The guards surged into the room, their heavy footfalls echoing through the palace. Reef and Splash exchanged a quick glance, knowing they had no time to lose.
"Nimbus, now!" Coral shouted.
Nimbus shifted into a large, billowing cloud, enveloping the room in a thick mist. The guards stumbled, disoriented by the sudden fog.
"Go, go, go!" Moss urged, guiding Tiny Wings towards the exit.
Splash used his agility to maneuver around the confused guards, knocking over vases and creating more chaos to slow them down. Cole, despite his clumsiness, managed to trip a few guards, adding to the mayhem.
As the group raced down the corridors, Coral led them through a series of hidden passages that bypassed the main halls. They could hear Solara's angry shouts growing fainter behind them.
"We're almost there," Coral said, his voice strained with urgency. "Just a bit further!"
They burst through a final door and found themselves back in the main hall, where the remaining guards were still distracted by the earlier commotion.
"There's the exit!" Splash pointed to the grand gates that loomed ahead.
Just as they reached the gates, Solara appeared again, her eyes blazing with fury. "You won't escape me this time, Coral!" she bellowed.
Nimbus reappeared, blocking Solara's path with another thick cloud. "Go, I'll hold her off as long as I can," he urged.
The group didn't need to be told twice. They sprinted through the gates and out into the open desert, the hot sand beneath their feet feeling like a welcome change from the cold, dark dungeon.
As they ran, Shadow looked back and saw Solara breaking through Nimbus's cloud, her rage visible. "We need to keep moving!" he shouted.
They pushed themselves to their limits, running until they reached the dragon-head-shaped dune that marked their path. Beyond it, they could see the safety of the coastline.
"We made it!" Frostbite cried, his wings beating furiously as they neared the water.
They dove into the ocean, their bodies relaxing as the cool water enveloped them. Elanor, Cole, and Tiny Wings climbed onto one of the dragons' backs. They swam as fast as they could, putting as much distance as possible between themselves and Solara's palace.
"We did it," Coral said, his voice filled with a mix of triumph and exhaustion. "We really did it."
Reef and Splash exchanged a look of shared accomplishment. "Now we just need to find the Crimson Fang leader and get the Dragon's Heart back," Reef said.
Tiny Wings raised a claw. "First, I have a question. What was that 'I missed you too honey' all about back there?"
The others looked at each other and started talking over each other, trying to explain.
Coral raised a claw to calm everyone down. "Let me explain," he said, looking directly at Tiny Wings. "I... I'm your father."
Tiny Wings blinked in surprise. "My father? But you were always just Coral, my friend. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because, despite the hate I get from your mother and her hunger for power over Draconia, I wanted to protect you from the dangers I faced," Coral said. "And she thought it would be easier for you if you didn't have to worry about me."
Tiny Wings was silent for a moment, then she stepped forward and hugged Coral tightly. "Well...I...I'm glad you're my father," she whispered.
Coral's eyes softened as he hugged her back. "I'm glad too, Tiny."
The others watched the touching moment in silence, feeling a sense of warmth and unity.
Reef cleared his throat. "Well isn't this a heartwarming moment? But anyways, we have places to go, leaders to defeat...uh, yeah."
Frostbite nodded. "We'll get the Dragon's Heart back and stop the Crimson Fang leader."
The group set off, their spirits bolstered by their newfound camaraderie. As they swam through the ocean, they discussed their plan to reclaim the Dragon's Heart.
"We need to find out where the Crimson Fang leader is hiding," Moss said. "And we need to be careful. She's powerful."
Splash nodded. "We'll be ready. We've come this far, and we won't give up now."
"Alright," Reef said, glancing at their map. "The Crimson Fang dragons live in deep, eerie caves. Should be fun, right?"
"Yeah, nothing says 'welcome' like a cave full of bones and corpses," Splash added, trying to sound upbeat.
Coral led the way, his knowledge of the area proving invaluable. As they trekked through the desolate landscape, they noticed strange, twisted trees and rock formations that looked like they belonged in a nightmare.
"So, this is what nightmares look like in the daytime," Reef remarked, trying to lighten the mood. "Nice to know."
Elanor spotted something ahead. "Look, there's a cave entrance. But it looks... well, a bit ominous."
"Great," Moss said. "Just what we need. More creepy caves."
The group approached the entrance cautiously, where they were greeted by the unmistakable smell of damp earth and something vaguely unpleasant. Cole wrinkled his nose. "I didn't think it was possible, but this place smells worse than the fish market."
Elanor chuckled. "If you think this is bad, wait until we're actually inside."
As they ventured deeper into the cave, the air grew colder and the darkness more oppressive. Bones littered the ground, and eerie echoes filled the cavern.
"Hey, remember that time we said we'd never visit a bone-filled cave?" Splash whispered.
"Yeah, I remember. We should have taken our own advice," Reef replied, his voice low.
Just then, a loud clattering noise echoed through the cave. The group froze, their eyes wide. "What was that?" Shadow hissed.
"Probably just a... uh... a really big rat... uh, yeah," Cole suggested, trying to sound casual but failing.
The group continued cautiously, weaving around piles of bones and dark, ominous corners. Splash tried to keep spirits high. "At least the scenery is unique. I mean, where else can you see a bone chandelier?"
The others managed weak smiles in response, though the sight of actual bones hanging from the cave ceiling was unnerving. They kept moving until they reached a large chamber, where they could hear muffled voices.
"That sounds like it could be our Crimson Fang leader," Moss said, her eyes scanning the shadows.
Reef nodded. "We need to be careful. This place is probably crawling with Crimson Fang guards."
They quietly approached the source of the voices and saw the Crimson Fang leader speaking with several of her subordinates. The sight of the gruesome setting made it clear they had to act quickly.
"Okay, let's figure out a plan," Coral said, his eyes shifting between the Crimson Fang dragons and the dark passages. "We need a distraction. Splash, you're good at making noise."
Splash looked around, spotting an old, empty skeleton. "Got it. Time for my bone-shaking routine."
"Wait...where's Aurora?" Shadow asked.