Im back from the dead - hence the title
No really, I apologize for how ebarrasinly long I have been gone for, life has been pretty busy 🤣
In our school for year 11 and 12, we do it differently to other schools. Instead of doing 6 subjects over the course of 2 years and doing all our exams at the end, we do 3 subjects each year and do the exams at the end of that year. I'm fabulous at explaining this sorry.
Anyway, the point is, I've been super busy completing my first round of hsc exams, and now I'm in year 12 🤣🤭 one of the big kids lol.
Its super weird, it wasn't that long ago that I started highschool and now suddenly I'm in the top class. Weirddddd. Feels like I haven't gotten any older 🤭
Anyways. Who's been thru highschool? Any tips for my last year or things I should do because - YOLO.
We only get the highschool experience once.