, telling her about what happened all week.
They mention Kiro’s name a couple of times, Teyluk notices she frowns when she hears it. When it is time to leave she calls for Teyluk.
“Teyluk, Can I talk to you about something?” She says nervously as he approaches her.
“Yeah, sure.” He replies nervously as well.
“There’s a place I wanted to show you tomorrow, if you’re free.” Niko proposes hoping he will agree.
“Sure, I’ll tell Nevan and Akit to …” He answers nonchalantly about to turn to leave.
She grabs his arm, interrupting him mid-sentence. “Only you.”
“Okay.” He answers surprised, then finally turns to leave.
After he agrees, a sense of anticipation settles in her chest. The place she has in mind is more than just a location; it holds memories, secrets, and the promise of something new. She wonders how he will react when he sees it. Will he appreciate the view, or will he be weirded out? She can't wait to find out.