Ronald and Crystal were in shock when the planchette moved. Ronny began to tremble but regained his composure as he put his hand over the planchette. "I-I'm glad you answered. What's your name?"
The planchette didn't move momentarily, but when it did, it spelled "N-O N-A-M-E."
"No name, huh? Well, you know my name. Does that mean you have been watching me?"
The object moved again. "Yes. S-O-R-R-Y."
This confused Crystal and Ronny. "Sorry, for what?" asked Ronny.
"Y-O-U H-U-R-T."
Ronny couldn't believe what he was seeing. Whatever was talking to him saw everything between him and his father. This confused the young man, but the ghost felt sorry for him. For the first time, he was moved.
Crystal kept on watching what was happening. Ronny and the ghost were speaking to one another. She noticed how the ghost expressed affection, respect, and care for Ronald. She saw how his father treated him, and his mother was not much help. His siblings loved him but couldn't protect him; he was their protector. Crystal couldn't imagine the pain and pressure Ronald was in. However, Ronald did kill his family. Her heart was beating nervously.
Was this ghost the cause of the tragedy?
Crystal went to Ronald and tried to get his attention in any way. However, her hands would go through. Suddenly, the environment changed, and it quickly went by. She saw how time went by, and Ronald looked to have changed. He used the Ouija board more in his room, and his father became more abusive. Then, the environment stopped when Ronald was in his room; his hair was longer, and he grew a beard. His appearance looked gaunt, as if he was living dead.
Ronald's eyes looked tired as he was looking at the Ouija board. "I'm tired, my friend. My dad is getting worse, and my mom is not helping. My siblings are scared, and I don't know what else to do. The police won't believe me since Dad has made friends with many of them. I want to end all of this."
"Ronald, please don't feel that way," said Crystal. However, she knew it was pointless; he couldn't hear her.
The planchette moved. "I H-E-L-P."
"You can?"
"Y-O-U-R B-O-D-Y. T-A-K-E O-V-E-R."
Crystal and Ronald were stunned. "The ghost wants to possess his body?" Her eyes widened. "No, that can't be!"
Ronald was thoughtful. He wasn't sure if he should let a ghost possess him. He then looked at his reflection in the mirror and noticed how miserable he looked. Ronald was taking the abuse and suffering from his mother and siblings. The young man tried to be strong but couldn't take it anymore. He was tired. "What will you do if I let you possess me?"
"H-E-L-P Y-O-U."
Crystal noticed a dark figure sitting in front of the Ouija board from the corner of her eye. The figure was dark, tall, and slim; she saw the figure smiling. Her eyes became wide open. "No! Ronald, don't do it!"
"Okay, please help me."
The figure's smile became a sadistic smirk, and its form dissolved and went into Ronald's body. Ronald's body began to tremble as a dark fog surrounded him. Suddenly, everything was still; Ronald was not moving. Crystal watched as he slowly moved. He looked at his hands and then in the mirror. "Ah, I finally have control over a body. Though, he's very skinny."
Crystal gasped as she watched everything unfold. To her surprise, she heard a voice that sounded like Ronald's.
"Wow, where am I?"
"You are still part of your body's subconscious. Although, not for long."
"What are you talking about?"
"I needed to get a body out of this wretched place, and you helped me."
Ronald was in shock. "Y-You tricked me!?"
"You let yourself be tricked, human. Although, I will keep my word to you and help you." Then, the ghost went to Ronald's closet and got a rifle.
Crystal gasped in horror. "No! No! Ronald, you have to stop him!" Suddenly, the ghost stilled and slowly turned around, looked in her direction, and smiled. "Y-You can see me?" There was no response. He began to walk out of the room with the rifle in hand. "No! Stop! You can't! Ronald, stop him!"
Ronald was horrified by what he was seeing. The ghost wanted to kill his family, and it was his fault. "No! No! I won't let you!" With so many emotions, Ronald was trying to get control over his body. To the ghost's surprise, it was losing control. "Damn it. I'm not strong enough." It was filled with fury. With all its power and strength, he went to the first room: Ronald's parents. With Ronald's body, he began to shoot.
Crystal screamed in horror as she watched the ghost shooting every single one of the DeFeo family. She could hear Ronald scream in pain and horror as the ghost was using his body to kill his family! "No! No! My family! My family!"
Suddenly, Crystal screamed as she woke up. However, she wasn't alone; Bobby was with her. He gently patted her face. "Crystal, thank go yer okay! You were screaming in your sleep!" The young woman sat up and looked at her environment. She was still in the house but was in her present time. Crystal was breathing heavily and had sweat throughout her body. "What happened to ya? You didn't answer my calls, and it's almost morning."
Crystal was silent for a moment. "Ronald was innocent."
Bobby looked confused.
"I now know the truth. What Ronald said was true; he was possessed."