Minna opens her eyes to see herself in hospital gown and Dara's head on her hand.
"What happened?"
Everyone in the room is shocked to see Minna woke up.
Doctors came in quickly, even they are surprised.
"I want to take a walk with Dara." Minna said.
"You could, but you need to stay in a wheelchair." The doctor said.
"Don't go, you haven't recovered yet." said her father.
"So you think you are more knowledgeable than the doctors?" said Minna.
Minna eventually got onto a wheelchair and Dara pushed her around Hospital ground, outside the building.
"I have so much not done in my life, my promises to you ain't fulfilled, you still haven't find your dream and we haven't been to The Peak, I don't want to die now."
"You won't, you just wake up from coma, you will recover from this, you will get better!"
"I want too... but I can feel my life slipping away from me."
Dara couldn't hold it in anymore and start crying again.
"At least you are here next to me when I die, that is all I wanted." Minna hesitated for a second, "Can we kiss for one last time?"
Dara initiated it this time, finishing what he started back at Valentine's day and they did french kiss for a few minutes. They went back to the hospital ward eventually.
Ligaya was there too, fidgeting her ring on her hand. Everyone lightens up when Minna came back into the room.
Minna said to her mum, "Thank you, you are a good parent, I am sorry I couldn't talk more with you."
Minna said to Ligaya, "You food is the best! I might just like you a bit more than Dara!"
Finally Minna said to Dara, "They took off my ring, unfortunately I can't finish my promise with you and let you place the ring on my left hand."
Ligaya said, "I don't need this anymore" As she took off her ring and hand it to Dara. Dara placed the ring on Minna's finger and she smiled before she went into sleep again.