Avarice meandered through the throngs of people in the streets of the village. He had gone out to get Illya some of her favourite food, hoping that it would help her feel a little better once she woke up. Stopping at a food stall, his eyes scanned the goods on display, when a sudden tap on his shoulder startled him. He threw a glance over his shoulder and caught Gabriel forcing a smile behind him.
"...what are you still doing here? I heard Banshee already left."
"I wanted to give this back. Thought you might need it." Gabriel dropped Avarice's amulet into his hands. Avarice gaped at it for a moment, stunned that he could have misplaced it without even noticing.
"...thanks...so...you're the latest victim huh? You work for Sana?"
Gabriel visibly tensed up. "At the moment, yes."
Avarice sighed, averting his gaze. "Look, take it from someone who's been there and done that, he doesn't have your best interest at heart. I don't know what he promised you but he won't follow through on it. He's only concerned with furthering his own selfish ideals."
Gabriel managed to maintain his forced smile. "What's this? Are you showing concern for the enemy Your Highness?" He chuckled, slightly regretting his joke when Avarice stomped off, upset with his dismissive behaviour. Gabriel reached out and grabbed his arm. "I appreciate your concern, but I don't need it. My situation is what you would call...a family affair. You don't have to bother yourself with the family drama of a stranger."
Avarice quirked an eyebrow. "...fine then. I suppose family drama can make people do stupid things."
Ea and Tah Min arrived just in time to save them from the awkward atmosphere they had created.
"Avarice! We were looking for you! Your mother woke up."
The second Tah Min approached, Gabriel tensed up again. Now seeing her up close, he was able to grasp why she seemed so familiar. All of her features resembled what he knew to be those of the traitor Haan clan. The same clan his own family came from, the same clan that got him in his current predicament. Though he didn't say anything, the sudden surge in bloodlust directed towards the Priestess did not go unnoticed. Ea instinctively stepped in front of her, ushering her and his brother towards the streets.
"Sorry to cut your conversation short, We've got business to attend to."
Again, Gabriel said nothing. He only looked on as Avarice got his food and disappeared with Ea and Tah Min in the crowd.
The trio arrived in Illya's chambers to see the usual group huddled around the bed where Illya sat.
"Mom umm...I brought you some food..." Avarice spoke awkwardly, still not entirely used to being friendly with his mother.
She spared him a brief glance from beneath her hand cradling her forehead. She appeared to be nursing a headache.
"Thank you Avarice." She smiled weakly at him.
Bellany shifted over by her beside, finishing up on examining her vitals. "I knew something like this would happen."
Illya groaned. "Sorry for worrying everyone."
From the looks of it, it seemed as though everyone had been informed of her situation. Avarice perched himself at the foot of her bed, deciding that now was as good a time as any to let her know about his encounter with Gabriel in the Nightless City.
Illya pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Tekina was the one that ended up taking the words out of her mouth. "That must be why Sana didn't join the hunt for the city...because he already had control over it.
When Illya lowered her hand the full force of her gaze from upon everyone in the room. "Call the troops back from the base out in the grasslands. They're too close to enemy territory now."
Seibel who was standing at the door left to relay Illya's orders to Wild. Illya glanced down next to her and played with Callisto's hair to calm down. He was absolutely exhausted and knocked out beside her whilst waiting for her to wake up, so she decided to let him sleep.
Tah Min fiddled with her fingers as she approached Illya. "So...um...will you be okay?"
Illya shrugged. "I'll have to figure something out won't I..." Illya trailed off.
Sin had told her the gist of what had happened in the hunting grounds and all she wanted to do was hop out of bed and run to Ri-is, but she knew better than to do that. If her son was anything like her, then the last thing he would want right now was someone in his ear about how "everything will be alright" when it sure as hell didn't feel like it would. She looked down at her arms. The markings had covered almost her entire body. Every so often she could swear she saw the veiny tendrils grow a little longer.
"I know what will fix this, but it won't be easily obtained. This isn't the first time Sana has brought trouble to our doorstep and hoped for it to be dismissed. We're going to have to get rid of this thorn at our sides once and for all."
Sin raised his head and blurted out the first words that came to mind. "What! But ho-"
Illya raised a finger to her lips, shushing him as she pointed towards her sleeping consort.
"Give me some time. I'll come up with something," she whispered. Although, the look in here eye told him that she already seemed to be set on a course of action.
Tekina and Bellany glanced at each other and with a sigh and shuffled to the foot of the bed. "We'll help you come up with something. This isn't the first time you've been bedridden and eager to rush into battle. Think about your well being a little more!" Tekina scolded her.
Illya watched as they chastised her. She supposed it was the mom in them lashing out at her for her rashness and couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed as though the couldn't catch a break, because despite the atmosphere finally lightening somewhat the distinct thud of an arrow nearly hitting its mark drew their attention to the window behind Illya's bed. Callisto had jolted awake and yanked Illya down on instinct. Everyone was still and silent as if the slightest movement could trigger another shot. No one dared to move until Tobi, who was outside listening, dropped down from the window and peered around the premises.
There was no trace of an intruder at all. Nothing but a piece of paper wrapped tightly around an arrow lying on the ground. He picked it up, examining it thoroughly before climbing through the window and into Illya's chambers.
"This is what made the sound."
Callisto took the arrow from Tobi and unwrapped the piece of paper on it. He briefly scanned the contents of the note, eyes widening as he did so. He glanced back at Tah Min, handing the paper over to Illya who was still sunken into the bed. Illya read it and her already pale complexion seemed to drain itself of what little colour was left in it.
"...why didn't I see it before!" She mumbled to herself. "Tah Min, who is your father?"
Tah Min raised an eyebrow, shifting awkwardly on her feet as she felt a little embarrassed being put on the spot all of a sudden.
"Qishan Xaioqiang," She responded obediently.
Illya sighed. "Qishan...great."
"What does the note say?" Asked Ea.
Illya glanced back down at the note with a grimace. "Someone's singled Tah Min out as a Haan descendant of the Qishan clan...she's got a death threat. The rest of the clan was wiped out but someone's recognized her as the last remaining member of the traitor clan..."Illya trailed off, gaze drifting over to Tah Min. Fathomless eyes fixed upon her and under the pressure of her gaze, Tah Min instinctively sunk back beside Ea. "We have to get her out of Solaria," said Illya.
Ea frowned. "What? Why? Wouldn't she be the safest here?"
Illya shook her head. "You weren't born yet when the Qishan slaughters took place. It was bloody and the prejudice against them was strong. Whoever sent this means to exterminate the remainder of the clan. Whoever they are, they must have come to the event today. If they're going to assassinate her, they're going to do it when she's alone. Even if we assigned more guards to her now, there's a chance they'll plant a mole in the new guard squad. The best option is for her to leave tonight and go back to the summer isle. The summer isle is closed off to outsiders and she'll be surrounded by people who's identities won't need questioning so she'll be safe, after all, she was able to hide there for years without anyone finding her."
Sin took a peek over his shoulder just in time to see Ea biting his lip, glancing down in disappointment. Sin sighed and turned back to his mother. "Mom...why don't we send Ea with her? At least for the journey there. She'll be vulnerable while she's travelling back there won't she?"
Both Ea and Illya's heads whipped towards Sin. Illya's face contorted in a mix of worry and displeasure while Ea's beamed with hope. Illya's eyes fell upon her son and she found herself unable to refuse Sin's proposal.
"Fine...but get her there quickly and get back home quickly...you could end up getting in just as much trouble for defending someone from the Qishan clan and believe me, I know. In the meantime, we should have someone investigate who sent the note."
Ea breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright! I will. Thank you mother!"
Illya offered Tah Min a short apology as she bid them farewell. Tobi left with her guards to survey the palace grounds one last time while everyone else began to wind down for the night.