Operation T O B R U K
What: General advance across the main line of resistance, overwhelm enemy forces with concentrated attacks on key points in the enemy lines. Main objective is to further the MLR and capture vital points such as:
Brenson Airbase – Main enemy air force projection center.
Hill 377, ‘Waypoint White’ – vital high ground in a predominantly flat area.
The town of Sohar – suspected headquarters Arcturian 34th Planetary Army (Ghalzar IV), operational nerve center.
Deporte Mines – both strategic (natural resources) and tactical value.
Where: Ghalzar IV Main Line of Resistance.
When: Pre-emptive strike begins 0030 Hours 28 May 2199 by Task Force Hector (Consisting of 57 Commando Brigade and Stahlven 35th Brigade). General advance at 0100. All objectives are scheduled to be reached by 0000 Hours 29 May 2199 as resistance is expected to be heavy.
Why: End the stalemate by capturing strategic objectives crucial to victory within Ghalzar IV Ground Theatre.
Who: 8th Planetary Army of the Lazarus Alliance consisting of forces from the Stahlven Army and Navy, along with the Royal Navy and Hrasvleg Army.
How: A coordinated advance combining infantry, armor, artillery, and air assaults on enemy position with conventional armor and AFU units as the spearhead of the operation. Complete encirclement of the enemy force by utilizing higher concentrations of armored forces on the flanks with Waypoint White as a dynamic pivot in the middle
From: O.C. 57 Commando Brigade
Desp. 2401/05/2199
C in C Ghalzar IV Theater Operational Command
C in C Ghalzar IV Theater Ground Forces Command
G.O.C Lazarus Alliance 8th Army
G.O.C Lazarus Alliance X Corps
G.O.C Lazarus Alliance XIV Corps
G.O.C Lazarus Alliance XV Corps
G.O.C Lazarus Alliance AFU Command Ghalzar IV
O.C. 48th Sectoral Flotilla RN
To be forwarded designated personnel involved
From Brigadier Rosenthal to corresponding recipient(s) EYES ONLY.
All units in position to execute. Operation TOBRUK to be conducted as planned. Standing by for final orders if no other information received op will begin at 0030 Hours. GODSPEED.