They sat around the table and watched her, studied every move she made and listened very carefully to what she had to say about her research and what effect it would have on the way they thought of High-Waves. She promised that there was a chance breakthrough if they focused on the origins of the waves and some ways to potentially harness the energy the waves produced. But what she didn't bring up was the video that was sent to her PDA, she didn't want them to jump to any conclusions other than this would be a great opportunity. In between breaths Tori eyed each executive on theirs, and looking down at their name tags she got their names. Five in all, not counting August, two on the left side of the table, and three on the right. The three on the right were: Emrit Tiel, Deborah Levlie, and Atherford Teach. The two on the left were: Katiline Paint and Liliana Blake. These members of the board were responsible for the funding of T.D.S.(Trans-Dimensional Studies) and Tori had to impress at least three of them.
When they had first greeted her at the beginning of the meeting she could barely think straight and her voice quacked with pent up nerves, and she had to backtrack some of her explanations for her need for funding. They all stared at her with all their attention and curiosity, stopping her every now and again as she tried to explain her thoughts on her own studies.
"I've been studying the waves for three years," she explained to the board, "and I've noticed atoms and neutrons acting curiously with each heartbeat of the waves."
"Heartbeat? You think these High-Waves are a lifeform?" Ms. Blake asked. She wore a fashion of robes popular from her homeworld Castanda, which were pink and yellow floral blooms designed in swirls in almost a hypnotic way. Her light orange hair, though, was quite long and pulled back in a light ponytail with a dark green lace.
"Um, no." Tori answered with a quick shake of her head. "But I do know they are emitting some sort of energy that our instruments could just barely detect."
"And you think you can harvest this energy?" Ms. Blake went on. "What kind of energy did your instruments detect? Exactly what are your expectations or plans if this doesn't pan out as you like?"
"Perhaps we should listen further to the history of your finding these waves once more," Mr. Tiel chimed in, "I don't think I quite get what you mean by ancient particles leading you..."
Mr. Tiel wore a plain black and white suit, in the fashion of the locals of Atara, except for the dark brown tie. Despite his slight amphibian appearance hinting at his heritage from the aquatic world of Móruisce III, one would assume he was raised by the locals of Atara.
Tori glanced over Mr. Tiel, hopefully giving him thank you eyes. "What I mean by ancient particles leading to the finding of these waves by the radiation they emit. We measured the distances that were affected by said radiation, which was no more than the size of or lesser to than that of an atom-"
"Smaller than an atom?" Mr. Teach asked, now intrigued. "Are you certain?"
Tori nodded yes. "But I think that is mostly because they appear to have a brief moment of detection, which only ever occurs near the emission of High-Waves."
The board members turned to each other and whispered amongst themselves for a moment before board member Deborah Levlie turned to her. Tori couldn't help but take a moment to admire how deep her sapphire eyes were; the people from her homeworld Vedlori -her people had ash colored skin- all had really blue eyes, which got darker the older they were. In the custom of Vedlori Ms. Levlie wore a plain dress of dark earthy colors, her hair the color acevera tree bark, with a sheen of red.
When she spoke her voice was soft and warm. "This is truly curious, Ms. Grey. How long have you been studying these High-Waves?"
"Three years next week," answered Tori. "I was aware of their existence when our instruments detected faint radiation emitting nanoseconds before and after the High-Waves appear."
"And where have these High-Waves been detected?"
Tori was silent for a few moments and swept her eyes around the room before answering in a hushed voice.
"Near the Wall. . ."
The room went quiet after that, four of the board members looked at one another in silent conversation amongst themselves, and all of them looked worried and agitated by the news she gave them; if his brows weren't bushy brows Mr. Tiel would like he was smiling, but his brows proved otherwise. The only one that didn't seem all that bothered was board member Atherford Teach, who was content to lean back in his seat with his large hands cupped on the table and calmly looking up at the ceiling.
Mr. Teach's homeworld was in the Ainmhí system, on the fourth planet of the system called Sabhaois Prime, where most of the inhabitants were large anthropomorphic tribes dotted across vast savannah and heavily forested continents. Atherford himself didn't look a lot like any animal Tori has ever seen, but the man stood seven feet tall when standing. His eyes were blue with specks of amber, and his fur was a tan color with a massive red mane. Atherford Teach was huge in build and his suit sleeves looked too tight around his biceps. But the most impressive detail about home was how deep his voice was, almost guttural and growling than speaking.
"Nothing can be done now that she knows," said Atherford as he glanced around at his friends. "Ms. Grey has shown enough dedication in her field to earn even my own curiosity that I wish to hear more."
The other members looked at Atherford, and then back to Tori who was waiting patiently for her turn to start talking again; when she glanced over at August she noticed he was trying to hide his amusement at her nervousness by looking at the table with unblinking eyes.
"However today Ms. Grey you are to admit to the board any and all activities you researched at the Wall." Atherford clasped his hands together. "Leave no detail unsaid."
Tori gave a small nod and turned around to gather her thoughts, her nerves on high alert that she may skip up and fail this meeting and only getting embarrassed as she left. Or perhaps, at the mention of the Wall, they may fire her on the spot. Just to make things worse her PDA began to buzz in her pants pocket. She pulled it out and went to shut it off when she saw the title head. Then she saw August lean in his seat in interest when she mentioned having been to the Wall and studied the events happening so close by!
"Something wrong?" Mr. Teach asked with slight concern in his voice.
The message on her device said it was urgent and that it was to be read asap! Tori spun around and took a deep breath, doing her best to ignore the device buzzing in her pants pocket.
"It was three years ago next week that space debris made contact with one of our satellites near the Corvarrick system, which made its guiding systems go haywire and drift off towards the Wall. Since I had helped with the programming I was charged with repairing the damaged satellite. Me and two others took a shuttle and went after the rogue satellite. After three weeks we were able to slow the satellite down enough to where we could guide it to a full stop."
Tori took in a large breath before continuing. "Joshua Keens was in charge of piloting the shuttle as Riley Danst and myself space-walked over to the satellite to service the machine. When we opened the maintenance hatch we saw that a faint signal of bursts of energy nearby, like heartbeats in the quiet of space."
Tori closed her eyes and thought back on that day and tried her best to remember every detail leading to them discovering High-Waves and the ancient particles that came along with each beat. She could remember hearing her own heart beat loud in her ears as it quickened as she thought of some new kind of adventure looking at her straight in the face. She remembered the excited gasp Riley let out.
"The satellite was designed to travel across the Bohenan Expanse and give accurate measures of the gama radiation coming from the Bohenan Cluster." Tori waited for more hushed whispers to calm. "The Bohenan Cluster is at the top of the Expanse, hundreds of stars-"
"We know what the Cluster is," Ms. Blake interrupted. "We don't need a complete history of it. Just get to the point, Ms. Grey. Location of and when you discovered the High-Waves."
Tori gave a small nod and hurried her thoughts. "We made copies of the data and took them back to the shuttle, where Joshua was waiting for us. We studied the data over more thoroughly, leaving no doubt as to what we were seeing was fact and some sort of malfunctioning data. But now we are certain that the High-Waves are significant and we should study them."
The board members was silent, probably expecting more from her. But when it was clear that Tori had finished they turned and discussed amongst themselves. Only August got from his seat after a moment and stood at her side, giving her a reassuring smile. He really was her best friend. The two of them stood in silence and watched as the board members hastily spoke in hushed whispers l, except for Atherford, whose voice could still be heard over the others easily. But when he did chime in Tori and August pretended to be in conversation.
"So you've been to the Bohenan Cluster," he said during one such time when Mr. Teach was speaking.
"We've actually been farther than that," she said in a whisper. "But we were stopped by patrolling Catalyst guards. They redirected once they discovered our shuttle connected to the floating wreckage of the satellite."
"I wonder what the Order was doing all the way over there," said August as he crossed his arms. "They've been real busy lately sending drones to far off fronts. The other day a whole battalion was ordered to Fort Espian to strengthen its defensive forces, and another to Dunevah for the same excuse. More rumor still is that there is a third fleet to leave for Staryy-domhan in a week."
"How do you know all this," asked Tori with a raised brow, leaning closer to better hear.
"I've developed several surveillance systems amongst other things for some factions from the Order a month ago, they don't pay a lot. But when they do it's usually with information that they can neither confirm or deny. I also know that over on Chorus the Prime Minister of Elugise is having a party in the capitol city Elesyum, and an invitation has been sent to most of the Qizmon board."
Tori looked back over at the board members. "But these five stayed back?"
August sighed. "Which either means they don't like huge public events. Or they knew came across some sort of secret and they want to know how much you know."
"I don't know anything about the Wall, if that's what you're getting at." Tori hurriedly said. "I only know about it when the Catalyst Order hauled us away from the area after destroying what was left of the satellite. Luckily we had the data backed up."
Before he could say anything after the board members all stopped whispering, Atherford cleared his throat and sipped on some water. The big man then drew in a breath and spoke.
"Before anything is determined we should like to let you know, Ms. Grey, that the knowledge the board had taken your proposal into serious thought, knowing that someone as young as you happening across the Wall is no small feat; the knowledge of the Wall is limited to a very few people. That being said, knowing about it makes no has no part in our decision making."
The room was silent as Tori stood in front of them just as the whole room remained quiet.
"You will get your funding," said Katiline Paint, the first time hearing her voice directed to her made Tori's heart flutter with nervousness. "under some few minor stipulations: that you and your two shuttle mates come work with us at our foundation."
Katiline Paint was a Philossian, from Philoss II. Out of all the board members here she held more standing, and her vote would have condemned Tori's research right on the spot. Her people hardly left the homeworld, unless it was some sort of huge ceremony or a day at Parliament. Her skin was sky blue, her eyes an assortment of colors when in different lightings. Though her voice was soft like a gentle parent, the woman was a mighty opponent in the academic scene. At first Tori didn't know whether she should be ecstatic to get an opinion from Ms. Paint. Or be intimidated by her; besides Atherford's big build and demeanor, Katiline Paint was a force not to be forgotten about.
"Where are you two friends now." Mr Tiel asked as he pulled out a PDA and skimmed through his contacts. "They ought to be here when the job is properly declared."
Tori shook her head. "Um, likely back at base Gallalalope near the Corvarrick system."
Mr. Tiel started typing on his device to whomever after he got the information from her. The rest of the board members started in lighter conversations, as if Tori wasn't standing there in front of them looking all kinds of nervous, and looking ready to bolt out the door at the first sign of anymore stress. August walked back to his seat to wait. A minute later a video screen popped on behind her with the faces of Joshua and Riley, both seemed to have been deep in their research to notice right away that they continued to work a few moments before they realized someone was contacting them.
"Hello? Tori?" Riley asked as she leaned in to get a better look. "Is everything alright?"
Tori waves at her friends and mentioned over to the Qizmon board. Both sets of eyes flashed over to the board members and then back at their friend. Ms. Blake was the one greeted them with the pleasantries. Tori watched as both her friends told their story, having all three point of views made it easier to fill in the gaps that she had forgotten to say. Besides own personal beliefs and thoughts they told the same story like Tori.
"We would like to hire all three of you to work out our foundation." Ms. Levlie said as she stood and walked over to the large video screen. "Where you'll have near unlimited funding, space to work, and some eager to learn lab assistants."
Joshua pumped his arm in victory and reaches over to hug Riley, who herself could not help but to whoop in her own excitement at the sudden job offer. But Tori remained silent and calm with a smile and listened to her friends on the monitor cheer at their good luck. After a minute of the two cheering and saying thank yous one of the board cleared their throat to gain the room's attention; all eyes turned to Ms. Levlie, who was making her way back to her seat, and when she sat she looked at Tori. There was something in those that told her she would be wasting her time trying to befriend this woman.
"There are a few things we must go over before you actually start," she said. "First thing. This job offer was made in secret, made on a whim to ensure that the knowledge of the Wall is kept hidden as it has been since it's discovery a thousand years ago." She turned her full attention on Tori. "Any and all data you have collected will be the property of the foundation, and all copies will be wiped from every device that has the data. Anything you discover from henceforth will be given directly to us, the board."
Then she turned back to the monitor. "Gather your gear and go to the Var-hanan station, where we will all meet in two days time."
"Furthermore," said Mr. Teach, "you will be sworn to secrecy. Breaking the vow of secrecy will result in dire situations that may cause people their lives. It is better to keep such knowledge hidden, lest it make others gather in an uproar of fear. We cannot allow fear to cloud our minds and cause our judgements tainted by fear alone."
Tori stood in silence, her eyes darting to August for support. Her friend seemed surprised at the job offer but seemed happy about it. In her head a thought was forming in the back head. She'd wait until after the meeting with the board members to ask her questions; though she felt like she would not like the answer he'd give her. She had a feeling that even though she had successfully got approved for the funding. But it didn't feel like she had gotten it by her dedication to the work, rather it felt more as she had stumbled upon something she wasn't supposed to and to keep her quiet she and her companions were offered the position.
A frown formed on her face as she glared at the carpeted floor of the office. She wondered if Aunt Ashbrie was having anymore fun than she's having at the moment. She was deep in thought when she heard someone clear their throat again for her attention. When she looked up Atherford Teach was standing in front of her, his mass towering over her like a tree covering a sapling. This close up it was hard for her to crank her neck to look him in the eyes, she took a step back gave the board member a polite smile.
"As you are the only one of your team here at this moment a special offer will be granted to you at the end of the initiations." The man looked over his shoulder at his companions. "But first you must know of the history of the foundation."
Atherford stepped aside and motioned for her to follow the board members through the Qizmon Institute. August was walking beside her matching her every step, giving her an encouraging smile. Soon she found they had led her to the garage and to a personal airship waiting.
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"From this moment forward," said Katiline Paint, "You work for the foundation."