As the neko went on with his day, the King would follow, hidden. He waited for the neko to be alone before showing himself, walking out of the shadows, and when he did, he make a pitch-black forcefield with the wave of his hand. "Now, let's get to the point. I know what you are capable of, and I know you are far from normal, so I have a deal to propose; You work for me, and you don't have to worry about your life. You will work for me, and I will provide shelter, food, and those common necessities. Sound like a fair deal?" Renegade weighed out his options, he could accept the deal, he could run off, or he could fight... So he should probably accept the deal, for it's his safest option. "Deal..." he says, and puts his hand out to shake it. The King shook his hand, and the deal was sealed; Renegade was officially a Bad Sans... even though he isn't a Sans of any sort. Then again, he was rather scrawny for a neko his height, therefore an easy target, even though most just left him alone, he does get jumped occasionally... Either way, he has a stable job now, even if it's not what most would have in mind. But anyway, there was no turning back.
Once the King brought Renegade to his palace, he finally had a chance to meet the Bad Sanses in person, and it was a bit weird, after all, this was a neko we were talking about with the Multiverse's four greatest killers. "Wow... I never thought you had it in you to do this, Gade." Cat would say in Renegade's mind, and Cat would start to look around the place. Renegade was keeping quiet as the King introduced him to his new coworkers and potential friends. "Didn't think you would bring in a neko of sorts, Boss. Isn't this one also kinda... I dunno, weak or some shit?" The one with its hood up said, otherwise known as Dust. "Dust is right, isn't this one a bit scrawny to be able to fight, let alone be with us?" Killer would say, looking at Renegade with true interest. It seemed like this would be a long first day...