The Harem of the Court had been managed alternately by Princess Meihua and Emperor Mio Shin for three months. In which Princess Meihua must put on a fake mask and dress up as her twin brother in order to pass as her twin, and Emperor Mio Shin must cover his white hair in public, particularly in the Palace Court where he must meet with Ministers and deal with their reports and problems both inside and outside the Palace.
In the past three months, everything has runs smoothly according to their plan, and now Emperor Mio Shin announced to have an urgent meeting inside the Harem of the Court therefore, all his Concubines and Consort needed to be gathered inside the Harem
Inside the Harem of the Court
"Greetings, Emperor Mio Shin! Greetings, Empress Dowager!" all of his Concubines and Consort greeted in unison, including Mu Zhongwei and Crown Princess Lei Nian Zhen, who each earned a new title after Mio Shin took the Emperor's throne. In which Mu Zhongwei/Lei Xharmynt was given the title of 淑媛 shū yuàn (Lady of Pure Beauty) and Lei Nian Zhen was given the title of 貴妃 gui fēi (Honoured Consort)
"Please rise!"
"谢 xiè, 陛下 bǐ xià!"
"I'm here to inform you that as of today, you have a chosen Empress; if you're wondering who she is, you'll find out soon; for now, her identity will remain a secret. And I chose her as my Empress because she's bearing my dragon heir, and that's all for today; the rest of you can now return to your respective tasks except for you, 禦女 yù nǚ (Lady of His Majesty / Secondary Concubine) Shu Lin Mei, escort me to my chamber 禦女 yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei"
"是 shì (yes), 陛下 bǐ xià"
After the Emperor bid his goodbye to the Empress Dowager, he immediately stand up and 禦女 yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei carefully escorted the Emperor back into his chamber, while his Concubine Shu Lin Mei and Emperor Mio Shin passed in their aisle, Lei Nian Zhen surreptitiously rolled her eyes and smirked, as though she already had an evil plot in her mind.
'Huh! Shu Lin Mei, how dare you acquire his favor when it was meant to be mine! I should be the one to escort him back to his chamber, since I am his first wife! Prepare yourself, Concubine Shu Lin Mei! I'm going to make sure you regret getting his favor today. *smirk*'
'I hope I won't regret my decision for choosing her as our Empress, My Shin'
Inside the chamber of the Emperor
"*gasp!* 陛下 b-bǐ xià.. h-how come?"
"Ssshhh... Lowered down your voice for they might heard us. By the way, meet my younger twin sister Princess Meihua"
"G-greetings Your Highness Meihua"
"Greetings to you 禦女 yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei"
"We've been discreetly alternating each other and both managing the Harem for the past three months, and the reason we're alternating each other is because... *sigh* 貴妃 gui fēi Nian Zhen put me under a curse that turns my hair white."
"*gasp!* 皇上 h-huáng shang (Your Majesty) 为什么 w-wèishénme? (why?; for what reason?) I-i-is their anything terrible that 禦女 y-yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei did for the last three months t-that 皇上 h-huáng shang wants her to punish now by revealing their secrets in front of her?"
"Ssshhh... stand up, 禦女 yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei, you haven't done anything bad for the past three months based on our observation, but... the main reason I'm telling you this is because I wanted to consummate our wedding and bear me a dragon heir, and you can't bear a dragon heir if you consummate it with my twin because she's a girl. And based on your facial expressions.. the answer is yes, I want you to be My Empress 禦女 yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei"
"We're back!" exclaimed both Lei Rouxi and Mu Zhongwei as they entered his chamber.
"G-greetings, 貴妃 g-gui fēi Lei Nian Zhen! G-greetings, 淑媛 shū yuàn Mu Zhongwei!"
"*sigh* stand up 禦女 yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei"
"I want you to meet my childhood lover Lei Xharmynt, also known as Mu Zhongwei, who was arsoned by her older sister Lei Nian Zhen but luckily their father saved her and Lei Nian Zhen doesn't know it, 所以 suŏyĭ she has to wear a fake mask to protect herself and me from keeping her secret to everyone, and this is Lei Rouxi, Lei Nian Zhen's younger twin sister, although they have the same face and same voice but between the two, Lei Nian Zhen is the evil... and the reason for revealing this to you is because, we've all decided to make you as My Empress... and w-we hope that you will a-also cooperate to us"
"But 皇上 h-huáng shang, 禦女 y-yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei is not yet r-ready to become a mother, and I-i-i'm frightened that 貴妃 g-gui fēi Nian Zhen will harm me once she learns that I-i-i am your chosen Empress, 皇上 h-huáng shang"
"As for that, we're here to defend you, and she can't hurt you now that you're My Empress."
"B-but... y-you've already stated that your Empress is a-already bearing your successor and me I-i-i..."
"Aiyaah! Silly 禦女 yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei! The reason why I said those words is because we want her to be alarmed that she will never get the throne of becoming My Empress, because even though she's my first wife we haven't consummated yet our wedding day, 所以 suŏyĭ she can never be pregnant with me and pretend to be my chosen Empress, okay?"
"B-but... I-i-i'm concerned that 禦女 y-yù nǚ Shu Lin Mei c-cannot be blessed by the heavens to b-bear his dragon heir, and w-what if she can't pl-pleasure the E-emperor in front of her?"
"Aiyaah! Don't worry about that, My Empress Lin Mei, I'll show you how to do it and I'll be gentle with you."
"*sniff* *sniff* 皇上 h-huáng shang 对不起 d-duì bù qǐ, 对不起 d-duì bù qǐ 皇上 h-huáng shang, 对不起 d-duì bù qǐ"
"Ssshhh... Ssshhh... O-okay, I-i-i got it.. J-just approach me whenever you're ready to consummate our wedding day and bear my dragon heir."
"*sniff* *sniff* I-i-i got it 皇上 h-huáng shang L-lin Mei pr-promise herself in front of you to g-give you what you want and w-what you need o-once s-she's already ready 皇上 h-huáng shang, h-hope y-you understand her 皇上 h-huáng shang"
"谢谢 xièxie ni Lin Mei, 谢谢 xièxie ni.. I'll be waiting for you... My Empress"