I stand outside their cage, giving them fresh bits of hay to nip at. "Here you go, boys." I tell them as I kneel down to be closer to their level. Their deep eyes stare at me as their heads bob around, looking for food.
"Thank you, hooman." I hear something say. I look around, confused. I give one of them, Cookie, another piece. "Thank you, hooman." I hear it again. I frown. "Cookie? Is that you?"
"Yes." I hear a response. My eyes widen. "Cookie?! You can talk?!"
"We both can." I hear Peanut say. "Wow." It was all I can say. My mind starts to race about every aspect of the situation I could think of. I even think back to that crappy movie G-force I saw. Maybe they're part of G-Force.
"A-am I a good parent?" I ask. "No. Not enough food." Cookie immediately responds. I laugh. "Do I clean the cage enough?"
"We want food. I smell it nearby, hooman." Cookie insists. I give him a bit more pellets. "W-why haven't you talked yet?"
"We didn't know if you would give us food if we talked."
"And you hear everything I say? Even all the weird stuff?" I ask, worrying about all the strange things I've said in their presense. "Yes. But we don't care. We only want food." I frown.
"You're serious..." I say, sighing. Why did I expect them to say anything different than what they would already tell me without words?
"Don't be sad. We love you and food." I smile. "Thanks. I really wouldn't know what I would do without you guys."
Suddenly, Cookie and Peanut ran into their hideys. My eyes widen. Why would they do that?
"Hooman, look out! They're coming for you know that you know we speak." I look around, but see nothing. "Do all animals speak?" I ask them, but no one responds. Suddenly, I hear the door open, and I knew I had heard too much.